GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well if she is 400 that would mean she could have lived in Valyria before the Doom.
Possibly. It wouldn't surprise me if she was basically a dumpster tier mage or apprentice in Valyria, but learned just enough/stole the right items to help her survive until the present day.


Millie's Staff Member
My take on that: In the books, Stannis looks drained a lot. We assume it was because of the shadow baby, but I'm thinking it is because she is stealing life force in order to bolster/renew her own. There were some cultures (especially in the East, like Ancient China), who thought that the act of orgasm would sap the life energy from whoever did it and deliver it into the other partner. So my guess is she is a "sex vampire", for all intents and purposes. The hot witch appearance would be beneficial to that end.

Now in the book, we learn that Thoros -gives- energy and this can even be transferred by the recipient of the energy into another person. Thoros didn't even know he could do it, he just really didn't want to lose his friend. It could just be that Mel has never really given anything, she just takes and doesn't really love anything except the idea of finding Azor Ahai. I think that eventually she will realize that Jon is Azor Ahai and she will finally be willing to give life energy to res him.
we know she is using some kind of energy vampirism, bu if she has been working her magic for 400 years you would think that mel has an understanding of everything in her skillset. perhaps mel doesnt rez JS at all and takes jon's corpse to thoros so he can rez him?


privileged excrementlord
I didn't even think about Trystane being all calm as if he didn't know Myrcella was dead. I'm glad they're cleaning up Dorne but shit, they could make it less retarded.


FPS noob
Possibly. It wouldn't surprise me if she was basically a dumpster tier mage or apprentice in Valyria, but learned just enough/stole the right items to help her survive until the present day.
Melisandra was a nano-software engineer in the year 2065, the Doom of Valyria was a worldwide nuclear war that wiped out much of humanity. A few like her survived with nanotech that keeps them immortal but aging without full treatments. The Targaryens were the rulers of the Islamic caliphate that took over Europe and the Middle East. The White Walkers are American/Canadian nanotech enhanced descendants of those who altered their own biology to survive the nuclear winters. Dragons, fairy folk, and the Weir woods are biologically engineered weapons gone amuck. The Red God / Lord of Light is an AI that has managed to survive and wants to wipe out humanity; the White Walkers are the true humans who still fight his army of bio-engineered humans.

boom, fantasy is now Sci Fi!


Trakanon Raider
Being surprised that thoros can res people could also be surprise that this random dude on the very edge of the religion is so favored, like if your found a Nobel prize winning scientist when you went to some African village, you are surprised at the location not the fact that one exists.

No hint at worg Jon so far either.

Also I think the gods are real here, the lord of light will res Jon given the necessary sacrifices, mel can make that sacrifice but it is still the gods power used not hers. Lets not forget that she really seems like a true believer the whole way through, not like she knows its all bs and she is just some mage tricking people into religion.

Jons body will be burned and he will be revived after the wildlings defeat Thorne.


<Gold Donor>
Mel just killed herself to save Jon, Hail Mary. All of her "life force" was transferred, she dies to bring back the prince who was promised, boom.


Millie's Staff Member
Being surprised that thoros can res people could also be surprise that this random dude on the very edge of the religion is so favored, like if your found a Nobel prize winning scientist when you went to some African village, you are surprised at the location not the fact that one exists.

No hint at worg Jon so far either.
this is also a possibility, but it seemed she was more surprised at the concept of resurrection.


Registered Hodor
That was such a good troll at the end. It went from "I hope she gets naked for no reason" to "aww yeah" to OH GOD IT'S SHELLY'S GRANDMOTHER.

I think that eventually she will realize that Jon is Azor Ahai and she will finally be willing to give life energy to res him.
It wouldn't surprise me if she gives up her life to rez Jon. She's been doing this for 400 years and is clearly pretty worn out. I can't find the article now but apparently it takes a non-trivial amount of effort to keep the illusion going and she's probably tired of it.
Episode does not bode well. Just felt lazy all over the place.
Apparently Daenerys has magical elven trinkets from lotr or some shit for it to be found immediately in the middle of nowhere.
I saw that shot in the trailer and I thought the same thing at the time. After watching the scene, they know that there was a ton of horses from the horde in the area, and they left a small patch of untrampled grass around Daenerys. So it was a little easier to find.


Trakanon Raider
There are some whiny fucking faggots up in here. Are you really that mad that you can no longer brag to everyone who hasn't read the books that you know what's going to happen next and be king nerd? Episode wasn't that bad. There are a shit ton of story lines going on right now, and they're trying to hit them all to get the ball rolling for this season.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Jesus Christ, what they did to Areo Hotah in this show is a goddamn crime. Rest of the episode was good. Was about to be super pissed if Sansa and Theon got captured again, but I guess good things can happen on occasion. The whole Dorne storyline is such a mess, though. What a waste.


Registered Hodor
Dorne will probably end up going to war with the Lannisters and they'll wear each other thin, opening them up to a takeover from The North if Sansa gets them all rallied and shit.

Jon, Dany and Tyrion will get together in Westeros and use the power of dragons to defeat the White Walkers.

(jk, they will probably kill off Tyrion and Dany next episode or something)


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I expect Dorne to march and battle Highgarden wearing down two of the last 3 major armies.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Also, I really need a timeline or a flow chart or some shit for whatever the fuck happened to Trystane. Isn't he in KL? How did the sand snakes get there, then? Doesn't he have guards? I mean, I guess Dornish guards could have let them in after seeing what Doran's guards did (jack shit). But since KL knows Myrcella is dead, why the fuck aren't there Lannister guards all over Trystane's ass? Is he not even in KL? Is his ass still on the Dornish boat? Am I wrong and he's still in Dorne? If so, why is he painting the stone eyes for Myrcella's funeral? Shouldn't he not know she's dead yet in that case? What the fuck is going on there?