GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Did I miss something in the show or is this LSH talk just theorycrafting? Was there some hint that LSH would actually be on the show at this point?
I believe just theorycrafting with the A-team headed down to the Riverlands. So if she'd show up in the show this would be the most logical time.

But I agree with TJT. Some un-Cat running around the Riverlands with the Brotherhood and no one talked about it ever? Come on. The Robb/Cat storyline has been done and dusted for a long time now. I doubt the show watchers even fully remember that storyline. On after the Thrones they even brought up that many people they interact with online misremember the red wedding thinking it was Robb's wedding which is why Frey had to explain it step-by-step to the audience since no one remembers it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It seems that Riverlands was abandoned, and I was fine with that. But they run into the problem of WTF is Jamie supposed to be do now? Oh, lets give him part of the riverlands plot so he can go do some shit.

Riverlands is now the vehicle to get Jamie, Brienne, Bron, Blackfish, and Pod to meet up again. But why?
I just assumed Jamie going there is to continue his actual book storyline. Didn't we last leave Jamie in the book with him at the head of the Lannister army or am I totally misremembering it?

The key difference is I thought I recall book Jamie being sour on Cersei which isn't the case here. Maybe that just speaks that book Jamie turns his heart so they didn't go with the love/hate/love storyline for him.


Potato del Grande
Riverlands is now the vehicle to get Jamie, Brienne, Bron, Blackfish, and Pod to meet up again. But why?
I'm just worried that they are still finishing up Dance with Dragons plotlines as filler, since it sounds like we'll get the exact Siege of Riverrun from the books.

However it could be because there is a pivotal moment there with some of those characters, or that Jamie needs to be outside of King's Landing while things go to hell there.

I predict that the Tyrell armies will be drawn away by Euron Greyjoy and Elleria Sand attacking The Reach, then a Sand Snake will kill Tommen and The Faith will attempt to seize power. Cersei will ignite Aerys' wildfire and destroy the city, Jamie will choke her to death in the ruins.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm still set on Cersei dying to the White Walkers based on Catelyn's offhand comment from the first 150 pages of Book 1.

That shit has foreshadowed so much of what goes on in the series that I can't stop thinking that was a clear sign of things to come in regards to Cersei.

Even more so after the Hold the Door reveal.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know if Cersei dies. Her story follows the prophecy she was told as a child and her death was not part of it. She could be ruined financially and powerless but I think she lives.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I can't recall if the prophecy says she dies as well or not, but Catelyn replying to Eddard's comment about Cersei with "The Others take her" has always felt like a foreshadowing comment to me.

I could totally be wrong, its been pure speculation on my part for years. That line just really stuck with me the second time I read the books after seeing everything else that is foreshadowed from the intro to the series that happens up through book 3.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
NM you're right. She does foretell her death.

Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds," she said. "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
and fwiw valonqar

It's High Valyrian, it means little brother
Which would obviously be Tyrion in the most literal sense. What it means in the abstract sense I don't know.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Hm. Thats interesting. Its been several years since I read the books. Think I need to go back and reread them again.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My guess on the the Arya storyline: She was a lost girl. Her family separated and killed off. Her training was incomplete and she had nowhere to go. By becoming "no one" she's discovered herself. She was never meant to be a faceless man, but the training she was given will assist her in finishing off the list. 3 names remain: Cersei, Waldor Frey, The Mountain.

Maybe she doesn't kill all 3. I'm thinking she assassinates Cersei and Waldor. The 2 main events she witnessed: Her Father and Her Mother/Brother.

I think most of you are correct that Jaqen might step in and kill the waif, or Arya kills her and that's the face added to the hall. Either way she's outta there and going to be an assassin without having ties to anyone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just assumed Jamie going there is to continue his actual book storyline. Didn't we last leave Jamie in the book with him at the head of the Lannister army or am I totally misremembering it?
The last we saw of Jaime was Brienne telling him a lie about finding Sansa when she was actually taking him to Lady Stoneheart.


Molten Core Raider
Aarya killing her would make some sense as it would indicate she's gained some skill even if her training isn't complete. If she's being set up as a revengeful assassin then there's got to be some indication she can do something other than get her ass kicked. Im assuming she's not heading back with a bag full of faces so shes going to have to do a bit of fighting.

Tyrion killing Cersei per the prophecy, I can see that happening. He's already been known to choke a bitch and he's headed back Kings Landing way sooner or later.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I think Jaime will be the end of Cersei eventually; he is her little brother, she just always assumed it was Tyrion.

I really hated the Riverrun siege in the books it felt like it dragged on and on with the one Lannister marching Edmure up to the gallows or whatever every day to get the blackfish to surrender. oddly enough while Jaime is away in the books its also the same time Cersei decides to lesbian out and the high sparrow takes margaery/cersei captive. Feels a bit disjointed and filler especially with so few episodes remaining unless the blackfish has a larger part to play or this is going to be wrapped up in 1 episode and have Jaime/Brienne captured by the BWOB so they can hit the high points of that story.

what the fuck is happening in Dorne currently? where is Podrick (i didn't see him leave with Brienne)? what is Sams end game? what is Margaerys end game?


privileged excrementlord
Arya isn't killing Cersei, Jaime is, either literally or figuratively by abandoning her somehow. We just saw Arya getting some understanding of Cersei's side of things.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jaime being the end of Cersei sounds good, but Arya needs someone to kill. Waldor Frey?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Sandor is the one that kills her you knobs. Little brother of Gregor, beats him in her trial by combat, and the church executes Cersei over it.


Trump's Staff
Theories are fun.

Why Arya and The Waif are the same person.

So here are a few things which are interesting about the waif.

. She is only seen by either Jaqen H'ghar or by Arya.
. She has a very incredible back story, much like Mercy or Cat of the Canals.
. She know's what Arya is doing, all the time. She knows when she lies. She can tell where she is.
. She tries to force Arya to leave. She makes her insecure.

So here's my theory, get some tinfoil..

The waif is Arya. Arya is suffering from some sort of bi-polar dissociative identity disorder. A case can be made that when Arya came to the House of Black and White, the water that she drank induced this in her. In a way, The Waif is no one. Her only mission is to kill off Arya, the inner Arya, the one who can never be one of them.

This is why Jaqen H'ghar always wants the Waif to leave the room before he begins talking to Arya. He essentially wants Arya to stop behaving in a dual personality manner. He just wants to talk to Arya. So the Waif leaves. Just when Arya is alone, she appears again.

When the waif asks Jaqen H'ghar, "You PROMISED", it's actually Arya. Arya has finally asked to kill her inner self. Al lot of people have observed that Jaqen H'ghar looks a bit pleased with himself when he permits the Waif.


Avatar of War Slayer
Jaime is also her little brother.
I don't see Jamie killing her in the show - perhaps the book because of his redemption arc and how he is when we left him - but that is essentially done and gone in the show and he is not nearly as "turned from his past ways" in the show to be able to see his sister as what she is and kill her, even if she does go completely off the rail - this past episode solidifies that - no matter what either of them do, its excused and never their wrong and screw everyone else. It will be Tyrion in the show imo as that is the only one that makes sense.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I'll go with The Hound prevails in Thunderdome, Cersei is proven guilty of incest, the High Sparrow isn't able to hold back the mob he's cultivated, Tommen is rushed and killed by numbers too great for his Kingsguard to contain (and Jaime has much of the Lannister host with him in the Riverlands). Cersei holes up in the Red Keep and in her grief goes all Aerys Targaryen by having the pyromancers make wildfire and spread it throughout the city (tying back to Bran's recent visions), Jaime returns to King's Landing before she can carry it out and earns the Queenslayer achievement.