GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I am amazed that it's 2016 and people still watch previews for next episodes. In the list of things amazingly still done in 2016, that's below smoking cigarettes, but still.... wtf? Doesn't that fall into spoiler and/or pussy shit?


Trump's Staff
Are post-credit scenes at the movies spoilers because you don't bother to stick around and watch them?


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Jesus Christ, she lives, just post your idea and be done with it.
There's a shitton of weird stuff going on (and don't tell me the entire sequence didn't feel extremely "off"). So there's two hypothesis: either it's lazy showrunners and scriptwriting and Arya gets a free rez somehow, or it's a deliberate setup (by Arya and/or Jaqen) to trap/test the Waif.

I mean, without the symbolic recovery of Needle, you could even argue it's an entrapment from both Jaqen AND Arya to test the Waif's capacity to follow orders and the "pity, the girl had gifts" was referring to the Waif who is unable to let drop of her personal animosity. Why not? But, alas, we know Arya's never really been "no one", the probability she's acting under Jaqen's orders is close to 0, and so it's another different setup.

Or lazy director. Take your pick.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Maybe GRR had a different intention, like how in the books the blindness was training,
In the books, the blidness brings out her warging skills (which were limited to her Nymeria link), as she starts using a cat as her eyes. Even Jaqen starts becoming a bit suspicious because she's too good while being blinded. But show Arya isn't a warg.
The writers put Arya in this position, her character would be stupid to stay.
From the preview chapters, I think it's obvious that book Arya also gets out of the order.


Millie's Staff Member
why didnt Jon return the Mormont sword back to lyanna Mormont or even mention that he had it?

oh here is some of what Sansa's letter to LF say.

[GoT S06E07] What did Sansa write in that letter? - Album on Imgur

There we go.I've traced the legible words in black, and the barely legible (plus educated guesses on the missing ones, based on surrounding words) in red. "north" and "rewarded" are legible in other shots of the letter, such as when she stamps it. Question marks indicate a dubious word, but the most likely.

The legible parts read:
"[...] to protect me. Now you have a chance to fulfill your promise. [...] Knights of the Vale are under your command. Ride north for Winterfell. Lend us your aid and I shall see to it that you are [well/properly] rewarded."

So, the sneaky Stark girl is indeed summoning a man she claimed to want no more contact with: Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish.

Thanks to /u/Ichtragebrille for spotting "see that you are well rewarded". I initially thought the letter ended with "see that you are true to your word".

A multitude of redditors have helped me see that the final part of the first sentence seems to say "to protect me". Thanks for your help, everyone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Why did Mormont bring his ancestral family blade to the Wall if we want to get into it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
"I know this sword has been in your family for hundreds of years but ... ya know ... finders keepers losers weepers."
It wasn't finders keepers, the rightful owner of the sword gave it to him.

Why did Mormont bring his ancestral family blade to the Wall if we want to get into it.
He didn't, he gave it to his son, Ser Friendzone. Jorah sent it back after he was exiled from Westeros for selling men into slavery.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Why did Mormont bring his ancestral family blade to the Wall if we want to get into it.
Didn't he not have any heirs to hand it down to at that point? Then Jon flung a lantern at a walker and the payment was an ancestral sword?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Wait, Jorah sent it to The Wall and not just back to Bear Island? I must have missed that part.

Going by the insanity that the other families go on about their Ancestral swords. You'd think he'd just be content to leave it on the mantle for 500 years like the Tarlys or send multiple expeditions into the unknown to find it like the Lannisters.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
He didn't just give it to Jon, he had a custom pommel with a direwolf made for it. Jon ain't giving that shit back! The Night's Watch was his family once he took the black.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also whats the deal with these shit tier houses having the cool swords. Fuckin Mormont and Tarley are worthless and they had badder ass swords than Lannister until Ice was melted down.


Plus, ya know, Jon has better use of Longclaw for fighting the White Walkers. Sure, he has the Mormonts on his side, but it's not like Li'l Mormont is going to wield it better than him.


Tranny Chaser
Also whats the deal with these shit tier houses having the cool swords. Fuckin Mormont and Tarley are worthless and they had badder ass swords than Lannister until Ice was melted down.
Maybe they weren't always shit tier houses or maybe Valyrian steel was more common. You could buy a $200 watch that gets passed down from generation to generation and in 100 years I'm guessing it would be worth a lot more.


El Presidente
Also whats the deal with these shit tier houses having the cool swords. Fuckin Mormont and Tarley are worthless and they had badder ass swords than Lannister until Ice was melted down.
They go into this a little bit in the books, but the Lannisters did used to have a VS sword and lost it. It was something that bothered Tywin a lot.