GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Avatar of War Slayer
So is the Brotherhood going to be pissed when they find out about the 4 men Sandor slaughtered around the camp fire while looking for the man in the gold cloak? Or were they for certain part of the bad apples? And if they were, why were they free instead of being hung with the other 3?
No when the hound found the 4 playing grab ass - the last one he was asking "where is the..." something or another guy - and then kept tracking them down, then he found the 3... so they where all part of the band o fake brotherhood guys or whatever they are...where...


Vyemm Raider
Calm your tits. Arya was on the milk of the poppy, obviously an opiate. She was as high as Prince. She felt no pain.

Then she ripped all her stitches and died in horrible agony because her actor/surgeon savior wasn't around.

Bets on Tommen dying to cap the season? Over/under on Varys involvement? Guessing no since that would also remove Cercei's power.

My take: Since Kevan is barely a character I think Varys's mission is to break up the lovefest between the Church and Crown to throw things back into chaos. He'll make whatever stupid shit Cercei does actually work without anyone knowing he was ever there. I'd guess he kills the Sparrow in the same manner he kills Kevan in the book. Probably after revealing that the Sparrow was a creation of a) Varys or b) Littlefinger (would that be too /eyeroll to always have it come down to one of those two and not just let the Sparrow be an honest Believer?)

IMO the Iron Fleet arrives to find a harbor full of burning ships. Drogon's fun will probably be off-screen because the big money is going to be winterfell and the holy war in King's Landing.

Note: Lannister forces all in Riverrun, Cercei trapped with an unknown number of days before her trial. Total desperation mode.

Of course, according to what I wrote, she has enough days for Varys to FUCKING SAIL ALL THE WAY FROM MEREEN. Maybe he shows up after her shit fails badly as a way to close EP10 similar to Book 5.


Vyemm Raider
Also, all that shit I just typed? Don't care, got The Hound back. Every fucking line out of that dude's mouth is an inspiration and life lesson.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Body count needs to increase dramatically. There are way to many people breathing that need to die for this story to reach an ending with adding a season 8-9.


It's going to be a LOTR moment with knights of the vale showing up on the horizon to save the day in the next battle. Bit simplistic but that's the way of the show right now. Would love to see whitewalkers some how bypass the wall at some point. . .


Molten Core Raider
If the Greyjoys come in just in time to fight the masters my eyes will roll so far back in head I'll see my brain. They already pulled the "Just in time!" card with Dany coming right when things were looking the bleakest for the defense.
I have news for you... in spoiler if you want to read.
In a Winds of Winter preview chapter, Ironman fleet arriving is confirmed. Just in time to win the siege. Daenerys coming then too, I imagine, not before, like in the show.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Body count needs to increase dramatically. There are way to many people breathing that need to die for this story to reach an ending with adding a season 8-9.
This is my conclusion from this season. We just had an entire episode without a scene from Bran, Jon/Sansa, Ramsay Bolton, Littlefinger/Eyrie, any Greyjoy's, Daenerys (not counting her 3 second fly in), Sam, or whatever is happening in Dorne. That's a ton of stuff going on that is just ignored for a week while Tyrion has a super awkward and unfunny joke scene for 5 minutes.


Millie's Staff Member
the writers ran out of things for tyrion to do, he can only walk around with varys outside so many times. he is a star so they gotta showcase him, so he gets 5 minutes or longer to play drinking games or tell jokes or talk about a vineyard. its just the politics of running a popular tv show


Going without transition from Edmure being a poor sap that the Blackfish would let die without anyone raising an eyebrow to him being the guy everyone obeys no matter what did not sound very natural to me...

Also, a man does not care for his disciples very much...


Lord Nagafen Raider
So wtf are they going to do with arya now? Is she going on ninja stealth missions or something? GRRM sure wrote himself into a corner with the character.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
She is going back home? I would imagine she is going to try and find what is left of her family. She might continue working on that list of names as well. The question is what will the nameless person choose to do. Will he just let her go? The smile suggested it. I am going to say that at this point Arya can handle herself with the sword better than most men.


Molten Core Raider
So wtf are they going to do with arya now? Is she going on ninja stealth missions or something? GRRM sure wrote himself into a corner with the character.
She is going west of America where she will slaughter the indigenous people and claim lands in the name of the Starks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think one of the points of the high sparrow is that he is entirely a creation of Cersei - she pretty much acted on her own authority to arm the faith and give him ridiculous amounts of power, totally underestimating him because he was a dirty barefoot slob and she was a high and mighty Lannister. Having the Sparrow being manipulated by littlefinger or varys really dilutes Cersei; the whole problem with the Faith is one that is totally of her own making, as Olenna pointed out last week.

And I am sure that the Knights of the Vale are showing up next week, though it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up slaughtering the Wildlings instead of the Boltons.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think one of the points of the high sparrow is that he is entirely a creation of Cersei - she pretty much acted on her own authority to arm the faith and give him ridiculous amounts of power, totally underestimating him because he was a dirty barefoot slob and she was a high and mighty Lannister. Having the Sparrow being manipulated by littlefinger or varys really dilutes Cersei; the whole problem with the Faith is one that is totally of her own making, as Olenna pointed out last week.

And I am sure that the Knights of the Vale are showing up next week, though it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up slaughtering the Wildlings instead of the Boltons.
They can't. I mean that's exactly the kind of thing you'd expect Littlefinger to do, but A: they can't kill Jon off and B: Robyn Arryn specifically sent them to the aid of Sansa. Betraying Sansa would get Littlefinger a long drop and a sudden stop through the moon door.


Molten Core Raider
I thought about that too, how it would have worked better if she'd just blocked a swipe with her arm. Enough to bleed but not a mortal wound. Still leaves us wondering why Arya was wandering around Bravos so carelessly when she knew the faceless men would be after her.
Not trying to defend the bad writing or say this is okay, but it could be possible that Arya does NOT know or expect the faceless men would be after her. The way she says "you sent her to kill me" to Jaqen was with an inflection of surprise or being insulted, like she really didn't expect them to try to kill her. It would explain her so carelessly moving through the city without watching her back, she thought "there will not be a 3rd chance" just meant that if she didn't kill the mark then she failed and was free to go.

Of course that doesn't explain why she slept hiding in a dark room with needle on the first night. Oh and the fact that if true then the character is incredibly naive and stupid and would deserve to die. Really the more I think about it the more I believe what I said before. The whole arc feels like a waste of time, but episodes 7 and 8 feel so disconnected that its as if the 2 episodes were created independently by 2 different sets of people that had little to no communication with eachother.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Going without transition from Edmure being a poor sap that the Blackfish would let die without anyone raising an eyebrow to him being the guy everyone obeys no matter what did not sound very natural to me...
The writing has really took a shit without Martin to draw from. Still cringing from that "Tell a joke" scene. Off-screen deaths for The Waif and The Blackfish? Daenerys just conveniently dropping in out of nowhere? Ugh