GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They can't. I mean that's exactly the kind of thing you'd expect Littlefinger to do, but A: they can't kill Jon off and B: Robyn Arryn specifically sent them to the aid of Sansa. Betraying Sansa would get Littlefinger a long drop and a sudden stop through the moon door.
Alot of bad unexpected shit can still happen that leave both Jon and Sansa still alive; Littlefinger can totally kill both armies, toss Jon in a dungeon and forcibly marry Sansa, setting himself up in control of half of Westeros. Something bad almost has to happen, too much 'good' stuff happened last week - the Hound's revenge, Arya winning, Cersei getting totally fucked over - that a big downer has to be coming.


Millie's Staff Member
Alot of bad unexpected shit can still happen that leave both Jon and Sansa still alive; Littlefinger can totally kill both armies, toss Jon in a dungeon and forcibly marry Sansa, setting himself up in control of half of Westeros. Something bad almost has to happen, too much 'good' stuff happened last week - the Hound's revenge, Arya winning, Cersei getting totally fucked over - that a big downer has to be coming.
yeah, i expect the wildlings to get fucking massacred next week if not by ramsay, then by LF or both.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ramsay and his army are not needed in the future while the Wildlings are important for symbolically uniting all of westeros against the white walkers.

The Red Priestess has already seen herself on the walls of Winterfell that means the battle outside will ether be in Wildlings favor are be unimportant.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Alot of bad unexpected shit can still happen that leave both Jon and Sansa still alive; Littlefinger can totally kill both armies, toss Jon in a dungeon and forcibly marry Sansa, setting himself up in control of half of Westeros. Something bad almost has to happen, too much 'good' stuff happened last week - the Hound's revenge, Arya winning, Cersei getting totally fucked over - that a big downer has to be coming.
If LF wants to marry Sansa, he would probably want her to be a consenting party. Despite all the crap going on, I still think he had a huge weakness for her.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If LF wants to marry Sansa, he would probably want her to be a consenting party. Despite all the crap going on, I still think he had a huge weakness for her.
He does. If he didnt theres no fucking way he puts himself in such a vulnerable position to just apologize, and then meekly offer his services. Sansa is Littlefingers milkshake. She fills his cup. He lusts for power, and he has it, but what he truly will turn the world upside down for is Cat, but sadly shes dead so her hotter daughter it is.

With that said the next episode is obviously Wildings/Jon army vs Boltons. Fierce fighting on both sides for a while. A few awesome Wun Wun kills. But then the Bolton forces consolidate or ambush attack/flank putting Jon in a bad spot. Right before it looks like hes been had, here comes the Knights of the Vale, destroying the Bolton lines, allowing the wildings and ultimately Jon, to finish the job on Ramsay and claim victory.

edit: I also agree that every word that comes out of Sandors mouth is an inspiration and a learning experience on how to be a fucking man. Quick funny story, was watching this a couple seasons ago and my dad stopped by, we bullshitted for a bit and the show caught his attention. It was The Hound with Arya, at that inn. The scene where he sits down to eat and says that he doesnt like talkers. Talkers make him hungry. And then threatens to eat every fucking chicken in the building after hes done with the current one hes obliterating to the bone, fingers and mouth GREASY AS FUCK. Finally, he wtfpwns the talker and all of the Lannister loyalists before taking a wound of his own.

My dad was like "what fucking show is this and who the fuck is that dude? hahaha! hes a bad motherfucker! I want to watch this!".

This show is literally 1000 times better with Sandor Clegane playing a solid role. He was the first character in this show that I told my bros that was a true badass before even knowing what he was about. I just saw him ride the fuck through with that dog helmet on protecting the prince and was like yeeeaaaaup thats my guy. Then a couple episodes later he fucking challenges his bitch ass brother like a boss, saving the Knight of Flowers. Badassery coooooonfirmed.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You can see Jaime a bit visibly distraught for a moment about Edmure telling him he's such a horrible person and a horrible knight.
This, Jaime does such a good job of portraying this from time to time as well. When he was looking at the White Book a couple of seasons ago, and noted there wasn't many great deeds written about him, basically any conversation he has with Brienne. It's a real slow burn, but the eventual face turn is coming.


I enjoyed the "tell a joke" scene. It both showed how Tyrion was afraid to feel very lonely without Varys and allowed two characters with a perma-frown to smile and who does not like a smiling Nathalie Emmanuel?


The writing has really took a shit without Martin to draw from. Still cringing from that "Tell a joke" scene. Off-screen deaths for The Waif and The Blackfish? Daenerys just conveniently dropping in out of nowhere? Ugh
Not to mention that the dragon can be seen in the background flying away to its next Uber pickup instead of taking care of that fleet after a few swipes.


Millie's Staff Member
He does. If he didnt theres no fucking way he puts himself in such a vulnerable position to just apologize, and then meekly offer his services. Sansa is Littlefingers milkshake. She fills his cup. He lusts for power, and he has it, but what he truly will turn the world upside down for is Cat, but sadly shes dead so her hotter daughter it is.

With that said the next episode is obviously Wildings/Jon army vs Boltons. Fierce fighting on both sides for a while. A few awesome Wun Wun kills. But then the Bolton forces consolidate or ambush attack/flank putting Jon in a bad spot. Right before it looks like hes been had, here comes the Knights of the Vale, destroying the Bolton lines, allowing the wildings and ultimately Jon, to finish the job on Ramsay and claim victory.

edit: I also agree that every word that comes out of Sandors mouth is an inspiration and a learning experience on how to be a fucking man. Quick funny story, was watching this a couple seasons ago and my dad stopped by, we bullshitted for a bit and the show caught his attention. It was The Hound with Arya, at that inn. The scene where he sits down to eat and says that he doesnt like talkers. Talkers make him hungry. And then threatens to eat every fucking chicken in the building after hes done with the current one hes obliterating to the bone, fingers and mouth GREASY AS FUCK. Finally, he wtfpwns the talker and all of the Lannister loyalists before taking a wound of his own.

My dad was like "what fucking show is this and who the fuck is that dude? hahaha! hes a bad motherfucker! I want to watch this!".

This show is literally 1000 times better with Sandor Clegane playing a solid role. He was the first character in this show that I told my bros that was a true badass before even knowing what he was about. I just saw him ride the fuck through with that dog helmet on protecting the prince and was like yeeeaaaaup thats my guy. Then a couple episodes later he fucking challenges his bitch ass brother like a boss, saving the Knight of Flowers. Badassery coooooonfirmed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not to mention that the dragon can be seen in the background flying away to its next Uber pickup instead of taking care of that fleet after a few swipes.
Yea, I thought the dragon was simply going to BBQ the fleet. Maybe next episode, but why drag it out?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
haven't completely caught up to the comments but, why on earth does anyone think the dragons are going to burn up the masters ships, after its been reiterated multiple times that the only thing bottlenecking dany from westeros is ships...? i mean its a pretty no brainer once the dothraki invade mereen... they're some of the best warriors in both worlds, in addition to the advantage of numbers, and now they are entirely faith bound to fight for and defend dany after seeing drogon's double sized cock. not to mention... we haven't even had a single scene where all 3 dragons are setting off napalm alarm clocks like charlie is grabbing ankles and showng ass targets. seems like an episode 10 CGI budget blowout is incoming... season 7 is dany setting sail and finally arriving in westeros with the finale culiminating in an allegiance of the 7 kingdoms finally recognizing the threat in the north (where in the sweet fuck have these ravens been flying?), then season 8 being a drawn out depicition of "life after" during a long winter with the dragons and famous knights of the 7 kingdoms bearing arms of reforged valyrian steel in a holy showdown against the Night King and his homies at the end of the finale..


Millie's Staff Member
haven't completely caught up to the comments but, why on earth does anyone think the dragons are going to burn up the masters ships, after its been reiterated multiple times that the only thing bottlenecking dany from westeros is ships...? i mean its a pretty no brainer once the dothraki invade mereen... they're some of the best warriors in both worlds, in addition to the advantage of numbers, and now they are entirely faith bound to fight for and defend dany after seeing drogon's double sized cock. not to mention... we haven't even had a single scene where all 3 dragons are setting off napalm alarm clocks like charlie is grabbing ankles and showng ass targets. seems like an episode 10 CGI budget blowout is incoming... season 7 is dany setting sail and finally arriving in westeros with the finale culiminating in an allegiance of the 7 kingdoms finally recognizing the threat in the north (where in the sweet fuck have these ravens been flying?), then season 8 being a drawn out depicition of "life after" during a long winter with the dragons and famous knights of the 7 kingdoms bearing arms of reforged valyrian steel in a holy showdown against the Night King and his homies at the end of the finale..
because the writers said dany needs a thousand ships so she will wait for euron to show up with his 1000 ships. basically because plot. why did her fleet of ships burn? yep, plot.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ya i mean i guess lol. writing has been pretty bad. burn em all until theres 1000....
but when you figure yara and theon are already on their way, plus the masters ships, then whatever they string together from nothing that hasnt been mentioned, because writing... boom, off she goes.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Season has had some good moments but the writing is so bad and rushed it is becoming pathetic. Shark jumping happened for me with Arya's story. Sadly, I'm going to keep watching.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
What if Varys' secret mission is nothing more than to go meet with Yara to pull her and her fleet into the fold? I mean, it would be yet more shitty writing since she's already headed there but doing it just to play up the significance of Varys would be par for the course this season. And he did specifically mention them needing ships as a part of why he needed to go,


Trakanon Raider
Since Margaery is clearly playing the game, how exactly is she planning on saving Loras? I knew there was no way in hell (from reading the books and knowing too much about her strengh) that she would be brainwashed. She was always too strong and badass. But how the fuck is she going to save her brother? There's no way she would abandon him if they stay true to her character. I can't wait to see Cersei burn half of King's Landing to the ground and slap her son in the face. I love both Margaery and Cersei so it's hard. If they would get on the same damn side they'd conquer all of Westeros.

I love how we will soon finally get to see Melisandre's mini prophecy to Arya that they will see each other again come true. Melisandre may have made a mistake with Stannis, but she sure as shit knows her shit. Arya is coming to Jon, and thus, Melisandre and Arya will meet again!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If Margaery can get pregnant, then even if the king dies, her child will be set to inherit the kingdom if it is a male. All she needs is confirmation it is his, then the Sparrow (and Tommen) is completely expendable.


I love how we will soon finally get to see Melisandre's mini prophecy to Arya that they will see each other again come true. Melisandre may have made a mistake with Stannis, but she sure as shit knows her shit. Arya is coming to Jon, and thus, Melisandre and Arya will meet again!
Thought you were crazy, but I guess I just didn't remember this scene. Brown eyes (Stark?), blue eyes (White Walker?), green eyes (Dany?)?