GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wonder if Littlefinger will swoop in to save the day and try to take the North out from under the Starks. I would assume he realizes he can't install the Starks in as a puppet like Robin in the Vale. With Peter's character traits he really shouldn't give a fuck about stopping the WW invasion. He'd almost welcome it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah but that shouldn't happen. The Wildlings need to live to fight the WW or their exodus behind the Wall is not significantly less relevant if they just all die to the Boltons.

I'm just saying that Jon and Co need to leave the Battle of the Bastards in a position of strength for it to make sense. Not just barely win and have the "help" of the highly dubious Vale Army with them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah but that shouldn't happen. The Wildlings need to live to fight the WW or their exodus behind the Wall is not significantly less relevant if they just all die to the Boltons.

I'm just saying that Jon and Co need to leave the Battle of the Bastards in a position of strength for it to make sense. Not just barely win and have the "help" of the highly dubious Vale Army with them.
Well if Dany's vision can be taken at face value the WW threat extends down to KL. Maybe the battle leaves both sides extremely hamstrung which allows the WW threat to fairly freely take the north since the north has no real unification at that point (Jon's army is weak and the other factions are fractured.)


Trump's Staff
Jon is noted to be a gifted swordsman and specifically better than Robb, who presumably had just as much if not more training than either of them.

Well if Dany's vision can be taken at face value the WW threat extends down to KL. Maybe the battle leaves both sides extremely hamstrung which allows the WW threat to fairly freely take the north since the north has no real unification at that point (Jon's army is weak and the other factions are fractured.)
Her vision doesn't have to imply that the WW made it all the way to King's Landing. The city could have been destroyed by other means (wildfire) and Winter is coming either way.


Molten Core Raider
Seems like a lot of people are only watching the show with an eye on either 1) how does this scene get these characters closer to the end game battle with the white walkers or 2) how does this scene effect the eventual battle with the white walkers when we get there. As opposed to watching the show and enjoying being along for the ride as we follow the characters and wait to see what happens next.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm kind of doing it too, just interesting. Maybe it's the worse writing? Maybe people are burned out from this universe and just want to get to the end to see how close their personal theories are?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Ramsay wins if he has plot armor still. He might be out of marysue points by now though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
and yes ramsay is a competent fighter and likely better than jon.
Yeah the spoiled sociopath who has spent the last few years torturing defenseless victims is likely a better fighter than the hardened night's watchman who has spent the last few years in constant life or death struggles.

Granted Jon is still a moron and I could totally see him falling for Ramsay challenging him to single combat.

So it's come down to this, has it? A fight to the death...mano a to man...just you and me and my GUARDS!!!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Seems like a lot of people are only watching the show with an eye on either 1) how does this scene get these characters closer to the end game battle with the white walkers or 2) how does this scene effect the eventual battle with the white walkers when we get there. As opposed to watching the show and enjoying being along for the ride as we follow the characters and wait to see what happens next.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm kind of doing it too, just interesting. Maybe it's the worse writing? Maybe people are burned out from this universe and just want to get to the end to see how close their personal theories are?
I think if it wasn't for the books explaining context when Robb died this thread would be up in arms that the entire rebellion storyline was worthless and why show it. When in fact it had far reaching impact on the world as a whole and more specifically to the remaining Stark children. Some of the nit-picking could very well be short sightedness on how some things can ripple.


I wonder if Littlefinger will swoop in to save the day and try to take the North out from under the Starks. I would assume he realizes he can't install the Starks in as a puppet like Robin in the Vale. With Peter's character traits he really shouldn't give a fuck about stopping the WW invasion. He'd almost welcome it.
I think that Littlefinger in spite of his massive manipulative streak genuinely loves Sansa (as a projection of Catelyn). He may take advantage of the situation through manipulation, but I don't think he would openly try to hurt her. I could be wrong, but that's where I see this.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I like enjoying the ride too. But there's no question that the show writers are outright running out of time. They areracingto the end of the series. They also didn't plan a lot of shit beyond season 3 or 4 it seems. Hence why we have multiple plotlines that are engaged, only to be abandoned and then tied up with shitty writing.

Because of this they're pretty compelled to do a lot of shotty things in order to tie up and consolidate plotlines. Like Dorne and Arya for example. They had to be ended to move them to their next plot points as quickly as possible.

If Jon loses his entire Army of Widlings then him being resurrected after having saved them is cheapened a lot. They've been leading to the fight with the WW for literally the entire series. We are just now to the point where some of the pieces in play (Jon, Wildlings, NW, a few Northern houses) are making moves specifically to prepare for the WW. Seizing Winterfell was explicitly stated to be needed to defend the North against the WW.

So we know that they can't just hammer the forces actually preparing for the WW because they are actually needed to progress that plot. If Ramsay kills 99% of the Wildlings who've been dealing with the Wights and the Vale Knights save Jon, Tormund and a few others...

Then they're back at square fucking one trying to convince the remaining Boltons and the Vale that WW are the actual threat. And they simply don't have the time left to do that. This is why I am saying that Villain Sue's and extensive Plot Armor is going to have to go full tilt the other direction now.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
When I'm watching the show, I usually just sit back and enjoy it. It's only after it's over and discussing each episode for a week that hating on it and nitpicking comes out. It's still one of the few shows I really look forward to each week.


Millie's Staff Member
i think this is what people would like, correct me if im wrong.
arya completes her FM training becomes a badass and gets sent on assignments and one of them is taking her to westeros and it ends up with a reunion with Jon, something something feels happen.
hound gets recruited by the septon to take on un-mountain.
sam works on becoming a maester and finds out about dragons and glass candles and why the maesters hate dragons
sansa grows balls and stops being a victim and finally learns the game of thrones.
cersei completely ruins the kingdom and tryion strangles her ass dead
the dornish plot stays the fuck in dorne, never to be heard from again. the horn of joramun gets blown and the wall comes crashing down and white walkers destroy the land. dany flies in with her dragons and with the help of fighters on the ground armed with obsidian daggers/spears kill the WW hoard and kill the NK. result, everyone but a few are dead at the end and show goes to credits.


GRRM has already described the ending as bitter sweet, so I could totally see the North decimated by their internal war and have them get mostly rolled over by the WW. It probably takes a dire situation to get Dany and her army, the Lannisters (under a redeemed Jaime who kills crazy Cersei), Tyrells, Jon Snow and his ragtag group of survivors, etc to align in order to save Westeros. I fully expect the White Walkers to dominate half of Westeros before there is a push back.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Much of what you're saying takes for granted the North holds. I don't think it does.
North itself holding doesn't matter. It isn't like the Northern forces that had been fighting them couldn't head South and group up and shit. But the players themselves need to be alive for that to happen.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
North itself holding doesn't matter. It isn't like the Northern forces that had been fighting them couldn't head South and group up and shit. But the players themselves need to be alive for that to happen.
I think many of the northern players could be seen as martyrs to finally make the south realize this threat is real and it is more important than the game of thrones being played.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pretty much no one even believes in white walkers still at this point, I think the people of westeros are going to be woefully prepared for the white walker invasion regardless.