GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

lol he deserved to die


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Joffery dead enter Ramsay. Ramsay dead enter Euron. Expect Euron to start doing some completely despicable shit very soon.


Musty Nester
My favorite part is, as you know I don't outline my novels.

Never has anything been so. Fucking. Obvious.



I love how they resolved the entire Master revolt in 10 minutes. Great episode. How "jumpy" it was really reminded me of some modern war movies like Saving Private Ryan or Braveheart (even though that was in the 90's).
Reminded me a lot of what they did in 28 Days Later, purposely cutting out frames from chunks of footage to make the movement far more jarring and sporadic. It worked fucking wonderfully, added so much intensity. That + the extreme closeup of people dying was like.. god damn.

I loved every single second of this episode, but that jumpy movement is what stood out to me and made it better than their previous fight scenes.


Millie's Staff Member
i also think LF is overplaying his hand, those vale troops are not his. they are robin's and i think robin likes sansa more than he does LF. if sansa decided that LF needs to visit the moon door then robin will happily agree.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Robin has been tricked into declaring war on the King. The Vale is now in open rebellion. Will be interesting to see if Jamie runs back to Cersie are attacks the Vale.

I agree with the comment made that Jon is making Sansa look smart by out retarding her.

My bet is on Melisandre dying next episode because that seems the only reason Davos joined up with Jon was to create that confrontation between the two over Shireens death.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
They did portray it as if Melisandre is still in a complete crisis of faith. She had such a lack of confidence in this episode compared to what we have seen of her in previous seasons. I think the confrontation will lead to something good, we might get her side of why she even came to Westeros other than to, "help Azhor Azhai."

@Siddar. I think that the Vale being in rebellion thing is going to be dropped entirely. LF only made the pact with Cersei who has no power to enforce it anymore. If Tommen dies it will fall pretty low on the priority list.


Melisandre will probably snap out of it next episode though. Her crisis was that she believed that Stanis was Azor Ahai and would take back Winterfell, but he died. Now that she rez'd Jon and he won Winterfell, she'll probably try to give Jon some advice (not sure what her long term goal is, maybe she sees another vision in the fire). Or it'll probably be about burning someone, and Davos'll throw the burned stag in her face.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wonder how long it will take before Sansa/LF and the gang understand the threat of the WW. Maybe the critical moment will happen in the Next Episode. But I doubt it!

The whole battle was awesome. But it was also retarded as fuck. There is no legitimate reason that Sansa didn't bother telling Jon the Vale was coming to their aid. Even when she tells him he should wait, he asks her why and she still doesn't mention it. I honestly don't get why she didn't tell him. I am sad that they couldn't afford Wun Wun in their continued CGI budget. A small cry for the last of the giants (in the show). But Jon will be totally cool with it next episode I'm sure. Darth Sansa might be interesting though since she is actually doing shit now.
I read somewhere that perhaps Sansa didn't say anything because she knew Jon Snow would fall for the trap, thus putting the Bolton forces into an exposed position and allowing the Vale forces to steamroll them. It does make some sense, considering she has become considerably more jaded and much darker.


Ssraeszha Raider
I read somewhere that perhaps Sansa didn't say anything because she knew Jon Snow would fall for the trap, thus putting the Bolton forces into an exposed position and allowing the Vale forces to steamroll them. It does make some sense, considering she has become considerably more jaded and much darker.
That was my take on it. If they show up with the Vale, Ramsay takes his forces back into Winterfell and waits them out. Also, Jon Snow would never allow so many of his men to get slaughtered as part of his strategy while Sansa would.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'd like to agree with you. But the show has shown a serious lack of subtlety. When Sansa said she didn't know anything about battle planning and that Jon should just wait. She was most likely being truthful about it rather than some twisted plot to put Jon in a terrible situation, possibly killing him, and putting her directly into the hands of LF. I don't buy that she has some weird inherent distrust of Jon Snow over his bastard status still. When Jon is like the only person who hasn't fucked with her.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I really hope that she was intentionally screwing Jon over by not telling him about the army from the Vale. Would still be dumb, just less dumb.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
@Siddar. I think that the Vale being in rebellion thing is going to be dropped entirely. LF only made the pact with Cersei who has no power to enforce it anymore. If Tommen dies it will fall pretty low on the priority list.
Maybe but things just keep getting worse for Tomman. Tommen seems to have a rapidly shrinking Kingdom.

North was out of his control even before Ramsay died because of Sansa marrying Ramsay. Iron Island has a leader who intended to side with Daenerys. Dorne murdered his sister and is in a state of war with him. The Vale is now siding with a Sansa who he considers involved with the murder of his brother. Highgarden is not very happy about what has happened. The Baratheon's and Tully's are scattered and defeated.

He only really has the loyalty of the Lanister's and Frey's and if anything happens to Cersie he wont have the lanisters loyality for very long ether. Add to that he has Daenerys heading his way with Dragons and 200 ships worth of Dathraki and Unsullied. Honestly he maybe better off if his mother kills him when she burns King's Landing to the ground.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
But why? Why would Sansa want to fuck over Jon and the Wildlings/few Northern houses that were willing to ally with them?


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Because she's playing the game now. She realizes she has to use and manipulate people in order to get what she wants, which at this point appears to be revenge, personal security, and power to some extent.

She is quickly growing into the Queen Cunt role.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
But why? Why would Sansa want to fuck over Jon and the Wildlings/few Northern houses that were willing to ally with them?
Sansa is just a retard like all the Stark children.

She only seems cunning because Jon went full retard this episode taking Ramsay's bait even when he explained the night before that there only chance was to not do what he did. Sansa was just being a whiny bitch when she was complaining about Jon not asking her advice. But then not actually having any advice when he did ask. She did give solid advice about not being baited by Ramsay but Jon of course ignored it. She rides in with littlefinger's army at the last minute to save the day but only because she had turned down the same army months earlier.

Littlefinger is the Norths only Hope because god knows the Stark kids are dumb as bricks and their cousin Robin may actually be dumber.


On another note, this episode pretty much confirms that Dany has some sort of telepathic control of her dragons. There's no other way she could have Drogon come to her after that speech or have Viserion and Rhaegal blast their way out of the pyramid.