GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Dany will have at least one dragon taken from her somehow. Think about it. If you write a character having three dragons that she remains in control of the whole time then why even have three of them? Not just one?

This will be part of the conflict as she makes Westeros bend the knee. Which shouldn't be too hard as most of the Great Houses are in league with her now. But still.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't see how really. Danaerys is arriving with an unstoppable force, don't see how the conflict could be dragged on for ten years.
I guess it is possible she could get ambushed by Euron en route or something and ends up losing most of her fleet before it lands, resulting in her landing with a much more stoppable force, but that would be pretty bad.

They may span 10 years, but I think it is more likely that Sam finds something in the library of use against the White Walkers and cuts short his jedi training, and that the resolution of the Night King situation (whether he is killed, put into stasis, whatever) ends up drastically shortening the winter due to their magic being tied together in some way.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I feel like you shouldn't count on Dany's 3 dragons being able to defeat the WW so easily and Humans have already proven themselves highly ineffective. Yes the WW will lose eventually but it will not be over in one quick encounter.
I was more thinking of the human element than the WW. There's no force on Westeros that can put up a fight for anywhere near that long, meaning besides the WW there's nothing for the story to focus on for ten years because presumably Danaerys will be sitting on the throne unchallenged way before then.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
And they reiterated in the episode that the WW can't get through the wall "as long as it stands", but they've shown nothing yet that can bring down the wall. They just going to deus ex in the horn of winter, or are they going to "lol Bran fucked up and now they can cross the wall" thing again?


Trump's Staff
I was more thinking of the human element than the WW. There's no force on Westeros that can put up a fight for anywhere near that long, meaning besides the WW there's nothing for the story to focus on for ten years because presumably Danaerys will be sitting on the throne unchallenged way before then.
Yeah man but it's not about the throne. That's Cersei level thinking. It's about the dead and they're coming!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The teleporting Varys doesnt even matter since we have no idea what the time difference is between all the houses ect.
this is obvious to all those who understand the show is not unfolding in real time. I guess painting all of those sails to the same banner that must have taken what? an hour or two at the most right?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So did Arya murder that hot waitress to rip her face off?
I was wondering that as well. You basically have to assume she did. So at that point Arya is basically just pure evil since she's now taking casualties she should have absolutely no beef with simply to kill the people she feels personally wronged by ... which is pretty fucked up.


Unelected Mod
I just can't get past Samwell stealing a sword worth more than entire castles and no one going after them. A fatass with a woman and a child wouldn't exactly be hard to catch. Really dumb shit. I'd call it fanservice, but I don't know of many people that really like Sam.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No time for a scene like that when dany has to have a lengthy breakup scene, plus, it'd be pointless


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also one of the most important questions from this episode. Since Pycell died and gave the hooker an IOU who pays the hooker?


Trump's Staff
Personally I would rather have the Dany scene. She got rid of Daario forever and made Tyrion the HotQ. Better than seeing Sam's shitty dad get mad about a sword.
Watch the inside the episode shit and they specifically say that scene is the fleet leaving Slaver's Bay. So it makes no sense for Varys to be there. It's a minor detail, that was probably the best finale of this show, but it's still dumb. Someone had to say "let's put Varys here." Why? Just have him be there when they link up next season, no full season of them sailing necessary. Do they not have ravens that can cross the narrow sea?
Not sure why everyone freaking out about this, obviously a lot of time between the scenes.

- Jamie traveled from the Twins back to Kings Landing.
- John snow settled into Winterfell and the lords who were not present traveled there for a meeting
- Ayra healed up and traveled across the sea and to the twins.

Why is it so unlikely that Varys sailed back during all this and a bit more time passed?

I realize its a long way but would everyone had been if they showed the sailing scene at the beginning of the next episode(if we had one)? Somehow time between episodes correlates with time passing in Westeros?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Also one of the most important questions from this episode. Since Pycell died and gave the hooker an IOU who pays the hooker?
As he was a part of the government at the time of his demise, I would wager that's one debt the Lannisters will never pay.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I just can't get past Samwell stealing a sword worth more than entire castles and no one going after them. A fatass with a woman and a child wouldn't exactly be hard to catch. Really dumb shit. I'd call it fanservice, but I don't know of many people that really like Sam.
Well Jon has managed to hold on to a similar sword through wildling imprisonment escape and literal death, so... better not to question these things.


<Bronze Donator>
Let's ask Astro what he thinks is going to happen, at least that will help us narrow down what absolutely isn't going to happen next season.
Hopefully this episode broke him so completely he will keep his word on going the fuck away.
Who else would be the Queen or King? There are no direct heirs, she is the Queen Regent and still of age to have children as far as we know, so theoretically they could hold out the offer of marriage to someone else to side with them(of course the marriage will never happen). There really isn't anyone else.
Gendry has a claim? Who knows where he is though.


Avatar of War Slayer
I absolutely loved the score. Especially for the whole Trial. Damn that was a good scene. Gotta give credit to Lancel where it is due. Dude did all he could to get to the Wildfire. Didn't expect Margaery and the whole Tyrell family to eat it along with the Sparrows though.

Cersei is still so stupid she doesn't realize how totally fucked she is over that. Which is kind of funny. Even IF Dany wasn't out there. The remaining Lords of the Reach and the Seven Kingdoms would be totally bound to fuck her over. Not to mention the entire purpose of it to protect Tommen (but mostly herself). It isn't like there are many suspects even left. Let alone who could possibly have access to Wildfire in the first place. And she's still without any support. Randyl Tarly and the army of the Reach could walk right in and demand whatever they want. Elaria said that House Lannister declared war on House Tyrell and House Martel after the bombing. House Arryn has declared for House Stark so Cersei has literally zero of the great Houses of Westeros supporting her bullshit claim to the throne. I am hard pressed to believe that the the houses supporting House Lannister would be cool with all of that. As the only response they can realistically give is Rains of Castamering their entire bloodline. Given that Cersei killed another Great House over basically nothing but petty bitch squabbles.

But its totally a moot point since Dany, 3 dragons, 100k+ Dothraki, Unsullied, Sellswords. Support of House Greyjoy, House Tyrell, House Martel and whatever else are on their way and the entirety of Westeros can do nothing to stop that.

Cock teasing the Tower of Joy confirmation for the entire season is just bleh. Lyanna's handmaidens in the Tower have certainly been sitting on some important information for the past 20 years. Whoever the fuck they are. Hope they didn't bother telling anyone or mentioning it at all right!?

But seriously. Damn good episode.
yeah, they really glossed over the aftermath of Cersei's taking over. Really, that alone could have been an entire series. Royal line broken. Fear among the citizens?
The center of King's Landing, either just blew up with no one knowing wtf just happened. There would be raw panic in the streets. The idea that the monarchy would not be disposed immediately by the people is a bit laughable. Holy war. utter chaos. This is totally skipped over. Said it before, this show really really just glosses over the actual populations to focus on the main characters.

Didn't quite expect Margery to die. Sad we never got to see what her plans were.
Expected a bit more Mad Queen Cersei. what she did do, was far more tactical and controlled. Not something I see Jamie killing her over.