GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<WoW Guild Officer>
Isn't this the spoilers thread? Is this going on in another thread someplace?

Lost Ranger_sl

Yeah, he is posting in the spoiler free thread. Discussing it here because calling him out publicly just confirms the spoiler and ruins it for the folks who are legit. I don't want to screw them over just because Jozu wants to be a twat. Best bet would be for a janitor to smack him around with their broom in PMs.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I was going to ask if they explicitly said that the Boltons captured Theon. I don't really pay attention to the big reveals in the show and my memory of GoT is a mishmash of book/tv shows.

Either way this isn't conclusive enough to start scorching. I'm sure in the next couple days more problems will happen.
He not only knew it was the Boltons, which was *never* said (They wore no banners, no symbols, nothing). He ALSO knew, somehow, that Ramsay Bolton was posing as a janitor just to fool Theon.

Either way, he's going to lay low now, probably, because he's reading this I bet.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure Boltons bastard has Theon and looks as though he purposely let him go to suit his own deviant needs.

I hereby banish you from the land of non-spoilers. Further incursions into the open minds of the unspoiled will be met with severe justice.


"It's a shame the throne wasn't made out of cocks, they never would have got him off it." Damn, that had me rolling. Coster-Waldau plays Jaime Lannister so perfectly.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Fantastic episode. This season is already shaping up better than season 2 was at this point, pacing and story-wise.

-Anguy scene was badass.

-The guy who plays Thoros of Myr was awesome.

-Reeds are just about perfect, although I pictured Jojen as shorter, but hey who cares really.

-Queen of Thorns was really well done as well.

-The fight with Brienne and Jaime was pretty awesome, even if it wasn't QUITE how it went down in the books.

There was a little symbolism to the Theon scenes, the banner for the Boltons has an X on it, and Theon was tied to an X. But I still vote for Nostrodouching.

I am starting to get that "Game of Romes" vibe though... I didn't realize Tobias Menzies was in this too. He's fun to hate though, he was such a whining douche as Brutus.


<Gold Donor>
Fantastic episode. This season is already shaping up better than season 2 was at this point, pacing and story-wise.

-Anguy scene was badass.

-The guy who plays Thoros of Myr was awesome.

-Reeds are just about perfect, although I pictured Jojen as shorter, but hey who cares really.

-Queen of Thorns was really well done as well.

-The fight with Brienne and Jaime was pretty awesome, even if it wasn't QUITE how it went down in the books.

There was a little symbolism to the Theon scenes, the banner for the Boltons has an X on it, and Theon was tied to an X. But I still vote for Nostrodouching.

I am starting to get that "Game of Romes" vibe though... I didn't realize Tobias Menzies was in this too. He's fun to hate though, he was such a whining douche as Brutus.
Ya, Jojen I thought'd be smaller, Meera I thought would be darker and for some reason I had assumed Thoros was black (not sure why though). Liked the actor playing Thoros though, thought he did well. Season needs more titties.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Jojen is a little tall, but he's so thin and sickly looking that he fits perfectly. Plus he's got that aspergers retarded/genius thing down.


Musty Nester
He not only knew it was the Boltons, which was *never* said (They wore no banners, no symbols, nothing). He ALSO knew, somehow, that Ramsay Bolton was posing as a janitor just to fool Theon.

Either way, he's going to lay low now, probably, because he's reading this I bet.
Ok, i'm sure you're right about Jozu pulling PUSSY SHIT...

but here's the thing. Watching that show it was beyond obvious that the janitor wasn't any friend of Theon's. "Your sister sent me". Really? Fucking really? Theon's sister hates Theon. Sure, Theon might buy that because a drowning man will grab any line thrown to him (and theon is kind of an idiot even when he's not drowning)... but the viewers should see that immediately as a bald lie.

As far as WHY Ramsey / Michael Bolton / The Janitor is going to these lengths to torture his prisoner... that is much, much less clear. Why go to all this trouble? So far it's absolutely nonsensical mustache twirling villany.

Edit: I eagerly await the scene with Theon suspended over a tank of sharks while the Janitor looks on explaining his evil plot to capture the north for himself and slowly removing the wooden plank which suspends Theon. I mean, I really like Theon as an actor (and I also really like Simon)... but so far that line in the show just seems... whut? Straight up sadistic torture for the sake of straight up sadistic torture I can understand, I guess, but it's like they're trying to hint at deeper meanings which... whut? There's no context.


Millie's Staff Member
Ramsay is exactly like that, his purpose in these little mind games is because he gets off on it, its why he had Theon eating out/fisting or whatever he did to "arya stark" on their wedding night.

and theon's sister doesnt hate him, she even has helped him before, when she visited theon at winterfell, she urged him to abandon it and left some men to help out, granted she didnt bring an army, because she had no faith in theon's abilities to hold the castle and also she had men spread thin all over the north. nice move on jozu, dunno why he was pulling that shit. just post here.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I could def see Asha Greyjoy raiding a tower than Theon is held in to rescue her brother. Whether she'd send some kind of spy in to rescue him is another story and I doubt Theon would give a shit at that point at the plausibility of the guy who just released his.. toe screw... thing... really being there to help him.


Trakanon Raider
I cant wait to see the dragons blow shit up. also the imp character is well played I really enjoy that character.

Am upset Arya didn't go with Jaqen H'ghar.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You could know it's a Bolton that has Theon if you make the connection between the X shaped rack that he is on AND the banners of the Bolton guys that roll up on Jamie and Brienne at the end. Jamie makes a comment about the flayed man banner. It's a stretch but Jozu is a faggot nostrodouche so whatever.


Trakanon Raider
No clue how they plan to drag out the torture shit. Earliest that plot could really play out (and be done justice to the source material) is the season after next.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I feel like they'll have maybe 5 more short scenes this season with Theon getting cocked over every episode.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
After watching the first 2 seasons in like giant blocks all at once, I think I may skip out on watching an episode a week from here on out until I can watch it all at once.

While watching them as blocks there didn't seem to be a pacing issue (for my tastes) but watching one episode at a time it feels like barely anything happens and things are much harder to follow.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I could understand that, with all the various situations happening with so many characters, it's difficult to really fulfill a 60 minute episode. They could easily expand each episode to 3 hours, keep the content where it is per episode, but simply go more in depth.

That's not a problem with the books, because just as shit gets good, that POV ends. And you're like "Fuck, I want to get back to Ned's POV!" And then you read Jon's, and you're like "Fuck Ned! I want to read more about Jon!" So on and so forth, until all your favorites characters are dead, you've ripped every book apart, burnt them, and then cried in the corner for 4 days.

This isn't based on personal experience or anything...