GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This shitshow is just getting started, my Wakandans.


A Mod Real Quick
It was the same thing last time. I said unaired items in spoiler tags and lachius got angry because I was infracting people for posting episodes that hadn't aired yet. If memory serves ..


Mr. Poopybutthole
Female empowerment has always been a part of this. I mean, ffs we have Cersei and Daenerys. It's not a new theme with the introduction of Lyanna Mormont.

The fact that this is what half the thread is about since the episode definitely shows that this episode wasn't as strong as some of you are saying.


A Mod Real Quick
From Reddit

"Did another student just ask Professor Slughorn about a piece of rare magic in the restricted section of the library?"
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Female empowerment has always been a part of this. I mean, ffs we have Cersei and Daenerys. It's not a new theme with the introduction of Lyanna Mormont.

The fact that this is what half the thread is about since the episode definitely shows that this episode wasn't as strong as some of you are saying.

It says less about the quality of the episode and more about the quality of this forum's members.
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The Big Mod
The fact that this is what half the thread is about since the episode definitely shows that this episode wasn't as strong as some of you are saying.
Not nearly as strong as the brave, independent women of Bear Island who don't need no stinking boys to fight wars for them, that's for damn sure.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My only beef with the episode was that Euron somehow built 1000 ships on an island with no trees and still sailed to King's landing before Theon and Yara could go pick up Dany and sail to Dragonstone. I think everybody saw that coming but it's still a bit of a WTF moment.

I am glad that Bran and Arya are finally getting back in the mix and every storyline is in Westeros now.
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The Big Mod
What if he said he was Ed from House Shereen? It was a pretty blatant 4th wall break which I can't recall ever happening in the previous 6 seasons.
They even did the "hey cool song", "thanks it's a new one" inside joke thing. Only thing missing from this scene was Brienne showing up to tell him his song Shape of your Body is misogynistic and This is what a real woman looks like.
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I'm With HER ♀
Women did and said things that fell under the increasingly bloated umbrella of 'shit women characters can't say without triggering the fuck out of me', let's bitch about it for pages and not see the irony
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A Mod Real Quick
My only beef with the episode was that Euron somehow built 1000 ships on an island with no trees and still sailed to King's landing before Theon and Yara could go pick up Dany and sail to Dragonstone. I think everybody saw that coming but it's still a bit of a WTF moment.

I am glad that Bran and Arya are finally getting back in the mix and every storyline is in Westeros now.
Yeah this was off for me too. They weren't even shitty ships, they were lit fam
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The Big Mod
Women did and said things that fell under the increasingly bloated umbrella of 'shit women characters can't say without triggering the fuck out of me', let's bitch about it for pages and not see the irony
I'm sorry Zaara. Let's talk about how cute the new Lannister gear was instead.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
My only beef with the episode was that Euron somehow built 1000 ships on an island with no trees and still sailed to King's landing before Theon and Yara could go pick up Dany and sail to Dragonstone. I think everybody saw that coming but it's still a bit of a WTF moment.

I am glad that Bran and Arya are finally getting back in the mix and every storyline is in Westeros now.
The travel thing is definitely starting to become a bit jarring.

If Euron ends up traveling to wherever the fuck and getting the horn, then all the way back to Kings Landing before the horde hits, it's just going to be hard to buy.

I half expected Melisandre to greet Daenerys, because that bitch teleports all over the place.

Arya seems to have a level 200 horse because she's flying all over the map.


<Gold Donor>
My only beef with the episode was that Euron somehow built 1000 ships on an island with no trees and still sailed to King's landing before Theon and Yara could go pick up Dany and sail to Dragonstone. I think everybody saw that coming but it's still a bit of a WTF moment.

I am glad that Bran and Arya are finally getting back in the mix and every storyline is in Westeros now.

Agreed, it was a bit jarring but they need to push the fast forward button up to get the pieces in place - it was a bit like last season, where one scene had Varys in Dorne, and 5 minutes later he's on a ship with Tyrion/Dany heading back to Westeros. The pacing the past two seasons is completely different from the first few seasons and it's the one thing that is glaring - think about how many episodes/scenes were wasted with idle travel, chatter, brothel visits, etc. Not really much/any of that the past few episodes as they're running out of time.

Also, lol at 5 pages of arguing about SJW bullshit when the entire story revolves around strong women and their story arcs. For fucks sakes, the two most powerful characters in the story are Cersei & Dany (for different reasons). The Ed Sheeran thing too is kind of a weird thing to be annoyed about - I didn't even know who the fuck he was until my wife pointed him out.


<Gold Donor>
That was litterally in response to Glover scoffing at arming and training women.

Seems pretty in line with rational human behavior.

I disagree. Someone who put forward an argument like that wouldn't just immediately nod and sit down like a slapped dog. It may seem rational to us, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that someone actually from that time line would be like "What's the point to living if the women are dead? They're weaker and will be the first to die", because that sort of logic was extremely prevalent in that part of history.


<Prior Amod>
Nah, not trolling. I just don't follow the show as closely as everyone else. I watch the episodes and then don't think about it again until the next season starts. I enjoy it when I watch it but I can't remember who all the people are. A friend at work told me last year about how Jon Snow was possibly a targ or something. I don't remember anything about who his other was.
try to re-watch eps10 of s6 then, you'll see the events, maybe, playout.


Gunnar Durden
Keg must have hated Rudy. just SJW crap of a guy getting told he couldnt do something, then telling peopel they are wrong.

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Gunnar Durden
I disagree. Someone who put forward an argument like that wouldn't just immediately nod and sit down like a slapped dog. It may seem rational to us, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that someone actually from that time line would be like "What's the point to living if the women are dead? They're weaker and will be the first to die", because that sort of logic was extremely prevalent in that part of history.

"You expect me to put a sword in my grand daughters hand"

"Im 12 and a lord, and you respect me, im going to fight."

*Looks at Brienne*

"Maybe your are right"

Yeah so jarring.

Glover was shamed last season by her, and realized he owes Jon and is a good lap dog now.
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