GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Karazhan Raider
This episode had the biggest plot hole since "The Lord of the Rings."
Jon Snow: "We are going to send 8 men north of the wall to capture a White Walker and prove that they're real."
Common Sense: "Or, you could take one of the three fucking dragons that you have, fly there and pick one up and return with it in a couple of hours..."


> Than U
By the measure of some in this thread, a one sentence description of self teaching yourself this skill could be described as lazy writing.
Nah, most people know most locks are shit. The fact she had lock picks and worked as basically as an assassin in training and taught to break into places to steal faces tells me she can get around some shitty bedroom door.
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Trakanon Raider
This episode confirms the leaks basically.


Anyway, Sam said bran spent "years" beyond the wall. Obviously he was out there for multiple seasons, and they did spend a ton of screen time beyond the wall, but they really must have spent a lot of time in the cave with the bloodraven. I am still mystified by the wight capture angle. How did that get greenlit as a plot point?

Too many characters left with too many holes to close and not enough time to do it. That, and they ran out of source material a long time ago and they know they can't navigate at all without it so they are ending this as fast as possible.

The retarded wight capture thing is for Jamie and Cersei and it's probably going to be used to end that entire arc. The Hound is going to survive and he's going to be the one to deliver the thing and Cersei is either going to do nothing or shes going to send her army to attack the wall under the guise of helping. Either choice is probably going to prompt The Cleganebowl and Jamie is going to kill Cersei.


Buzzfeed Editor
Ok. Even I cant stomach the whole black ops Mideival style raid north of the wall to peacefully "capture" a zombie JUST to peacefully bring it to Cersei and hope to convince her to ....what exactly? She even said herself why the fuck would they want to parlay in the position she is in. And did I miss something or did Cersei say they DID indeed secure the gold from the Tyrells? The loot train included everything BUT the gold?

So much retarded shit just happened Im not sure what else to say. The scene of Gendry saying he is ready to go with Davos had to be one of the most convenient, unbelievable onscreen interactions I have ever seen. Then Jamie just completely escaping after that charge?? Are you fucking KIDDING me?

Last week they said "the gold is beyond the wall". A supply train following an army can be miles long--they could still be a day out while the head of the army is in the city already. (That's also why they said they were vulnerable to being flanked last week. Because the head of the army would never wheel around to protect the rear in time. They made it seem like the portion carrying the gold double timed it.)
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FPS noob
they didnt take horses, have zero supplies, and are walking into a blizzard. they'll be out of food and water within 2 days. hope they dont have to walk far.

There was actually a few people walking out of the gate dragging a sled, presumably its the support team with the wight cage, supplies, etc
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Calling it now: If Cersei actually is pregnant, she's going to have a dwarf.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
i really liked the Jon is not actually a bastard twist.

Decent episode, considering there were zero fights.

The special mission of 7 super fighters to go capture a wight, is faggy as fuck. this is just bad, @Screamfeeder level writing. Stop writing shit, or I wont even throw metrics your way, you cur.

they didnt take horses, have zero supplies, and are walking into a blizzard. they'll be out of food and water within 2 days. hope they dont have to walk far.

There's a group of redshirts behind them pulling a sled which is probably full of supplies and shit to carry a wight back with. I can only assumes horses would be like fuck you I ain't going anywhere in that weather but I know jack shit about horses so who knows.

But yeah the writing is pretty shitty. They're rushing hard to get people places. Fan service up the ass. The plot is forcing you to stretch pretty far to be believable. But I find the spectacle of it all worth it and the fact this is the only glimpse we are going to get into how the books will end.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
There's a group of redshirts behind them pulling a sled which is probably full of supplies and shit to carry a wight back with. I can only assumes horses would be like fuck you I ain't going anywhere in that weather but I know jack shit about horses so who knows.

But yeah the writing is pretty shitty. They're rushing hard to get people places. Fan service up the ass. The plot is forcing you to stretch pretty far to be believable. But I find the spectacle of it all worth it and the fact this is the only glimpse we are going to get into how the books will end.


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i laughed how it took gendry literally 0.2 seconds to go with Davos
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Aychamo BanBan

I didn't notice anything about that scene on my TV, watching it on cable.

The entire "Let's go catch a wight to convince Cersei" is probably one of the dumber things I've seen in the show so far. I thought to myself they would all be at the wall by next episode, but they outdid themselves and were at the wall within the next few minutes. I do like the crew that is assembled there, though.

Regarding the crew. Is the Hound still "bad'? I remember some shit where he lived with some group for a while then the whole group got killed, then he came across these other people. And he took care of Arya, somewhat. I hope he can be "redeemed". I
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Log Wizard
If you didn't feel it at least move that last two minutes you're a fucking nerd and should go watch Mad Men or some stupid shit.
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Registered Hodor
I had forgotten about that note Sansa wrote in season 1 so I looked it up, here's the full text for anyone wondering:

Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert’s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King’s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.

So in the post show interview D&D explained what Littlefinger is up to:

[Arya] gets roped into spying on somebody who is actually leading her by the nose. He’s looking for a way to prevent this sister bond from developing further because the tighter they are the more definitively he is caught on the outside of it.

On the Sansa end of the relationship he’s seen the opening and now all he needs to do is give Arya a cause to display real rage towards Sansa. He knows full well that with what’s going on in Sansa’s head with regards to Arya and how dangerous she is, when Arya starts to act dangerous and act angry, he knows where Sansa is going to turn.

Seems kind of stupid, Sansa can just tell Arya like "hey I was being held captive and Cersei forced me to write this?". Also, even if Sansa and Arya were to magically start hating each other over a 7 year old fake note, does anyone think she'd actually turn to fucking Littlefinger for comfort?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
A lot of the stuff this episode felt pretty weak to me but at least it moved things along.

Arya is fucking annoying to me now. She's going to get all up in Sansa's face for maybe wishing she was Queen? I hope LF pushes her shit in somehow.


Trakanon Raider
They're doing an awful lot of that thing where two characters talk around the obvious details that would prevent a misunderstanding.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

The Wall opens,

(Wow! Jon Snow marching on the Night King with his army already? What's going on? Who's there...who's there..

AHA! its Jon Snow and... the dehydrated Brothers without Banners! Silly Rabbits!)

Episode ending.gif



Jon Snow pulls Gendry aside, asks if he can make skis so they can beat some wight ass in a 6 vs 10,000 melee.

Gendry nods.

Shark JUMP 22.gif
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Why not just have Benjen willfully go as a friendly addition to the band of brothers, and use him as evidence? I wouldnt be surprised if thats what happened at this point.
Can't remember if Benjen is back as a wight in the books (it's been toooooo looooong). But I wouldn't be surprised if the north raid (or rather, one very specific part of it, like the door holding) was one of the 3 main plot points that GRRM had ready, and the showrunners didn't think of the stuff when they brought back Benjen as a friendly undead.


FPS noob
benjen would be a terrible example to bring back, he talks and is rational and can probably be hurt. you need one of those half face guys who just try to constantly attack you and then say "... and there are another 10 million of these guys, and every time one of our guys dies in battle against them they turn into that."

and even then cersei would probably be serving you poisoned wine


Registered Hodor
Can't remember if Benjen is back as a wight in the books (it's been toooooo looooong). But I wouldn't be surprised if the north raid (or rather, one very specific part of it, like the door holding) was one of the 3 main plot points that GRRM had ready, and the showrunners didn't think of the stuff when they brought back Benjen as a friendly undead.

There's no mention of Benjen at all in the books after he goes beyond the wall, just a friendly undead guy named "Coldhands" who helps out Bran on his trip up north. Book nerds speculated for years that it was Benjen, and the show confirmed it last season.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Calling it now: If Cersei actually is pregnant, she's going to have a dwarf.

This is the third interpretation of the Valonqhar prophecy. It was never said whom Valonqhar it was... it's the little brother to Cersei's 3 children... and she's going to have her life squeezed from her by her unborn last son.