GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He also calmly took credit for Gilly's work (I doubt Gilly was just reading some high septon's diary for poops and laughs), I wonder if Bran will get pissy and out him on it! But yes, that was awesome. Sam is a true badass, I hope he doesn't get eaten by a zombie.

Some speculate that Sam is GRRM's author insertion character, and that it will all end with old Sam (played by GRRM) closing a manuscript describing the whole story (a la "There and Back Again" from The Hobbit/LOTR)
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Molten Core Raider
He also calmly took credit for Gilly's work (I doubt Gilly was just reading some high septon's diary for poops and laughs), I wonder if Bran will get pissy and out him on it! But yes, that was awesome. Sam is a true badass, I hope he doesn't get eaten by a zombie.

It seemed pretty random, the whole conversation centered around how tedious the book was. She wasn't looking for that info, it was just veeeery convienent that she happened to verbalize that lone tidbit of most important information ever.

Going and reading the season spoilers I think the Cersei miscarriage might have been misconception of the Lyanna scene by the sleuths. For a moment there it was just a bloody childbirth scene.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Love the new title. Right on the money. I look forward to the next 16+ months (if those 2019 guess are true) of shitposting and terrible theories about why Bran the NK made everything happen this way.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
because they never went into her not having periods like they did in the books.

They didn't feel the need to spell it out to the audience by having her directly answer the question with the obvious answer, LOL


<Bronze Donator>
so Cersei is obviously going to die before her baby is born, right? since the prophecy about her other three kids didn't include mention of a fourth?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Finale was great, probably best episode of the Season. So many weak episodes this Season, very fast paced and lots of dumb decisions to drive the plot.

Finale was slower, more diplomatic instead of "omg dragon battle".

Even with the events being as dumb as they were to lead us to where we are, the finale put it all together in a reasonable manner.

About time they start SAYING shit rather than cutting off every half-sentence to add confusion or for "viewer engagement".

Sansa/Arya telling LF to his face all his crimes, spelling it out crystal clear.
Bran/Sam telling you straight up what you should know by now.
Cersei telling you she's faking everything and going to backstab them.
Only murky thing is the conclusion of Tyrion/Cersei conversation.

Final Season Synopsis:
After years and years of buildup and suspense, the undead have finally bypassed the wall. The penultimate battle ensues and the "living" barely eek out a victory. With the slaying of the King, the undead corpses fall lifelessly. The moment of joy is brief, however, as they now must turn to the South and fight the Golden Company. (Elephants!)


Serious predictions & expectations:

What happens to the North/Wall/etc? Is there always a Night King? Westeros isn't a world that has "peace". We just learned that Robert's Rebellion was on false pretenses. Did Robert know Lyanna was in love with Rhaegar, was Robert jealous? This is the circle-jerk shit we all came to love about the show, nobody is innocent. Nobody is right. All along the Starks/Baratheons were fighting for the "wrong" side.

But Jon IS a bastard in context of the story. He doesn't follow the rules. He's pure innocence. Everyone else has flaws. They are "natural". Jon is a freak.

I think the penultimate battle takes place at the "God's Eye". Which is just north of King's Landing. The undead will have moved so close to King's Landing that Cersei & her Golden Company have no choice but to play a part. The North will have been mostly overrun and forced to flee South. Cersei will have her miscarriage and not care about life anymore, she'll be glad to see everyone die. Jaime says 'nope' and kills her.

Maybe Hound is with Jaime and this is when we get Cleganbowl. Except no airhorns. So Cersei/Mountain die, maybe all 4 die... Does Jaime have an end game? Does he ride off into the sunset with Bronn? How many people get castles at the end of this?

Bran will be waiting in his wheelchair at the God's Eye and Night King will land in front of him and they give each other awkward stares and then do magical stuff. Night King is killed/absorbed/replaced/freed by Bran somehow. Maybe Bran becomes the new King. Maybe it's like Neo & Smith where they cancel each other out. Whatever happens, it's weird.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
so Cersei is obviously going to die before her baby is born, right? since the prophecy about her other three kids didn't include mention of a fourth?

If she dies giving birth to a boy, Maggie's prophecy is still fulfilled in an abstract sort of way.

We just learned that Robert's Rebellion was on false pretenses. Did Robert know Lyanna was in love with Rhaegar, was Robert jealous? This is the circle-jerk shit we all came to love about the show, nobody is innocent. Nobody is right. All along the Starks/Baratheons were fighting for the "wrong" side.

Uh, the Mad King still burned Ned's father and brother alive
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Molten Core Raider
The whole Theon story arc is so ridiculous at this point, it's such a waste of time. Just a retarded SJW redemption plot with no redeeming value. His dialogue with Jon was so fucking stupid. Would not surprise me to see him in a episode next season tribbing with Greyworm.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Night King rapes Bran in a weirwood tree grove, then beats him to death with his own wheelchair.

Roll final credits.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Clicked randomly on suggested youtube.
Grace posits a theory I like.

Night queen Cersei. Allies with NK, giving up her baby to immortal-wight. Would call back to Crasters kids being turned into Others. as well as the nights king backstory.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
i would have preferred to have seen Littlefinger marched out into the courtyard and get his head chopped off on a scaffolding to mirror Ned Stark's death or Karstark's execution by Robb.

It was weird because Arya specifically stated she was the executioner and Sansa the Lady of Winterfell, thus a direct contravention of the Stark "old ways".


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The moon door shit was just to get the vale folks on standing there on board. The big crime was his role in Ned's death kicking off a continent wide war. .

Did you miss the charge of killing the Lord of the Vale, Jon Arryn?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It was weird because Arya specifically stated she was the executioner and Sansa the Lady of Winterfell, thus a direct contravention of the Stark "old ways".

Yes, this kind of bothered me because they made a big point in earlier of seasons of "He who pronounces the sentence, must carry it out". Ned did it, Robb did it. Maybe they gave the womenfolk a pass on this one since I dont see Sansa swinging a broadsword. It just seemed like a really tacky death and nothing more than a show trial. I understand why it had to be brief because of time constraints, but it just all seemed so unStark-like

P.S. Robb's execution of Karstark in the pounding rain was always a very powerful scene for me because of all the implications and issues that it created for Robb.

"Kneel, my lord!"
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah Sansa hadn't figured out LF's latest game yet, so her sending away the one person who would definitely intervene to protect her from Arya was profoundly retarded.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes, this kind of bothered me because they made a big point in earlier of seasons of "He who pronounces the sentence, must carry it out". Ned did it, Robb did it. Maybe they gave the womenfolk a pass on this one since I dont see Sansa swinging a broadsword. It just seemed like a really tacky death and nothing more than a show trial. I understand why it had to be brief because of time constraints, but it just all seemed so unStark-like

P.S. Robb's execution of Karstark in the pounding rain was always a very powerful scene for me because of all the implications and issues that it created for Robb.

"Kneel, my lord!"
Jon did it too, as Lord Commander.


<Silver Donator>
If Night Queen Cersie happens, then I hope Lady Stoneheart suddenly appears and takes her out.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
If Ned knew that Jon was Rhaegar & Lyanna's son, why did he just allow him to go to the wall like a chump? I get it, he can't treat him special because he knows Robert hates Targaryens and all that. But why let him just freeze his balls off in the squalor of the wall with no warning or anything? Jaime and Tyrion both tried to warn Jon, but Ned did not. Other than plot, what do we know that might explain that?

Starks have served the on the Wall for thousands of years. Ned had no reason to think the War of the Five Kings was going to happen or anything.