GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Can you locate Essos?
I can see a Jimmy Kimmel or Jay Leno bit on this.

"Excuse me, sir? What is your opinion on Queen Daenerys' recent support of the Mereenese slave trade, and do you think this will hurt her currently favorable polls in Astapor?"

"Uh, I uh, you know I always supported her slave stuff, cause that's how the economy keeps going is slaves, know what I mean? Yeah, I think she doin' a good job in Astapor, yeah definitely, getting along and stuff with those peoples."


Well, some are quite ignorant.

When i was visiting friends in the US, i got a few of these gems.....

"Oh you're from the Netherlands? Awesome man, i love scandinavia!"
And, " yes the Netherlands, that is the capital of amsterdam right?"

I am dutch. I am from the Netherlands, not Holland. Holland is a part of the netherlands, to be exact, the provinces north and south holland, Amsterdam is in north holland, funny enough it's in the west of the Netherlands. Allow me to confuse you more! I live in the province North Brabant, wich is in the south.

And we are going to sue GRRM for plagiarism....the Nights watch is dutch!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Well, some are quite ignorant.
While the USA has it's share of idiots, I think the majority of "ignorance" about international geography that foreigners complain about could be better described as "not giving a shit". I have a lot of foreign friends and know tons of people living overseas and they love to say stuff like "We know where the USA is and who your president is and blahblahblah but you don't know any of that about my country. Americans are so ignorant." Why the fuck should we care where your little country is located or who the meaningless leader is? I don't mean to belittle other countries, but the fact of the matter is that in the grand scheme of the world--especially from an American point of view--90% of the countries don't matter, whereas whatever the USA does has a huge and direct affect on most of the rest of the world. Obviously more foreigners are going to know about the USA than visa-versa.

I bet most of the Lannisters don't give a flying fuck about where Qarth is and who the leaders are. Why? Because they're the fucking Lannisters with a powerful military and endless gold and they don't need to know where the city their carpets come from is located and who rules it. All they care about is that their carpets arrive at Lannisport.

So moral of the story: The USA are the Lannisters of the world.


Molten Core Raider
Well, some are quite ignorant.

When i was visiting friends in the US, i got a few of these gems.....

"Oh you're from the Netherlands? Awesome man, i love scandinavia!"
And, " yes the Netherlands, that is the capital of amsterdam right?"

I am dutch. I am from the Netherlands, not Holland. Holland is a part of the netherlands, to be exact, the provinces north and south holland, Amsterdam is in north holland, funny enough it's in the west of the Netherlands. Allow me to confuse you more! I live in the province North Brabant, wich is in the south.

And we are going to sue GRRM for plagiarism....the Nights watch is dutch!
So you're from Holland. Glad that's settled.


Not going to turn this in a pissing contest, McCheese, because you don't want that shit you typed backfire on you, and i won't do that in this thread.

Back to the thread's topic though, why is ghost not with Jon snow? I cant remember if the wolf stayed with him in the books or anything.


Not going to turn this in a pissing contest, McCheese, because you don't want that shit you typed backfire on you, and i won't do that in this thread.

Back to the thread's topic though, why is ghost not with Jon snow? I cant remember if the wolf stayed with him in the books or anything.
Ghost abandoned Jon Snow before he went with the Wildlings, when Jon was messing with the redhead. Samwell was the last to see Ghost in Episode 1 or 2 of this season in the distance if I recall.


He's having hot dire wolf sex with Nymeria.
GRRM is going to write a "Direwolf Trilogy" talking about the adventures of the direwolves over the course of the 6 books when they were otherwise off screen once book 6 is done. I'm sure it will only delay book 7 by 10-12 years.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Didn't Ghost help Jon kill Qhorin Halfhand? Pretty sure that's the way it went down in the books, but I don't remember if he did in the show or not.


GRRM is going to write a "Direwolf Trilogy" talking about the adventures of the direwolves over the course of the 6 books when they were otherwise off screen once book 6 is done. I'm sure it will only delay book 7 by 10-12 years.
We will have one of those 6 books be a two parter where we only see one of two wolf's POV also.


Didn't Ghost help Jon kill Qhorin Halfhand? Pretty sure that's the way it went down in the books, but I don't remember if he did in the show or not.
If I remember correctly ghost was with him until he climbed the wall in the book. On the show he left before he killed qhorin.


Musty Nester
Up until about four years ago I thought "The Netherlands" was just slang for girl parts. As in "I'm gonna invade your netherlands so hard you're gonna cum in german".