GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


A Mod Real Quick
Maybe I'm too cautious after the past seasons, but I'm wondering if those heads are somehow fake. If he could change faces like aryas friend, perhaps he could change decapitated heads too. I was suspicious the moment he showed up.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's a dude that's wants some mother of dragon ass and killed a couple dudes to get it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Maybe I'm too cautious after the past seasons, but I'm wondering if those heads are somehow fake. If he could change faces like aryas friend, perhaps he could change decapitated heads too. I was suspicious the moment he showed up.
Would be cool but I think you might be reaching a little too much with this one. But I guess everything's possible after the vagina-Ghost-monster-assassin.


Vyemm Raider
I dont think you're reading into this too much at all. I think that was the show's way of letting us know Joffrey acknowledges that his father is most likely Jaime..But again it could just be that he is identifying more with his Lannister side and his Mothers family.

At least that's how I initially interpreted it. I think Joffrey may be a little more cunning than he gets credit for (yuck I know)...not so much tactically but when it comes to keeping the throne. Killing off bastard babies etc..
Joffrey considers himself a Lannister simply because he's a momma's boy. He was raised by Cersei, while Robert was off drinking and whoring, remember? IIRC they had very little interaction and Robert pretty much despised him. I'd have to go rewatch some of season 1 to be sure.


Still a Music Elitist
I think Dany is accepting this Braavos dude's intentions as loyalty a little too soon. He just slaughtered his former two bosses/equals and then goes on a spiel about how he doesn't listen to what anyone says and he does what he wants.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Remember though, Dany is like 17 or something? Teenagers are crazy! Hell Sansa is only 14, I had forgotten just how young she was supposed to be.


Millie's Staff Member
With those 2 generals dead it leaves daario in charge of 2000 sellswords. She wanted them and by having daario swear fealty to her its like a contract.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Dany's army is the only one we really have seen and know real numbers on. It'll be interesting to see what happens if she gets 10,000 soldiers and 3 dragons across the sea to Westeros. It seems like she's been trying to do that forever.


Karazhan Raider
dany has had a miscarriage, seen her husband die AND come back to life, then die again (murdered by herself), killed a witch, burned herself alive, birthed motherfucking dragons, survived a desert, defeated warlocks, took a city, freed slaves... so i dont think she qualifies as your typical mallrat teenager. sansa yeah, but dany? not so much.

she's diggin this dude's brass cos he's all tough and shit, and i think she knows damn well she's got to watch her back


Silver Knight of the Realm
Jorah Mormont, Barristan Selmy, Sexy translator bitch, 3 dragons, Greywurm/the unsullied and this New obviously big deal second sons guy(didnt catch his name - Daario?) Her host is getting pretty big and badass. I hope Danny suffers a loss pretty soon cause all she does is win this season. Gotta create that balance!


Golden Knight of the Realm
It doesn't matter what she's been through, she's still a teenager. Obviously she's been through a lot(who on this show hasn't), but the point does still stand.


Karazhan Raider
Jorah Mormont, Barristan Selmy, Sexy translator bitch, 3 dragons, Greywurm/the unsullied and this New obviously big deal second sons guy(didnt catch his name - Daario?) Her host is getting pretty big and badass. I hope Danny suffers a loss pretty soon cause all she does is win this season. Gotta create that balance!
that's true, something bad's bound to happen to her


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I love the debate between which out of our league girl we'd fuck before a different out of our league girl

Also enjoyed this episode. Moved the storyline along nicely which is what I have been asking for out of the show. Generally I dislike Dany's usually boring storyline but I'm liking her in season 3. Even my anti-boy Sam the fat emo hog had a good scene.


With Jorah in love with her it'll be interesting to see how he takes to Daario being around.
Yeah I have a feeling Daenerys is gonna get fucked over, betrayed or attacked by someone soon. She's let 3 dudes into her close circle, all with different motives and ambitions.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
With those 2 generals dead it leaves daario in charge of 2000 sellswords. She wanted them and by having daario swear fealty to her its like a contract.
Only a dumb whore would believe a guy who just killed two people he was also in contract with. But that is who her storyline is for: dumb whores.