GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Stannis would be a bad king, he is influenced too much by melisandre, basically stannis is the puppet, melisandre pulls the strings by now. Davos sees this, and his loyalty to stannis is almost scary. Stannis' beliefs of the BS melisandre whispers in his ears makes him so confident he doesn't need any help to win, that is why he refused an alliance with robb, that and the fact Cat was riding alongside renly when they met didn't help it either.

Stannis is a soldier, they tend to make lousy kings bydefault. Just look at Robert, he could 't stsnd peace and politics, he only knew how to smash skulls with a big fucking hammer. Robert was really a piss poor king.


Buzzfeed Editor
Robert wasn't all that bad. He kept the kingdom together for 17 years with only one major issue, which he dealt with like a boss.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hound has been really good in his limited screentime this season. Him and Arya on the horse at the start were so good, I was actually smiling and hopeful for her for a second when she realized she was going to her family before I came back to reality.

Also, Cersei's hamfisted threatening of Margaery was as bad as her shutting down Loras' attempt was good.

You know this is a great show because almost every complaint has very little to do with the actual show itself and everything to do with how it's different from the books.

Also also, didn't someone in this thread say Dany had it in her contract that she wasn't going to show dem thangs anymore? Lying piece of shit!


Trump's Staff
Stannius is lawful neutral. Six kingdoms out of seven is not enough for the True King, and Robb is a traitor for calling himself king.


Karazhan Raider
thanos?in my game of thrones?

i believe chaos is referring to balon greyjoy's rebellion, which indeed robert handled like it weren't a thang. wonder if ned would've been the best king. aaaand now i'm sad.


Vyemm Raider
The Targaryans didn't overthrow anyone, they conquered each and every one of the 7 kingdoms. In some peoples mind there is a big difference between that and these other houses claim to the thrown that sort of took the easy way out by only having to overthrow 1 crazy ass king.

The Targaryens problem is that they haven't had a badass motherfuckin warrior to take that shit back since Rhaegar died. Until now that is....................
Wrong they Conquered 6 at most Dorne being the notable exception. Hence their house's motto.


Buzzfeed Editor
Also also, didn't someone in this thread say Dany had it in her contract that she wasn't going to show dem thangs anymore? Lying piece of shit!
I didn't say it, but I checked it out when it was said. She does, indeed, have a "no nudity" clause in her contract that was put in after season 1. I'm guessing she wanted more control over the scenes they shot. She performs nude in plays though, so I guess it was more about controlling the sex scenes than actual nudity.
Stannis has a huge stick up his butt. I think Davos suggested...
Definitely expecting Melisandre to betray Stannis by siding with Gendry. Whether Stannis is then sacrificed in Gendry's place, who knows.

Also since apparently I attend this thread only to make false predictions:

1. Arya finds Nymeria soon, or rather Nymeria finds Arya.
2. Melisandre sinks her sacrificial dragon glass dagger into Stannis' neck
3. Bran the warg eventually communicates with Dany's dragons
4. Cersei kills herself soon, and Jaime chooses not to. Romeo & Juliet style, only Romeo doesn't follow through.


Tranny Chaser
This makes me wonder... was there any diplomatic communication between Robb and Stannis? It feels like Stannis just assumes Robb wants to steal the Iron Throne from him.
Catelyn represented Robb at the season 2 parley between Stannis and Renly, she urged them to combine forces vs the Lannisters rather than fighting eachother.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Main question I had during that episode, is Daario the same person that helped Arya and company escape the Mountain / Harrenhall(?) by killing people that she could name?

He uses similar terms (lovely girl) and I can't tell if the CGI face they used in the previous episode was supposed to be his face. He also said 'valar morghulis' but I am not really sure if that is common or not.


You are thinking of Jaqen H'ghar. If you remember, H'ghar had a very peculiar third person way of speaking that Daario does not share. That said we also know the assassin that once assumed the persona of Jaqen H'ghar has an almost magical ability to transform his appearance, so him changing his way of speaking should be trivial!

Between the bank, the sword master, the (now beheaded) mercenary leader and the faceless assassins, Braavos sounds like a cool place! Too bad it's unlikely the plot moves there for any significant time.


All this Free City stuff made take a stroll on the TV Show's wiki and I realized something: there is still a viable and non-insane heir to the throne for the Lannister/Baratheon: Tommen Baratheon, the other son of Cersei. It really makes you wonder how Joffrey the loose cannon is still alive. Tommen King, Tywin Regent, Tyrion Hand: happy ending!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also felt that Jaqen and Daario were the same person until I realized they weren't talking any way similar. The only reason I felt they were the same was the extreme confidence in their interactions with other people and their piercing stare. They also looked pretty similar.


Avatar of War Slayer
If I am not mistaken, and I may be- but I assumed that all of Cersei's children where Jamies- hince all their blond hair etc... so he still would not be legit in the eyes of Stannis etc etc

The Ancient_sl

If I am not mistaken, and I may be- but I assumed that all of Cersei's children where Jamies- hince all their blond hair etc... so he still would not be legit in the eyes of Stannis etc etc
You aren't mistaken. Stannis's isn't waging war on Joffrey because he's an insufferable twat, it's because he's not a rightful claimant to the throne.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I am under the impression you would have a hard time getting most Septons or Septas (priests/priestesses of the Seven) to knowingly marry siblings. Targaryen kings saying "fuck you marry us" of course being the exception, due to being so powerful, etc.

Again though, the biggest problem with Joffrey being Cersei and Jaimes' child is that he would have zero claim to the Iron Throne and the Lannisters would promptly be kicked the fuck out of King's Landing by Stannis, etc.
No one really cares about one's claim to the throne. To paraphrase what someone in the books said, "Aegon had no claim whatsoever, but he had dragons."