GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
Lol. I felt this heavy pressing feeling on my genitals and after checking this thread it explains why. If yall insist on riding my nuts at least lose some weight first. Damned neckbeards.



Millie's Staff Member
I was satisfied with it. Btw you can use paypal to buy I Heart Astro t-shirts at my online store. They range in sizes from 3 to 6x.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I don't like spoilers because it ruins the suspense. I also hate authors who don't have their characters suffer any consequences because it removes the suspense. I KNOW that Drizzt will always be fine, and that's lame. It's the same shit with most TV shows. There are generally half a dozen sacred cows in a given action show that won't be hurt.

One of the most appealing things about GRRM is that I don't know what, where, and who.
100% agree. GRRM is the only writer I know that gives you the feel of being being a spectator in the Roman Colosseum. You have the people you root for, and you know what they are capable of and how things should go, but when they step out onto the floor, anything could happen. Its rare I've felt a sense of trepidation as I turned the page like I do with Asoiaf- Sometimes its satisfying, sometimes its horrifying, sometimes its baffling, but thats just how the real world works. A "safe" story will never be able to give that feeling to a reader.

Spoilers dont stop things from being enjoyable- but they are just one more thing that removes this feeling. I don't want to enjoy my book, I want to experience it.


Millie's Staff Member
lol, when you get older Lithose, all your burns become Lameburns.


Musty Nester
If the writing is any good at all spoilers don't detract anything for me. It doesn't bother me whatsoever to know beforehand that Rash fesses up at the end of Crime & Punishment. It doesn't make Old Man and the Sea any worse knowing that the fish gets away. It's a very rare sort of story that can hinge on plot points alone and can continue to be interesting. Sure, they're important, but if that's all you've got...

I think M. Knight Shamalamadingdong has made a career of proving this point in the most obvious way possible. If all you've got going for you is "lol, u expected neddard to LIVE? LOLOLOLOL" you seriously suck at telling stories. Fortunately GRRM has more going for him than that. He just enjoys being a dick.


Buzzfeed Editor
If the writing is any good at all spoilers don't detract anything for me. It doesn't bother me whatsoever to know beforehand that Rash fesses up at the end of Crime & Punishment. It doesn't make Old Man and the Sea any worse knowing that the fish gets away. It's a very rare sort of story that can hinge on plot points alone and can continue to be interesting. Sure, they're important, but if that's all you've got...

I think M. Knight Shamalamadingdong has made a career of proving this point in the most obvious way possible. If all you've got going for you is "lol, u expected neddard to LIVE? LOLOLOLOL" you seriously suck at telling stories. Fortunately GRRM has more going for him than that. He just enjoys being a dick.
I actually had most of the major plot points spoiled for me in the GoT series. Dickheads posting in the tv forum on foh spoiled Ned dying and Jon - Lyanna connection. I clicked the wrong thread once and read about the red wedding. Someone told me about Joffrey, like a dick. But it doesn't really matter, it didn't lessen my enjoyment of the books. People treat spoilers like you're murdering their child and I'll play along I guess and mod out spoilers, but deep down I think they're all pussies. Who cares?


Molten Core Raider
You could argue that every single person that has read the books has had the entire TV series spoiled for them, yet obviously a large part of the show's audience is book readers.

The effect is going to vary from person to person, but I doubt spoilers truly completely ruin anything for anybody.


Millie's Staff Member
Since the story is only halfway through you really cant say any spoiler from the published books ruin anything. Even snape kills dumbledore wasnt that big a deal.

Oh and Drinsic your t-shirt is in the mail.


It removes the ability to piece together puzzles - when you know someone's about to die, you're constantly watching forthatmoment when the axe falls, whereas someone who isn't spoiled is relatively merrily going about their business, shit gets fucked up, and THEN they sit there, remembering all the little hints and things in the past chapters and it clicks.

Books are unique in that, pesonally, I love the way things are written. My favorite authors tend to be my favorite not necessarily because it's an awesome story (though it is) but because the tone and maturity in which it's written. If something is spoiled you lose out on the reveal but you're still rewarded by everything else.

I would hate to have it spoiled though. Right now we remember Tywin writing, writing, writing to win the war, but for most that type of things clicks AFTER it all happens. I dunno. I like figuring things out, I like remembering the small, tiny things I deemed insignificant that come back to bite me in the ass.

Waiting and watching when you know what's going to happen, well. That's not as much fun. I'm not as invested in the experience.


Trump's Staff
I would hate to have it spoiled though. Right now we remember Tywin writing, writing, writing to win the war, but for most that type of things clicks AFTER it all happens. I dunno. I like figuring things out, I like remembering the small, tiny things I deemed insignificant that come back to bite me in the ass.

Waiting and watching when you know what's going to happen, well. That's not as much fun. I'm not as invested in the experience.
This 100%. The subtle comments in the non spoiler thread rustle me even though they aren't spoiling me, because it's going to the surprise for someone.