GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


A Mod Real Quick
Maybe Jon Snow finally embraces being Azor Ahai and kills the NK with his flaming sword and they march to the capital under Azor Ahai

I feel like they've kind of left the whole 'azor ahai' thing on the floor after jon was rezzed
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Arya was trying to find out details about the undead. She is going to ninja her way to the NK dressed as a wight and peg him with her new weapon.
Then she reaches down to remove the Night King's face(we'll pretend her dragonglass spear didn't make him explode), peeling his face off reveals his true identity. Syrio Forel!

"Not today, Arya!"

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<Silver Donator>
I don't remember a single time this episode where they discussed how to deal with the night King's dragon. Tormund is in Winterfell so you can garuntee they've all heard about how that thing wrecked the wall.

That thing could shit all over their plans in about 30 seconds if they don't have Dany's Dragon's patrolling miles away from Winterfell ahead of time, right?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i think the assumption is that giant undead dragons are just as susceptible to dragonglass as the rest of the army. so yeah, it could cause a lot of damage, but they just need to keep pelting it with dragonglass arrows


<Bronze Donator>
Maybe Jon Snow finally embraces being Azor Ahai and kills the NK with his flaming sword and they march to the capital under Azor Ahai

I feel like they've kind of left the whole 'azor ahai' thing on the floor after jon was rezzed

That was the Red Woman pushing that story. She’s not in an episode, no one is mentioning it.


Molten Core Raider
Jon will be in trouble and Dany will have a chance to heroically come to his rescue but just choose to let him die instead. That would make for some nice salt.

The group in the fireplace room wakes up hungover and looks out the window to see the dead marching south. They are the only survivors because they slept through the battle.
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Aychamo BanBan

Maybe Captain Marvel will swoop in at the last moment. She probably has a lot to say about the predominantly white male cast of GoT.
  • 9Worf
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Maybe Captain Marvel will swoop in at the last moment. She probably has a lot to say about the predominantly white male cast of GoT.

I heard next episode they recast Jon Snow as a 6'5 Nigerian and half the episode is him laying the Pipe to Khaleesi.
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<Silver Donator>
I heard next episode they recast Jon Snow as a 6'5 Nigerian and half the episode is him laying the Pipe to Khaleesi.
I have a feeling thats already a thing and called The Game of Bones. Im not even going to google that because im' THAT sure its already there.
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Avatar of War Slayer
There were a lot of hints and a lot of what ye'all crazy folk are guessing line up with a lot of the "foreshadowing" - I always have to "air quotes" that because the writers have proven that what we think is foreshadow is just normal to them and then they come back "OH YEAH, we meant that"

Also, no1 for links to Arya body double for the side tittays?


There were a lot of hints and a lot of what ye'all crazy folk are guessing line up with a lot of the "foreshadowing" - I always have to "air quotes" that because the writers have proven that what we think is foreshadow is just normal to them and then they come back "OH YEAH, we meant that"

Also, no1 for links to Arya body double for the side tittays?

The writers of game of thrones don't do foreshadowing anymore if they want you to remember something from a previous period they will

Show the entire scene in the Previously on section before the show then have two characters talk about said thing/person then said thing/person will show up.

The dialogue of GoT has gotten so fucking shit it's unreal. These two episodes should of been fucking amazing but I just got bored because you cant get invested anymore you just live for the next shock death, Last Episode was literally a Video Game cut scene.

You are flying to the final dungeon and before you enter the end game encounter a pop up says "Are you sure you want to continue you can't go back" then it plays a series of cutscenes of all your party members then you fight the boss.

Jon Snow and Arya who loved each other and havent seen each other in forever/thought they where alive don't meet up for the first time and then talk about fucking SWORDS.

People don't Ignore the dude who literally can track the Night Kings movements and can see everyones past.

When their is a Zombie death army coming you don't get catty with the lady with the army who came here to help.

Old Game of Thrones Sansa would of accepted Dannys help then when the battle was OVER said that the North doesn't kneel because GRRM wrote intelligent scheming characters. These TV trashcans turned it into True Housewives of Westeros.

I can't wait to tune in Sunday.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
a_skeleton_02 is spot on. Best part is I was reading in the Star Wars Episode 9 thread they got the same writers on board for that movie. HA, perhaps the people over at Disney think they're responsible for the first 6 seasons.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Why does everyone keeps ignoring the dude that can turn a sword into fire???


I would be like "jesus fuck u are jesus.!!!!"
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope they copy The Sopranos ending... Danny... Jon.. Cersei...Sansa in the tavern...door opens, fade to black.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
gonna be hilarious if like two or three second tier chars die next episode and everyone else lives
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