GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Aychamo BanBan

I liked scouring a lot. It scales back the epic world ending lord of evil threat into something which is less fantasy but just as important, and importantly something that happens. That bit isn't so much fantasy as direct social commentary.

The first time I finished ROTK I also despised scouring. It was both a gutpunch and it felt anti climatic. But Merry and Pippin running off old sharky and letting their fat little brothers be free without being corrupted by violence (mostly) is important. At the very least the constabulary that they formed was free of the -joy- of violence. It's the story of the country people that get by without being directly effected by these huge world shaping events but in their more narrow ways their lives are effected even more negatively by forces they cannot control, comprehend, or even influence.

It's a story about soldiers coming home to find that while they were out fighting the good fight, all the cowards were at home eating their food and fucking the women.

That one small chapter contextualizes the entire three books. I really do think it was kind of brilliant to use it as an epilogue. For adults. Younger readers won't see the point he's making. I didn't, until I re-read the series in my 30's.

The story that GRRM has told will not lend itself to a scouring of the shire. He's made everyone complict and the commoners are not innocent... they're just chattel. He does not have a Shire to Scour. If he tries, which he probably would if he ever wrote the book, it would be peak pretentiousness.

Very well written. I absolutely adored the Scouring of the Shire, heart breaking, and exactly as you described. I may read it tonight before I goto sleep.


The Scientific Shitlord
They've telegraphed a Euron betrayal plenty hard. He's already been killing mercs on the trip over for laughs. He told his niece that he wasn't killing her because he wants someone around to appreciate his craftiness, when she tells him that he picked the wrong side he basically responds with "I picked my own side" and leaves her with "Well, it's time to go fuck a queen, BRB!".

At this point it will just be bad writing if Euron remains loyal because that pussy is soooooo strong.
They have pretty much been setting up his betrayal since he got introduced. Fucking Cersei was always just a notch on his belt. That or sending the Golden Company by sea when there are dragons in town is... not the best idea. Or Theon's sister uses the magical shipyards of nowhere to make a bigger fleet to sink them all.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Wife and I have just taken to watching Thrones with all of the lights out. Its literally the only way I can see shit. Possible that my TV's blacks just aren't the greatest. It's an LED from like 2013.
Are you being racist towards your TV, or is it your TV that is racist?
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Millie's Staff Member
They have pretty much been setting up his betrayal since he got introduced. Fucking Cersei was always just a notch on his belt. That or sending the Golden Company by sea when there are dragons in town is... not the best idea. Or Theon's sister uses the magical shipyards of nowhere to make a bigger fleet to sink them all.
maybe the M Night Dingdong twist, is he takes Cersei captive and Tyrion and/or Jamie end up saving her only to have one of them kill her themselves.


The Scientific Shitlord
You could have Superman show up and donkey punch Cersei this would also subvert expectations but it would be fucking stupid and have no place in the story.
Zombie Christopher Reeves Superman donkey punching Cersei would be fucking badass.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Plot twist. Euron is the Azor Ahai.
Image result for euron yelling gif
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You know I think the thing that stuck with me the most about that unbridled rage video was the fact that back in season 1? they made a point of Jorah just sort of casually using his heavy plate armor to catch a dothraki arakh against his side without being hurt and killing the wielder, but in season 8 some wight with a rusted hunk of shit has no problem stabbing him in the heart.
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Egg Nazi
Except Tolkien flat out said it had nothing to do with the aftermath of WW2.

And Aldarion's take on it is directly contradicted by the actual events of the scouring itself. Frodo spares Saruman despite what he has done to the shire, Saruman's death comes about as a consequence of his own actions, the Shire more than completely recovers from Saruman's damage, and if the hobbits have lost some of their innocence they have traded it for a better appreciation of what they have.
Tolkien doth protest too much. He said that because so many people read the obvious meaning in his story. It's not 'my take' - its such a common reading of the story that Tolkien had to go on record saying 'no, thats not what I meant'. Tolkien hated direct allegory, and was ashamed to realize he'd written one.

Your attempt at rebuttal doesnt contradict what I said. The scouring is an example of what happens when you leave evil alive and let it fester. Its a cautionary tale, not a guide book. You'd have to be out of your mind to claim the hobbits were somehow better off after the scouring, on a level with people claiming movie-Thanos 50% solution was a good idea.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The omission of the scouring from the movies was the single worst change they made, bar none. Yes, even the dumb love story shit. Scouring of the shire was important.

It wouldn't have worked in the movie. Ignoring the various other changes that ruled that out (like Saruman dying), it would have fucked with the flow of the movie. ROTK was already clocking in at 3 hours. The only way to fit the shire in would have been to trim lots of other scenes, and even then, the flow would feel weird. Think about the movie flow:

Sauron is defeated/One Ring destroyed, we get our wrap up of the various characters, Sam goes home. I still recall groans from the audience when there was the "fakeout" fade to black "endings" and then you see Sam in the Shire. Even with that stuff, people were ready for the movie to be over. Turning that into "Ha ha ha! You thought I was dead? Fuck you Hobbits!!!" and try to make some cohesive rendition of the Scouring in 20 minutes or less? Peter Jackson would have been eviscerated.

I mean, look at the fucking flak you guys are giving GoT for ending the big threat in episode 3. You can flip that on it's head for other movies:

1) What if in Return of the Jedi, the Emperor is defeated, then suddenly Jaba the Hutt's goons show up to get revenge?
2) What if in The Shawshank Redemption, Andy escapes and is on the beach in Mexico, and there is a scene where he now has to elude federal agents sent to recapture him?
3) What if in Avengers, they defeated Thanos and then HYDRA shows up to take advantage of the chaos and starts fighting everyone?

It would ruin all those movies. Most films follow a normal theme: you have protagonists, a main goal/conflict/struggle set against them, and the protagonist either reaches/defeats/pushes past that or they don't. Once you've reached that final stage in regards to the goal/conflict/struggle, then adding additional conflicts/goals/struggles just feels odd or like they're trying to sequel bait.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
You know I think the thing that stuck with me the most about that unbridled rage video was the fact that back in season 1? they made a point of Jorah just sort of casually using his heavy plate armor to catch a dothraki arakh against his side without being hurt and killing the wielder, but in season 8 some wight with a rusted hunk of shit has no problem stabbing him in the heart.
everyone knows undead have perma-unholy frenzy which makes their attacks magical in nature. pleeb.