GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
you're missing my point. i'm not saying they were turning on the unsullied. i'm saying that would want answers. grey worm was the one being antagonistic.

honestly, i don't want to get into it because we are arguing about a show built on political intrigue that stopped understanding what politics even are.

I mean it doesn't make any fucking sense for either of them to still be alive in the first place, ESPECIALLY not the guy who murdered their messiah.
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Buzzfeed Editor
That also frustrates me is no one made Dany explain why the fuck she burnt civilians after the bells rang. They just danced around it the whole time. No, ask her like she’s five, why the fuck did you do it when the bells rang?

Yep. Jon even tried to defend it "its easy to say when you're not in the battle". Dude, YOU weren't in the battle. They literally threw their swords down at your feet.

Like I said last week, ALL of this would have made so much more sense (Even if it was still really stretching it) if the bells had NOT rung but the Lannisters surrendered on the field. At least then you could have Dany flipping the fuck out because Cersei was being a stubborn cunt and none of the small folk rebelled against her to ring the bells. At least then rage and some insanity could have explained some a horrific leap in character maliciousness--not explained it well, but at least been on the edge of believable.

But no, they specifically made the bells ring and everyone stop fighting. There was ZERO room for even the slightest shred of gray there. That was straight up genocide.
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Vyemm Raider
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Millie's Staff Member
Also, you can tell the writers only half understood or just abandoned the Azor Azhai thing halfway. Drogon should have bowed to Jon. In that scene, Jon became Azor Azhai, he killed the one he loved in order to crystallize the power needed to defeat the Others.

And that power should have been the Dragons. While Martin talks about scouring the shire, I wonder if the original story was supposed to be Jon helping Dany in King's Landing first in order to secure her aid to go north. They win, but Dany suffers major losses. She still goes north, as per the deal--but then the Golden Company swoop's in and occupy King's Landing. The people, angry at the losses during the battle, pledge to the false Targ and Dany loses it, turns her army around and burns King Landing down. Jon knows he needs the dragons, but sees Dany is insane and is going to burn out the rest of the lords who just betrayed her and so kills her, and is able to wrestle control of the dragons in order to go north and kill the Others.

Anyway, probably holes in the above. But its pretty clear at some point Martin is going to make Azor Azhai play out with Dany and Jon. That piece got into the writing, even if they fucked it up.
i tried to use logic and it said that Drogon would offer his back to Jon and as Greyworm and his dickless brigade discover their Dear Leader is dead, they see Jon flying the fuck away and they are left with their lack of dicks in their hand. they then leave or they try to attack winterfell and get slaughtered in the same place they were already hated. meanwhile Jon is up north and he pets Drogon, tellls him he's sorry he had to kill Dany, but she went craycray and he sends Drogon away free to roam like other Targaryans have done with their dragons of old.
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Buzzfeed Editor
You can tell D&D were given the notes on what is going to happen in ASoIaF but decided to write it out in the most retarded way possible.

Dany being insane makes sense, when there's actually a build up toward it.

Jon loving Dany actually makes sense, when there's enough time to deliver it.

Yep. Like everything else, it felt like they had a good ending, but had to condense it into shit because the characters naturally getting there would have taken a lot longer, and been a lot harder to write.

I'm not really thinking the False Targ Martin wrote in was to give Dany two southern antagonists to explain her going insane and Jon having to kill her. One where she fights with one hand tied behind her back because she doesn't want to kill any innocents, and thus loses people close to her and maybe a dragon (Cersei) and when the other rises to power, she flips the fuck out and doesn't make that mistake again and burns it all. I had no idea what he was setting up with Young Griff, but now it makes sense.

Instead though they seemed to condense that "she lost a lot" plot down into the Others plot, and made the politics come after the "others".
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FPS noob
it is pretty funny that the writers think that being a good story teller is a great qualification for being a king
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
That also frustrates me is no one made Dany explain why the fuck she burnt civilians after the bells rang. They just danced around it the whole time. No, ask her like she’s five, why the fuck did you do it when the bells rang?

It seems there's a common theme in modern film to cut lines of dialogue that only provides information that the audience already knows, and it makes it seem like the characters in the show are watching it along with you because they know things they shouldn't, I'm guessing that's what happened there.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Jon being a Targ having no real outcome on anything right up there with Night's Watch being essentially nothing regarding NK, just need Arya to ninja it up. Hell even Melisandre's long fight against the dead/NK/Others was nothing either. Both uses of her fire magic in the battle at Winterfell did jack shit, she pretty much just telegraphed Arya being one to kill the Night King with the Blue Eyes shit.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I mean it doesn't make any fucking sense for either of them to still be alive in the first place, ESPECIALLY not the guy who murdered their messiah.

ugh. you're right. like 10 minutes earlier they make this gigantic point about executing soldiers who IMMEDIATELY surrended, just for following cersei. but no, we'll keep both tyrion and jon alive because... well honestly we can't find drogon and how can we dracarys with no drogon?

Yep. Jon even tried to defend it "its easy to say when you're not in the battle". Dude, YOU weren't in the battle. They literally threw their swords down at your feet.

Like I said last week, ALL of this would have made so much more sense (Even if it was still really stretching it) if the bells had NOT rung but the Lannisters surrendered on the field. At least then you could have Dany flipping the fuck out because Cersei was being a stubborn cunt and none of the small folk rebelled against her to ring the bells. At least then rage and some insanity could have explained some a horrific leap in character maliciousness--not explained it well, but at least been on the edge of believable.

But no, they specifically made the bells ring and everyone stop fighting. There was ZERO room for even the slightest shred of gray there. That was straight up genocide.

personally, i would have just done that whole scene differently. there are no bells, just cersei refusing to surrender. cersei actively removing the ability for her soldiers to surrender, because if they surrender she knows she's going to die. dany gives them ample amount of time to surrender, dany looking at jon, at tyrion, demonstrating that yes, she is showing restraint. then dany just finally loses it. she starts burning everyone alive. the soldiers then surrender REGARDLESS of not hearing the order from their queen becuase they know they just can't win. but at this point, dany's had enough and she just burns the whole thing down.

they could have even used the same performance from dany (because honestly, it was pretty great) except it's the anxiety of the order to surrender not coming and being forced to kill everyone. but then you also still have the whole "dany just murdered a million people" that jon and tyrion witness


El Presidente
So, if he told them dany gets killed by jon and bran becomes king. I'm reasonably sure there's a path they could have taken to that point in the last 3 seasons that wasn't quite as retarded.
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<Prior Amod>
what about the rich guy that raised daneryis and viserys in the house with the red door? him and varys plotted for the targs to get back into power, and he was this close!


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
I fucking called it?

I mean I knew Jon was gonna have to kill that bitch.

But Bran? Uh, thanks for the heads up kiddo!

What a fucking dick.
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> Than U
It was a shitty rushed ending with lots of what the fuck moments like finding bodies under 2 rocks( Jamie and Cersei ), massive standing armies that got bigger in each episode since being WIPED OUT by dead, and tons of predictable Hollywood lazy ass writing.

That said, after the shit fed to us the past few seasons, I suppose it was about as well as could be done given how obvious it was D&D just no longer gave a single shit.
I'm glad they are off to ruining Star Wars now, it has been ruined for me mostly for a few movies now and I could no longer give a fuck about that franchise either.

Also, who is looking forward to the obvious Arya sails West and we get to see some more CGI ass and titties in some future series. Woowooo
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