GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<WoW Guild Officer>
Does knighthood even mean anything in the North? Girl's got career goals ya know.

Either that or she wanted to put distance between herself and Targ.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How do you figure he's the only one manning the wall??? You're making a ton of assumptions just so you can shit on it

And yeah, when Tyrion suggested sending him to the wall, maybe he was perfectly aware that Jon would be able to leave.

What? The point is that Jon had to be punished or the unsullied would lose their shit. That has nothing to do with Jon being heir

It justifies that it's a coherent ending that just wasn't pulled out of thin air. It justifies that it makes complete sense for his character despite what you seem to think

Castle Black was deserted, only the Wildlings were there. They showed no people left. So it only seems logical Jon is the only one left... they even implied he'd be alone when Tyrion was talking to him about it.

Just like you mentioned, Greyworm wanted to punish Jon. If I was Greyworm I wouldn't let him go "free". How is that punishment? And then the Unsullied leave and Jon can stroll back to KL if he wanted and nobody will give a damn. The entire thing stinks and makes no sense.
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<Bronze Donator>
I hate myself for wanting an Arya series as she visits the new lands. Kind of like Star Trek but Westeros but with not shitty writers.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Of course we were. But the wall had flaws (derp lets not block the primary route we have been assrammed by over and over again for centuries) and the bulk of the French did not take the need seriously enough. Had they built that thing another few miles up through the Ardennes, instead of blowing all the cash making it a five star hotel, then the French might have looked like geniuses instead of becoming the biggest punch line of 20th century military history. I love how they have spent so much time since then turd polishing that whole debacle too.

The main parallel of course being that both walls gave the distant people on the other side a false sense of invulnerability.


Maybe, who argues over lost anymore? and that show was another "social phenomenon"

It will be destilled down to what a good show too bad they ruined it in the end

ala Lost Dexter Heroes

Not sure the level of neckbeard investment is comparable between the two shows? GoT seems like a way bigger deal but I had no dealing with Lost.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Not sure the level of neckbeard investment is comparable between the two shows? GoT seems like a way bigger deal but I had no dealing with Lost.

GoT bigger but Lost started off with something like 15 million viewers in the first season and then petered out.

GoT ended with 17 million, so I feel like it got bigger with time where Lost got smaller with time.

I’d say GoT more significant but Lost was up there.
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Ssraeszha Raider
The whole War thing is so idiotic too. If people know Jon is the heir - EASILY explainable with Varys letters, it would be extremely easy to justify no war. The only reason you write this is because you buy into the shitty writing.

The Unsullied/Dothraki wouldn't give a shit about his lineage after he killed their queen.

Of all the stupid things this season, the fact they didn't explain to them "Nah guys, it's cool he killed your queen cause he's your ling now" isn't one of them


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The Unsullied/Dothraki wouldn't give a shit about his lineage after he killed their queen.

Of all the stupid things this season, the fact they didn't explain to them "Nah guys, it's cool he killed your queen cause he's your ling now" isn't one of them

No, of course they wouldn't accept that, but you can have the other Kingdoms overthrow the Unsullied / Dothraki.
Only reason they had any power is because the writers magically resurrected a good portion of them for the finale.
Without Drogon they could be easily overtaken... after being weakened from 2 wars.
The army didn't need to look so large.
I was waiting for a Jon vs Greyworm battle tbh


Tranny Chaser
Where the fuck was Bronn during all of this madness

Bronn is a mercenary who is available to the highest bidder. He has no affinity to any faction in the War of the 5 Kings or subsequent conflicts, he only cares about who can pay him the most. Hence "defecting" from Tyrion to Cersei and back again.

This strategy rewarded him handsomely


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
gay, ultra gay.
And now D&D goes on to put 3 final nails in the SW franchise
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Potato del Grande
I have autistic questions about the great council.

There's 3 Baratheon reps, 3 Stark reps and 3 Arryn reps. Then what seems to be 2 Tully (recast Blackfish?) and 2 Greyjoy (Did Yara have a random guy with her?). Sam is somehow the lone survivor of The Reach and Quentyn Martell seems to have made it into the show.

This bothers me somehow. Surely you can pay for some extras to give every kingdom three each? Dorne OK with only having one vote?

Then if you are electing a Stark, why are we allowing The North to be independent?

Should have elected Arya, you got your sister, cousin, uncle and lover in control of 4/7 Houses.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Lost, to me and I think many others, was the very first show where we spent every week theory crafting the plot. I do not recall a show before Lost where people were so involved.

As far as this ebola of a show, Jon's ending was the only one I found even remotely OK. His relationship with the wildlings and with Mance makes this a somewhat consistent progression of the plot. I also assume that everyone knew the wall was useless and they sent Jon to go be free in the north, the only place where he could actually be free without another war.
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Musty Nester
I'm mostly just confused why Jon was ressed in the first place.

I guess to get Dany to take her dragons north? But the thing is... that doesn't actually matter. If she'd followed her initial plan of landing in westeros and then going to burn down Kings Landing to unify the realm... I mean I guess winterfell would have been fucked, but does that really matter? Once dany realized there was a zombie horde marching south... it's just Jon did nothing, really. I guess he killed Dany? But if the lord of light cared that damn much about tyrants then why doesn't he just micromanage the politics of the realms to begin with? It's not so much nonsense as meaningless.

I can't see any story motive for it. An extraordinary thing happened, that needs to serve a function. Even if the function is to highlight how extra ordinary things may not be as extraordinary as a person would like to think, and have no intrinsic meaning. Sometimes things just happen.

It makes me feel like GRRM is one of those "an den!" writers to his very core. His entire story is "an DEN".

Parts of it were really spectacular. Really were. He had some great episodes and I did very much enjoy the Rob season. Viewed as a whole though much less so. I know it'll sound edge lordy but I'm going with "not as good as BSG, but better than lost". I actually did like the last episode of BSG... but i'd given up any hope of it making any sense whatsoever when starbuck came back. I teared up a little when lady president died of her cancer, won't lie. Lost was just a short story grotesquely fattened into a war and peace sized book.
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
having bronn on the small council was absolute trash, it will always be a mystery to me why they decided to cut away valuable screen time from advancing the madness of daenarys, exploring the night king or more character building of bran/jon/sansa/arya and instead slap in tiresome and unfunny scenes with bronn or brienne. what happened with gendry? why wasn't he with the lords of westeros in the end?
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