GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Life's a Dream
His girlfriend is still around. Maybe she'll become some kind of badass assassin trying to get vengeance for him & his sister. or something.


I don't really think it works that way. The whole "trial by combat" thing gives a clear winner and loser. If both lose, than both lose. Tyrion will die, but Cercie isn't actually "victorious" in this decision. Maybe she is, but... Fuck, I dunno.
I looked at the results from the point of view that because the viper died first, Tyrion lost. I do not claim to have some special knowledge one way or the other though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah but I would have liked to see Oberyn's continued quest for vengeance.
For good or bad this is the difference between GoT and other shows. Another show might have realized Oberyn is amazing and kept him alive. It makes for a very tight and compelling story but we are deprived of potentially amazing stuff when an actor and a character really click.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I looked at the results from the point of view that because the viper died first, Tyrion lost. I do not claim to have some special knowledge one way or the other though.
I agree. Even if the Mountain dies from wounds suffered during the combat I don't see how that would matter. He killed Viper in the ring and won the match. End of story.


Musty Nester
Am I the only one who would be fine with them recasting any character in the show except Peter Dinklage and maybe Maisie Williams?
It would be a little jarring. But the way this story goes they could just shift focus or kill/write them out. Doesn't happen in the books, but then again neither does recasting a part I guess.

That's the only reason I think it might even go further than contract renegotiations. Or concievably could. Half the cast gets killed in s6 and replaced, then the other half gets killed in s7. Soap Opera style. I don't think they -will- do that. I think they -could-. That's kinda how this show goes.


The Mountain just joined the purple Club. ;]


an accordion_sl

Red Viper dying leads for more interesting consequences than the Mountain winning. I'm sure Dorne will be none too pleased one of their princes died. So at the very minimum it will strain an already strained relationship between Lannister and Dorne. Possibly all out war. I feel Tyrion is basically untouchable and really doubt he'll die. I know that is a silly feeling for this show but I feel he, Arya and Sansa aren't going anywhere soon. So something will have to happen to get him to escape an axe to the neck.

If the Mountain died he'd just be dead and Tyrion free with Cersei at maximum rustle. That isn't nearly as interesting.
Disagree 100%, where does Tyrion's story go if he doesn't die? Sansa is gone, his whore hates him, they've shown he has a good relationship with Jaime, his sellsword ditched him, his squire is gone, his sister and father hate him... I'd be very surprised if Tyrion lives.


The only reason I can think of the author letting Tyrion escape, or whatever is that is his favorite character to write lines for.

Think about it, we see a good portion of the last 4 seasons in Tyrions POV.


Disagree 100%, where does Tyrion's story go if he doesn't die? Sansa is gone, his whore hates him, they've shown he has a good relationship with Jaime, his sellsword ditched him, his squire is gone, his sister and father hate him... I'd be very surprised if Tyrion lives.
500 quatloos he lives.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
He's still technically heir to Castley Rock. He's also still technically married to Sansa. Who since Brann/Rick are MIA up North makes her heir to Winterfell/North. He still has some interesting stuff going on. Don't forget Tyrion has connections with the tribes in the Vale which he could use that to get Sansa out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Im hoping John Snow dies soon, so sick of looking at his douchey face.
He's kind of required at this point to keep us in the loop for whats happening at the Wall/Beyond. I don't really see him going anywhere, either.


Musty Nester
Tywin, Tyrion, Arya, and Sansa really are the lynchpins of the show this season. It's weird putting Sansa in there, but she's in there.

But this GRRM. This fucking guy is a beetle squisher. How knows. If this show was written as a show rather than adapted, it'd be a lot easier to predict.