GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Life's a Dream
About a month before the season even started, HBO did a "Ice and Fire - A Foreshadowing". In that, the actress that played Brienne said that her favorite scene was biting the ear off of someone because it wasn't at all like her character. Then it was in the finale. I completely forgot about her saying it, but my wife pointed it out. I only said this because I had nothing else to say.

Here it is if you care.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'll miss the Hound, he had a fierce pimp-slap.

wtf is with Bran's dire wolf changing sizes like crazy? bigsmallbigsmallbigsmall - straighten that shit out.

Tyrion finally took care of that bitch, I've been waiting 3 seasons! He handled it like a pro wrestler - reverse chokehold off the top! Better than WWE.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The biggest mistake of the episode was having Shae come at Tyrion with the knife and Tyrion killing her in self defense. I'm really not even sure what they were trying to do with that scene. Unlike the books, show-Shae is for the most part portrayed her as genuinely loving Tyrion. She refused diamonds and wealth in the free cities, got all pissy that she was going to have to share Tyrion with Sansa, and cried her eyes out when he attempted to send her away (Tyrion wasn't even in the room, so they weren't fake).

The testimony was set up as a combination of woman scorned ("I am a whore, remember") and pressure from Tywin/Cersei in rigging the trial (the point of the subplots of Cersei finding out about it and Tywin ordering that she be sent to his chambers). Her being with Tywin is easily explained by his own fucked up personality and hypocrisy. But then in the last scene, it's like they decided to toss out all of that characterization and put Shae right back into her book-version of not giving a shit about Tyrion. She comes at him with a knife immediately and doesn't even attempt to talk him down. He kills her in self defense, and that's that. He's sorry he had to do it, but it's not like he had a lot of options and he's really mad at Tywin for shattering his illusion rather than anything Shae did.

What they should have done was have her plead for her life and try to explain that the situation wasn't her doing. Throw in some talk about how he was right, its not safe in King's Landing, and she realizes now how dangerous Tywin and Cersei are. He is heartbroken and beyond reason though, so he doesn't listen/believe her and chokes her out. She doesn't put up a fight. As the rage subsides he painfully realizes that she may have been telling the truth (say he notices some marks of abuse via Tywin) which causes him even deeper psychological trauma. He goes to confront Tywin, who dismisses her as just another disposable whore. Tyrion arrows him, but falls into the deep depression he finds himself in during book 5. Shae successfully replaces Tysha in Tyrion's psyche and the story goes on largely unchanged.

But that all hinges on Shae actually being genuinely in love with Tyrion, like Tysha was. The knife ruins that and really skews his whole characterization going forward. But I guess Tyrion is the show's golden boy and can't do anything that is even remotely morally questionable. I'm sure next season they will neglect to include his melancholy/contemplating suicide and will skip to him making japes at Jorah for being in the friend-zone in short order.
I think show-Shae was actually mad at Tyrion for all the terrible things he said to her to make her go away. I think she was too stupid to realize that he was just saying them so she would leave. She is just a whore afterall.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Maybe I'm stubborn, but I really want to believe in the "Tywin was poisoned" theory. I was hoping for a confirmation last night, especially since the show has had no qualms about making the subtleties of the books more obvious for television. What we got was so much better than a parting of the veil. After last night's episode, I'm now convinced that Tywin was poisoned, but not by Oberyn...

The previously unwitnessed exchange between Cersei and Tywin (where she says she will do ANYTHING for her children, even if it means tearing the family apart) is probably the most meaningful non-book scene they've added to the series so far. Of course, we won't know for certain until Tywin's body is lying in state and putrifying at a rapid rate (the only concrete evidence we have for signs of poison in lieu of a confession).


People have theorized that he was poisoned in the book due to the constipation and the smell, but there's nothing in the show to indicate that he was poisoned.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
He was on the privy long enough for Shae to kind of cat nap and he still had not gone. I don't think that scene was proof one way or the other.


I couldn't get a picture of Sandor and Brienne out on picnic.

"Did yah bring the wine yah cunt?"
"It's under the ham and mind your tongue in front of the children."
"Yah didn't mind my tongue last night now did yah?"


Maybe I'm stubborn, but I really want to believe in the "Tywin was poisoned" theory.
What is the Tywin was poisoned theory? Tyrion shoots him.

It's been a while since I read the books and looked around the net at various fan theories, but I remember R+L = J, frankengregor, the hound lives, renly is gay, etc, but I don't recall anything about Tywin being poisoned.


Maybe I'm stubborn, but I really want to believe in the "Tywin was poisoned" theory. I was hoping for a confirmation last night, especially since the show has had no qualms about making the subtleties of the books more obvious for television. What we got was so much better than a parting of the veil. After last night's episode, I'm now convinced that Tywin was poisoned, but not by Oberyn...

The previously unwitnessed exchange between Cersei and Tywin (where she says she will do ANYTHING for her children, even if it means tearing the family apart) is probably the most meaningful non-book scene they've added to the series so far. Of course, we won't know for certain until Tywin's body is lying in state and putrifying at a rapid rate (the only concrete evidence we have for signs of poison in lieu of a confession).
I'm not a subscriber to the poison theory. It reduces the impact of what Tyrion did and doesn't really add a whole lot to the story. Suspects are also lacking. Doran and Oberyn were both probably on the same page about wanting to strip Tywin of everything he held dear before killing him. If they chose to kill him via poison, it would be later on and likely a more painful variety. Cersei doesn't make any sense because you get her POV in feast and there isn't any suggestion there of a poisoning plot. There is also no marriage issue driving a motive in the books, since the Tyrells rejected the offer to marry Cersei to Willas. Varys could have done it, but the show seems to suggest that he was unhappy with the timing of Tywin's death.

I think Tywin being killed on the shitter and his corpse aggressively rotting are just symbolic of his failed efforts to preserve a strong family legacy that would last centuries. He made it look pretty for a time, but in the end he built it all on a foundation of rotten wood. His death is the start of everyone is seeing that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
CotF were a huge letdown.

No Coldhands was a huge letdown.

Tyrion scenes were a huge letdown.

Brienne vs Hound was just dumb. I'm never buying into her as a fighter and echo the sentiment earlier about all the great fighters getting stomped, and she remains undefeated.

Lastly, the last greenseer was fucking lame. Just a dude sitting in roots. All the greatness of that was completely lost.

Stannis was great.

Losing Stoneheart cliffhanger was lame.

Overall, starting to gravitate back towards not watching the show for the sake of keeping the books amazing. If it wasn't for some of the plot filter you get from consuming both, would prolly be done with the show.

Skeletons were awesome, should have been laughing.


El Presidente
In fairness, Brienne always seems to fight these badasses when they're at a pretty big disadvantage. Jaime was in chains and was in a cell for quit awhile before that. The Hound was jacked up from the bite thing and she had Oathkeeper and he had a good but normal sword etc.


Musty Nester
I gotta agree with The Hound. The sword naming is ridiculous.

"Nice sword. Does it have a name?"
"Nice. Mine is named Needle"

/groan. It really is a lot of cunts that name their swords.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
CotF were a huge letdown.

No Coldhands was a huge letdown.

Tyrion scenes were a huge letdown.

Brienne vs Hound was just dumb. I'm never buying into her as a fighter and echo the sentiment earlier about all the great fighters getting stomped, and she remains undefeated.

Lastly, the last greenseer was fucking lame. Just a dude sitting in roots. All the greatness of that was completely lost.

Stannis was great.

Losing Stoneheart cliffhanger was lame.

Overall, starting to gravitate back towards not watching the show for the sake of keeping the books amazing. If it wasn't for some of the plot filter you get from consuming both, would prolly be done with the show.

Skeletons were awesome, should have been laughing.
That old guy in the roots is Bloodraven, I think the last of the Blackfyres? He's older than Maester Aemon.


Millie's Staff Member
its obvious cersei only gives a fuck about her children because of what they can do for her. when she was fixing to kill them with nightshade at the battle of blackwater, it wasnt to save them from pain and torture, it was because she was afraid she would die and they would go on without her. bitch is psycho.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
its obvious cersei only gives a fuck about her children because of what they can do for her. when she was fixing to kill them with nightshade at the battle of blackwater, it wasnt to save them from pain and torture, it was because she was afraid she would die and they would go on without her.
I don't see where you get that at all.

I mean, she's still a psycho bitch but the rest of it I don't agree with.