GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Toe Sucker
dinklebot is just becoming daenys ghost irl.

"Dinklebot, go open that door to my throne!" - Daeny
"I shall, but it'll take some time.................... Oh no khaleesi, they're coming!" - Tyrion "Ghost" Lannister


Unelected Mod
How does he end up sitting next to Daenerys though? Wouldn't she have him thrown to the dragons as soon as she found out he's a Lannister?
Yo Dany, I killed Tywin Lannister, the person that massacred your family.

Plus Barristan knows Tyrion didn't have anything to do with the massacre of her family.

This change, if true, sounds great. Having Tyrion, Barristan and Dany interacting will be awesome. After Dany leaves, Barristan and Tyrion plotting with and against each other could be awesome.


Log Wizard
I bet he's still under the guise of Ollo or whatever and she's just treating 'the dwarf entertainer' with respect or some shit.


Unelected Mod
barristan knows tyrion, he isnt about to protect a lannister from dany
What makes you think that Barristan has a negative opinion of Tyrion in particular? Tyrion was a child when Dany's parents were killed, he literally couldn't have played a part in it. Now I grant you at war Dany can be pretty vengeful, but she doesn't simply kill people for shits.


Millie's Staff Member
im not saying dany will kill him, actually his knowledge of dragons will come into play later on. im saying that if Tyrion is there in disguise, baristan is not going to play along. unless tyrion/varys have some dirt they can use on baristan as leverage, his loyalty is not with the lannisters, its with dany.


Unelected Mod
WTF? You think Tyrion is going to show up in disguise?? Of course Barristan wouldn't play along with it, but if Tyrion went to Dany in disguise, what possible reason would she have to listen to him or want him? It is his knowledge that she would want. Tyrion showing up to Dany in disguise (other than to assess the situation) sounds retarded.


Unelected Mod
no wtf. this is what i was responding to.
Sorry bro. Anyway, I think there is zero chance we will see Tyrion "jousting" or any other such nonsense.

What will be interesting is if we see FakeAegon at all. If he is left out of the show completely this season, I think its definitely a sign of him being a total red herring in the book. Which is what I have always believed anyway. You can't have someone that important just show up 5 books in.


<Bronze Donator>
this thread 3 months ago

No Arianne means no Arys and that subplot (which looks to be altered anyway, with Jaime heading to dorne and fighting one of the sand snakes) but much more importantly, it means no FAegon/connington/etc. Also you can't expect a season without peter dinklage up in the shit so expect tyrion to reach Mereen far sooner than it takes him in the books. No leisurely strolls down the Rhoyne. probably just some exposition with the two schemers (varys & Illyrio, and that scheme is entirely about danaerys) and off he goes with the information he needs to train her dragons and win her the seven kingdoms
Oh noes HBO is finishing the goddamn story instead of dragging ass and stretching shit out with 2 books of side stories and red herrings. hardly fanfic. It took GRRM 6 years to write like 9 chapters (what he hadn't already written for what became a feast for crows when he decided to split the books up) because he couldn't decide when Tyrion should arrive in Mereen. Well it looks like if you cut all the pointless fluff instead of expanding it, he arrives just in time.


privileged excrementlord
lol, this upcoming season looks like its going to be parallel universe territory. well maybe there is a silver lining then. if the show goes full on fan fiction, then i wont need to quit over them spoiling winds of winter. i will know they're pulling shit out of their asses. although if i was GRRM i would ask for my name to be removed from the show.
How do you figure they're pulling shit out of their asses when Gurrm has told them how it all ends. Yeah the details will be different but it will likely go in the same direction over all. Also, you'd have to be a major faggot to quit the show because Gurrm writes like old people fuck.


Millie's Staff Member
How do you figure they're pulling shit out of their asses when Gurrm has told them how it all ends. Yeah the details will be different but it will likely go in the same direction over all. Also, you'd have to be a major faggot to quit the show because Gurrm writes like old people fuck.
he told them how it ended, but i doubt he told them how each character played an important/not so important part in that resulting outcome. he also may change his mind as time goes on, so his ending may be completely different than HBO's. amd faggot or no, i will easily quit this show if i thought they were assraping the book's spoilers. the way things are diverging now. i can watch this version and still have a fresh new book to look forward to. this is of course providing that tubby doesnt choke to death on a bucket of KFC extra crispy before finishing the series.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't even give a shit about the books any more. The show has caught up and passed the entire storyline of the books in the span of waiting for one book. I'm ok with the show wrapping up the the story for me at this point.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I don't even give a shit about the books any more. The show has caught up and passed the entire storyline of the books in the span of waiting for one book. I'm ok with the show wrapping up the the story for me at this point.
Same here. Just give us a good ending to the show and fuck GRRM in his fat, wrinkled ass. If the rest of the books come out after the TV show ends I doubt I will read them.


<Gold Donor>
I'm to the point now where I'm almost 100% certain that GRRM is praying/hoping that the show wraps up well before he "has" to finish writing the series. That way, he can see how the show does it and then write it afterwards - and make a fuck load of money in the process. Either way, I'm past caring. I want to see how it finishes - but if its true that he gave the show runners a blueprint for the series end, I couldn't give a fuck less if that fat shitbird keeled over and died tomorrow.


<Bronze Donator>
he told them how it ended, but i doubt he told them how each character played an important/not so important part in that resulting outcome. he also may change his mind as time goes on, so his ending may be completely different than HBO's. amd faggot or no, i will easily quit this show if i thought they were assraping the book's spoilers. the way things are diverging now. i can watch this version and still have a fresh new book to look forward to. this is of course providing that tubby doesnt choke to death on a bucket of KFC extra crispy before finishing the series.
Actually no, he told them how it ended for each characterthat matters. So every important role in the outcome is going to be shown. BOOK SPOILERS! Everything that gets cut doesn't matter! it was all fluff to stretch out the books.

He's free to change his mind as many times as he wants, but until he writes another book it hardly matters. In case you haven't noticed, he really doesn't have a lot of passion left for this thing. I don't know if it's "holyshit a dumptruck full of money i'm rich" disease, or "i'm getting old need to spend time following my dreams" disease, or "fucking internet trolls already figured out the ending what's the point" disease. Or maybe it's actually just like Alzheimer's or some other real disease, but dude seems to be dragging feet on writing another book. I'm guessing he's grateful that HBO gave him an out and now he can do other stuff he's actually passionate about doing instead of forcing himself to sit in a room and type on a computer.


Trump's Staff
I don't understand people thinking that GRRM want to wait and "see how the show does it." He's got everything figured out already, he's just fucking lazy. He also doesn't need any more money than he's got, dude doesn't even use what he has.