Grand Theft Auto V


<Prior Amod>
The new non-shit post fill GTA V thread.

Here's some info on the online stuff from the previous thread.

You'll be able to spend between ?1.99 and ?13.49 in Grand Theft Auto Online for individual packs of in-game money, people with early access to the mode have told Eurogamer.

The four GTA Online currency cards spotted yesterday in the code of Rockstar's own site are still to be officially announced, but we understand they will have UK prices of the following amounts:

$100,000 Red Shark Cash Card - ?1.99
$200,000 Tiger Shark Cash Card - ?3.49
$500,000 Bull Shark Cash Card - ?6.99
$1,250,000 Great White Shark Cash Card - ?13.49
These details originate from a source with early access to Grand Theft Auto 5's multiplayer mode. While details may still be tweaked prior to its final release, this is how things currently stand less than a week before it goes live.

Simply put, the more expensive the cash pack, the better the exchange rate you'll get. But it's also worth noting that while GTA Online uses the same world as GTA5, prices for in-game items do vary between the two.

A car that costs $1 million in the game's single-player mode can be bought for much less in Online - more like $150,000. Properties are also cheaper - the most expensive you can own is $400,000.

And you can only own a single property. When you trade houses you get a rebate on the place you've moved from, so you can re-use your in-game credit to some extent.

But while some things are cheaper, others are more expensive. You'll pay more for weapon and car mods, and most are initially out of normal financial reach. Yet any potential access to these items can only be unlocked when your character ranks up.

This means that, even with extra money from cash packs, a low-level character will have few options to initially spend it on. Players start with the option to buy just pistols and a single set of tyres.

GTA Online's micro-transactions may provide less of a boosting mechanic than first expected, then, although limited-time consumables will also be available.

Full details of the mode will be revealed sometime before its public launch on 1st October.
Little bit of pay to win there.
Also there was this release from Rockstar

more GTA Online details:

Dear All,

We are humbled and overwhelmed by the response to Grand Theft Auto V - literally overwhelmed in the case of some of our servers! We sincerely hope you're enjoying your visit to Los Santos and we know many of you have plenty of questions about Grand Theft Auto Online. First, we thought it would be useful to provide some details of the roll out of GTA Online, and how we hope you will be involved in making the game everything it can be.

Grand Theft Auto Online is going to be something brand new for us: a fully realized and living world for multiple players that will continue to grow and take shape over time.
The ultimate shape of GTA Online will be determined as much by you, the player, as by the work we put in. What you like and don't like, what you play and what you want will determine how the game develops and what it turns into.
Everything we do will be informed by feedback from you all - from the types of missions that roll out to all kinds of future content.
We are planning for a constant stream of new content, tweaks and updates in the weeks and months ahead.
The first couple of weeks we expect to be heavily focused on tuning the experience as it goes from internal testing to the reality of being played by tons of people in the real world so that all the usual teething problems for an online game are overcome. We hope it will all run incredibly smoothly, but please bear with us if it doesn't, and help us fix any and all problems!
After that, we will begin releasing content updates and giving you the opportunity to make your own content.

GTA Community Feedback Needed from Day One
This is vital for the ongoing success of the game. The first few months of Grand Theft Auto Online will be critical as everyone enters this dynamic new world for the first time. Plenty of issues are bound to occur. Remember this interesting character?

One thing we are already aware of, and are trying to alleviate as fast as we can, is the unanticipated additional pressure on the servers due to a significantly higher number of players than we were anticipating at this point - we are working around the clock to buy and add more servers, but this increased scale is only going to make the first few days even more temperamental than such things usually are. This is part of the problem some of you have been experiencing with the iFruit App and some Social Club services - we apologize in advance for this and thank you for your patience in this area.

More than ever, we need your help to report your experiences, findings, likes, loves, dislikes and hates - and we will be looking at your feedback constantly to tune the game into its optimal shape and help guide how Grand Theft Auto Online will grow and evolve past this initial period. We will be checking out how people are playing and what they are not playing or not enjoying, while also monitoring feedback via two other new Rockstar channels:

[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */: This email address will be active from launch day as a place to send your input and feedback direct to us relating to the game.
GTA Online Forums at Social Club: At some point this fall after the initial release of GTA Online, we are planning to launch Social Club Forums where players can chat with one another about their online experiences as well as access a GTA Online Suggestion board to post about any suggested features, tweaks and changes you want to see.

Here's a rough overview of what you can expect on day one as well as initial details about how the GTA Online world will evolve from there.

The Launch of Grand Theft Auto Online:
From launch, up to 16 players can enter the world together to partake in everything from:

Open-World Crime and Chaos: Go on your own or round up your friends to explore the open world together - catch a movie, go mountain biking, hit the shooting range and much more. Want to test the law? Knock over a convenience store, take down a gang or rob an armored truck for easy cash and Reputation.
Jobs: Los Santos and Blaine County are ripe with opportunity for the ambitious and criminal minded. Take on Missions and an array of other Jobs as a lone wolf, team up with your Crew or join fellow mercenaries and degenerates to pull off a wide range of robberies and illicit activities together.
Races: Everything from classic street competition and off-road tracks to boat racing on the open ocean, or take to the skies in aerial events. Jump into the madness of a GTA Race, or try out a brand new race type, Rally, where driver and co-pilot work together to navigate treacherous courses at high speeds.
Sports: Join your friends / any random stranger for a game of tennis, a round of golf or go base jumping and more, all for cash and Reputation.
Customization: Create your character using the Character Creator - then earn some cash and spend it getting dressed for success. You can also collect and customize cars for your garage and personalize your full weapons cache.
Reputation and Cash Flow: Reputation is earned from all your online exploits in everything you do in GTA Online - and will help you rank up, providing access to new features, weapons and criminal contacts. Spend cash you've gained on cars, clothes, guns, properties and much more. You can either quickly accumulate cash through profitable activities like knocking over armored cars, winning street races, doing stick-ups or a host of other cash-making endeavors - or if you're the completely instant gratification type, you can choose to buy denominations of GTA$. You will have the option to purchase GTA$ through the in-game Store. The game and its economy have been designed and balanced for the vast majority of players who will not buy extra cash. There is no in-game paywall and nothing that should disrupt the balance of the game. You don't have to spend real money to attain the cars, guns, clothes, flash and style of a high-roller in Los Santos, but can if you wish to get them a little quicker. The economy is balanced differently from the single player economy, and cash earned in one cannot be taken over to the other. Most players will earn cash much faster Online than in Story Mode.
Growing Pains: There will be the typical growing pains for an online game, including but not limited to crashes, glitches, crazy bugs, gameplay modes and mechanics that need re-balancing and other surprises! Even in GTAV Story Mode, some of you may have seen a few odd and even amusing little glitches out there last week. This sort of thing is inevitable in a massive open-world game and there'll surely be lots more unexpected oddities like this in the Online world next week - rest assured we'll be monitoring and actively doing all we can to smooth such things out as they happen, but we need your help to find them, as well as your feedback to help fine tune all of the game's systems so everything is perfectly balanced.

Currently Planned GTA Online Content Updates:
Here is a quick overview of a few initial things we're working on for the first few weeks of Grand Theft Auto Online, alongside an aggressive period of tuning and finessing the game. We will give you dates for all of this content as soon as we have them - bear in mind that the order of things may well change, and we will probably add some extra stuff as well!

The Content Creator: The Content Creator will launch with tools to tailor and publish your own Deathmatches & Races.
The Beach Bum Pack: Featuring 4 new amazing beach fun vehicles, over 300 new items of incredible down tempo leisure wear and 2 new but not remotely relaxing weapons.
Capture the Flag: GTA Online's take on the classic CTF mode including the ability to make your own using The Content Creator.
Heists: This update will introduce full-on cooperative Heist missions that will require careful planning, teamwork and sharp execution - along with the Heist Planning Board for your apartment.

Just to be clear, all of these updates will be free. We'll have more info on this and much more additional content as our plans develop through the launch period, and as we get feedback from you. Please stay tuned for further info and updates. And remember - we need your help to make this experience all it can be.

Thank you everyone,
Rockstar Games


Unelected Mod
So was stuck at the 2nd heist and couldn't get it to start. Had no idea what to do. If you end up getting stuck in that same spot, it probably is the FBI/FIB mission that you need to start. I had tried to start it at one point before going to work but completely forgot about it the next day and then couldn't find it.

Seriously want to beat up Jimmy right now.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So, Trevor and Lamar buddy cop comedy dlc. yea or nay?

I say fuck yes plz


Toe Sucker
I love the small shit in this game, I sprinted into, and through a group of like 6 dudes. Which resulted in 7 guys having a fist fight brawl in the middle of a market patio. Straight cold cock a buncha bitches, take their $12 and bail~


Toe Sucker
My favorite "small shit" is to run over pickpockets and return their loot to the previous owners. I feel like a regular ole hero.
Hah yeah, I like how when i entered one of the clothing stores it was being held up. So i chased one of the dudes down, grabbed their loot meaning to keep it; and spend it at the store i just attempted to go to. However it made me automatically give it back


Hah yeah, I like how when i entered one of the clothing stores it was being held up. So i chased one of the dudes down, grabbed their loot meaning to keep it; and spend it at the store i just attempted to go to. However it made me automatically give it back
So, supposedly some or maybe most of the "random" events can each spawn once per character. There's 57 total, but I think some might be unique to a certain character. I know at least the hitchhiker ones and the stolen cars and bikes can all spawn once to each character for sure though.

None are of course actually "random" and all have set spawn locations. They'll also actually keep spawning until you finish them, so if you fuck one up or don't "complete" it it'll actually respawn. You can see exactly which ones you've done on at least one character on your Rockstar Socialclub page.


<Prior Amod>
The other day I saved some guy who had his bike stolen, come to find out he owns some major pet food company and sent me an email saying thank you and giving me 1000 shares of stock in his company that is currently trading for like $110 per share. So far that's the best reward I've got.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hah yeah, I like how when i entered one of the clothing stores it was being held up. So i chased one of the dudes down, grabbed their loot meaning to keep it; and spend it at the store i just attempted to go to. However it made me automatically give it back
Forced morality?! In my video games?! Fuckin' Obama.

So is the general consensus that GTA5 is a worthwhile buy? I was considering getting a 2nd PS3 to stream and game on a 2nd TV, and the GTA5 bundle is looking tempting.


<Prior Amod>
to me, it's one of my favorite games I've played in a long time and the online content looks fun and promising. I think it's a must own, at least to me it is.


Anyone drive around a sports car and roll up next to someone at a red light also in a sports car? Did the whole rev engine next to em and 2 wanted to race, another person ran away and 2 more people got out of their cars and tried to beat my ass. A random event that also happened to me last night. I was messing around on a BMX bike till suddenly a woman runs down some stairs and says her dad is having a heart attack. I follow her and as soon as I turn the corner she pulls out a gun and so does a dude and im dead lol.


The other day I saved some guy who had his bike stolen, come to find out he owns some major pet food company and sent me an email saying thank you and giving me 1000 shares of stock in his company that is currently trading for like $110 per share. So far that's the best reward I've got.
That's the only actual "good" reward from random events that I'm aware of. Even knocking over the security vans transporting money only gets you 5-6k.


Anyone drive around a sports car and roll up next to someone at a red light also in a sports car? Did the whole rev engine next to em and 2 wanted to race, another person ran away and 2 more people got out of their cars and tried to beat my ass. A random event that also happened to me last night. I was messing around on a BMX bike till suddenly a woman runs down some stairs and says her dad is having a heart attack. I follow her and as soon as I turn the corner she pulls out a gun and so does a dude and im dead lol.
My favorite random event was pulling up to a broken down hippie van at a random event marker as Trevor. Got out of my car and instantly got Tazer-Sniped. Woke up naked on the railroad tracks with a train coming at me. It was pretty hilarious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
FYI if you missed the old thread Rockstar fucked up and did not tell people to not buy this game on PSN or install both discs to Xbox. You get texture pop-in from the stock HDD on the PS3 / xbox.

Should be stated in the thread as it is pertinent information.


Unelected Mod
Unless you have a brand new PS3 with a HDD with RPMs of 7k or more. Unfortunately this information isn't available on the box or in the documentation that comes with it so you will need to look this up on your own somewhere.