Grand Theft Auto V


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You have no consumer right or expectation that free to play, or honestly even pay to play, online internet services will always be accessible all the time. Go reread your EULA.

Service is never guaranteed.

They said there would be growing pains. Continue to deal with it.


You have no consumer right or expectation that free to play, or honestly even pay to play, online internet services will always be accessible all the time. Go reread your EULA.

Service is never guaranteed.

They said there would be growing pains. Continue to deal with it.
Confirmed anti-consumer rights toadie.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Sean may have gone full retard in the last thread, but he's absolutely right this time.
yeah, sean is right. you were promised MP from get-go. This is not something that is given freely. You purchased the feature knowing that it will be delivered to you in time.


I'm saying that GTA Online is a fucking bonus MP tacked onto a single player game and that it wasn't even accessible when the game launched, so pretending you've been ripped off by not being able to access GTA Online the very second it comes online and play as if it has been running for a year worth of bug patches is a hysterical overreaction to the situation which cost you nothing more than what you would have paid anyway to buy GTA 5 whether it had a multiplayer component or not, as evidenced by the fact that you did buy the game a full two weeks before the online component became active, and almost certainly played a large portion if not all of the single player in the meantime.
This analogy totally fails in other genres, so why is it acceptable in GTA? I mean, if I buy any FPS game (CoD, BF4, Halo) and the multiplayer opens buggy 2 weeks later, am I allowed to be upset?

Anyways, this doesn't matter -you're looking at things through a different lense, and that's fine. I'm not saying you're wrong - we just look at things differently.

Myself (and others) look at Grand Theft Auto 5 and see asingle productthat contains a single player campaign and multiplayer option. Right now,our product is defectivebecause the multiplayer option isn't working as intended. Our evidence that it's a single product is that 99.8% of the content is already on the disc (everything but 38MB out of 17 GB). When we purchased the product, we were told that we'd have access to all the options by October 1st.

You're looking at it and seeing different products, or "bonus material." GTA5 and GTAO are two totally different things to you. That's fine - that's the marketing push that Rockstar's put out, and you're bought into it. If you look at it that way, you're not getting ripped off at all. Your evidence is that GTAO was marketed and branded as a separate product, and has a different monetization scheme. That's fine.

Personally, I'm on the side that there's something shady going on here. Either Rockstar rushed the game and had to meet deadlines, so they held back the online portion so they could get their architecture together. Or they intentionally held it back to combat used game sales in order to boost their revenue. In either case, seems shady to me.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
if I buy any FPS game (CoD, BF4, Halo) and the multiplayer opens buggy 2 weeks later, am I allowed to be upset?

Myself (and others) look at Grand Theft Auto 5 and see a single product that contains a single player campaign and multiplayer option.
Was there a multiplayer component to Grand Theft Auto 5 before today?

You're looking at it and seeing different products, or "bonus material." GTA5 and GTAO are two totally different things to you
Yeah, they are.


Regardless of whether Sean is technically "right" or not, getting out the pitchforks because something as massive as this isn't working properly on DAY ONE is pretty goddamn retarded.


Was there a multiplayer component to Grand Theft Auto 5 before today?.
Yes, there was. It was all on the disc to begin with. It's a feature they advertised as part of selling you GTA5 and a major part of their ad and trailer campaign. They simply didn't bring the servers up till today. It is not now and has never has been a separate product. You cannot get GTAO without buying the GTA5 disc, it is part of the data you own.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Regardless of whether Sean is technically "right" or not, getting out the pitchforks because something as massive as this isn't working properly on DAY ONE is pretty goddamn retarded.

Give it a few days, it'll work fine. They said there would be growing pains.

No one's consumer rights are being trampled. You bought a product that worked out of the box, a single player game. Anything on top of that is just candy. Funny how a perspective change can reduce your stress levels.

But, you know, I actually have a life outside video games, so this doesn't make my ass all soggy like it does some people's.

You know what I"m doing while I wait for GTA Online to work?

Organic Chemistry and Calculus.

Feels good man.



Give it a few days, it'll work fine. They said there would be growing pains.

No one's consumer rights are being trampled. You bought a product that worked out of the box, a single player game. Anything on top of that is just candy. Funny how a perspective change can reduce your stress levels.

But, you know, I actually have a life outside video games, so this doesn't make my ass all soggy like it does some people's.

You know what I"m doing while I wait for GTA Online to work?

Organic Chemistry and Calculus.

Feels good man.
More inane anti-consumer rights toadie drivel. Suits must love empty-headed people like you.


if I buy any FPS game (CoD, BF4, Halo) and the multiplayer opens buggy 2 weeks later, am I allowed to be upset?
What? That's silly. If you're seriously falling back on "well the EULA gives them this power," you're on the losing side of the argument. Regardless of what the EULA empowers these companies to do, consumers will still be upset. WoW could shut down all its servers tomorrow and not issue any refunds if it wanted to (it's in the EULA) - doesn't mean consumers wouldn't be pissed off.

Myself (and others) look at Grand Theft Auto 5 and see a single product that contains a single player campaign and multiplayer option.
Was there a multiplayer component to Grand Theft Auto 5 before today?
Yeah, there was. It's on the box. "FEATURING GRAND THEFT AUTO ONLINE" in big letters on the back. Now, that might not be a "legally binding EULA promise," but I think it'sreasonableto expect that product to be delivered in the way that Rockstar said it would.

But whatever, you be crazy.

Ninja Edit: Expecting these servers to work on day 1 is still stupid, btw. But using a bogus anti-consumer argument to justify it is also stupid.


It's not even pertinent whether you consider it a separate product or not. (I don't)

It's a massive service that is outside of the scope of what's really been tried before in the console space, and we're not even at the first day of its goddamn launch.

Sean, go outside and have a nice...shit, nevermind.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What? That's silly. If you're seriously falling back on "well the EULA gives them this power," you're on the losing side of the argument. Regardless of what the EULA empowers these companies to do, consumers will still be upset. WoW could shut down all its servers tomorrow and not issue any refunds if it wanted to (it's in the EULA) - doesn't mean consumers wouldn't be pissed off.
You're paying a sub to WoW and, again, their EULA actually states that service is not guaranteed. In fact, Blizzard is a great example of exactly my point. Their service is down (or was when I played) once a week for over 8 hours. Then there's been long outages over the years. Since people were paying, Blizzard would issue refunds in the form of extra game time. But there's nothing to be refunded here. You didn't pay for GTA Online. You paid for GTA 5. GTA online is free. And you're here crying you can't play it the second it goes live because the stress from all you people trying to play it the second it goes live leads to errors that aren't possible to stress test outside of the live environment.

Why does this argument happen with every big online game release? Serious question.

Yeah, there was. It's on the box. "FEATURING GRAND THEFT AUTO ONLINE" in big letters on the back. Now, that might not be a "legally binding EULA promise," but I think it'sreasonableto expect that product to be delivered in the way that Rockstar said it would.

But whatever, you be crazy.
You mean like how they explicitly asked people to bear with them while they underwent these growing pains?

Some More Details on Grand Theft Auto Online | Rockstar Games

GTA Community Feedback Needed from Day One
This is vital for the ongoing success of the game. The first few months of Grand Theft Auto Online will be critical as everyone enters this dynamic new world for the first time. Plenty of issues are bound to occur. Remember this interesting character?

One thing we are already aware of, and are trying to alleviate as fast as we can, is the unanticipated additional pressure on the servers due to a significantly higher number of players than we were anticipating at this point - we are working around the clock to buy and add more servers, but this increased scale is only going to make the first few days even more temperamental than such things usually are. This is part of the problem some of you have been experiencing with the iFruit App and some Social Club services - we apologize in advance for this and thank you for your patience in this area.

More than ever, we need your help to report your experiences, findings, likes, loves, dislikes and hates - and we will be looking at your feedback constantly to tune the game into its optimal shape and help guide how Grand Theft Auto Online will grow and evolve past this initial period. We will be checking out how people are playing and what they are not playing or not enjoying, while also monitoring feedback via two other new Rockstar channels:

[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */: This email address will be active from launch day as a place to send your input and feedback direct to us relating to the game.

GTA Online Forums at Social Club: At some point this fall after the initial release of GTA Online, we are planning to launch Social Club Forums where players can chat with one another about their online experiences as well as access a GTA Online Suggestion board to post about any suggested features, tweaks and changes you want to see.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You're asking the wrong question.

Why is Sean so butthurt over GTA5's online portion that'swritten on the boxhe purchased and he reasonably expected to be available on October 1st?
No I think I asked the right question.

Why would he, or you, reasonably expect it to be available today when they said it would have problems?

See also, the link posted in my last post.

Why don't you guys go outside and have a nice week?

GTA Online will work within 5 days most likely very stably. Until then, stop crying. Its free. It'll be fun. It isn't the sole purpose you exist, however.

Smoke a doober and chillax.