Gravity (2013)


<Prior Amod>
Does supertouch like any movie at all?

Anyway, so far I heard only good things. I have to go see this I guess.
He's Astro's evil twin. Astro loves everything that's bad, Supertouch hates everything that's good.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the only 3D option for this movie in my area is the "Real 3D" stuff, which I don't care for at all, is it still worth seeing on a large non-3D screen?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I paid $15 to see the Imax matinee today. I know I'm a cheapass but shit movies are expensive nowadays. I usually just wait to watch things in the home theater but I wanted to see this in Imax. During the big space station scene the lady in front of me screams, throws her arm up in the air, said arm is holding a water bottle and she fucking drenches me. I told the bitch she just drenched me with water and she didn't even apologize. Fuck I hate people.


Just a Nurse
Was she black? Sounds like some black lady. Or Mexicana.

Saw the movie in plain 3D. Thought the movie was spectacular and exhilarating.


went to see in imax3d, reserved seating, showed up half an hour early place is 95% full already and ill be damned if im sitting in shitty seats for 17$ a ticket will have to wait till next week


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This movie is going to win Oscars. It is an impressive piece of film making.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This movie was great. I'm a sucker for space based films, and this one delivered. Just beautiful in IMAX 3D.


Trakanon Raider
Amazing movie. Didn't get to see it on IMaX3d; got out-voted, cheap fuckers didn't want to spend the extra $5.


Trump's Staff
went to see in imax3d, reserved seating, showed up half an hour early place is 95% full already and ill be damned if im sitting in shitty seats for 17$ a ticket will have to wait till next week
Reserved seating but you didn't get your seat? Did you bitch out or something? All the theatre's we go to over here (Germany) are reserved seating; if someone is in your seat, you tell them to move.


no, we were at the pick your seat screen and it was 95% reserved, and we werent going to sit in the front row or up against a wall


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
When Sandra first exits her suit they focus on her for at least a minute in a baby in a womb type posture. Then upon making it back to earth it's like she evolved from the sea and is just learning to walk on land. At least that's what stood out to me.
I get how you can see the land scene as being her evolving but my perspective from the land scene is the focus on the effect of gravity. Due to her struggling to lift herself up and the camera being as low as possible (Like you're sprawled out on the floor being lazy) you feel the weight of her body or something. That and because she's been weightless and struggling to move around in a zero-g environment the weight of the earth is a huge shock to her and supposed to be a shock to the audience as well.

Anyway, this was a great movie. They attempted to go deeper into the idea of space and physics in space than any other film I've seen. It's one of the few films I would consider a novel work this year. They made a bold choice to carry the film entirely on her struggle to survive. I was afraid that shit would go down in the first 15m of the movie and get action sequences packed between drawn out flashbacks of her life. Instead they manage to flesh out her character in the calm spots during the movie. The scenes where the space stations and shuttle were getting torn up were incredible.

I was a little bit turned off by how bad of an astronaut she seemed to be. Watching her gain confidence and the spark of life was one of the themes of the movie but I can't help but think I would enjoy it more if she wasn't a rookie and was more capable. I also thought that they could have gotten a different actor than Clooney, but maybe they wanted a little bit of a camp for the role?


I believe the shemale said The Crying Game was his all time fav, go figure...
It's not my all-time favorite, but it's a great movie.

Anyway, I don't hate everything "good." That's just silly. I just wasn't captivated enough by the effects to ignore bad storytelling and bad science.


<Silver Donator>
Hey guys, did you notice that she never took a drink of water during the entire ordeal? She must have been thirsty. THIS FILM IS COMPLETE UNREALISTIC SHIT!!!!

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
It's not my all-time favorite, but it's a great movie.

Anyway, I don't hate everything "good." That's just silly. I just wasn't captivated enough by the effects to ignore bad storytelling and bad science.
I, and I'm sure most of the other actual men on these boards, can only hope you're far enough along in your hormone replacement treatment that you can no longer breed. The thought of a bunch of mini-supertouch's just makes me lose a tiny sliver of hope for humanity as a whole.