Gravy's Cooking Thread


<Silver Donator>
The fact it made me vomit then and still makes me nauseous today should tell you exactly how bad I think it is.
How is it traditionally cooked? I guess the other question would be what exactly does it taste like with said method. Is it just bitter, or have a foul taste?


Tranny Chaser
How is it traditionally cooked? I guess the other question would be what exactly does it taste like with said method. Is it just bitter, or have a foul taste?

bruh, why are you asking me how to cook a food I don't like? I guess the username checks out at least

It's a root vegetable, what do you expect me to say? boil em mash em stick em in a stew, hey looks like swede is back on the menu boys? swe-eee-ddddee? MR FRODOTARD?
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<Silver Donator>
bruh, why are you asking me how to cook a food I don't like? I guess the username checks out at least

It's a root vegetable, what do you expect me to say? boil em mash em stick em in a stew, hey looks like swede is back on the menu boys? swe-eee-ddddee? MR FRODOTARD?
I'm just trying to be serious and ask why you have such an aversion to a normal vegetable.

Maybe if it's ground up, dried, pulverized into a powder, and then served on a dog's dick, it may taste better? Did your dad rape you with some swede?

Was a legitimately just curious as to how it's cooked over in your shitty country, but I guess it just confirms why American cuisine will always be better.

Asshat indeed...
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<Silver Donator>
I mean, according to his own post, he comes from a long line of asshats
touche anthony potter GIF by Yevbel


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Chicken and sausage. I don't live in a place with good, fresh seafood.
All you need to know about gumbo is that the roux needs to be dark and if you don't have fresh okra then find a store that sells frozen okra or just don't make it. File powder isn't an acceptable substitute.


<Gold Donor>
I make chicken and sausage gumbo all the time. The wife and kids love it. Roux is def the secret here not some flour you just add to the veggies and fry it up, it needs to me made separate into a golden dark goodness and a lot of it depending on how big your pot of gumbo is. I use cut up frozen okra I get from Kroger. It works well enough. Never used any powders in mine. It does not freeze well. Anything with roux in it does not freeze well so make just enough to eat in a few days. Trust, I learned the hard way, lol.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Forcing kids to eat certain foods or the "clear you plate" mentality may just causes more issues. Same with appeasing them with always providing other choices or too much attention over not eating or praise when they do eat. Just make dinner, put it in front of them, don't give them too much attention one way or the other. If they're hungry they'll eat.

When dinner is over pick up plates and move on. If they didn't want to eat, they aren't going to starve to death by breakfast. If they are starving or having issues, probably other medical issues happening than being picky that need to be addressed.

Keeping in mind children's sense of taste is extra sensitive, so anything bitter or sour or fermented etc is going to be heightened, so don't be a bad, asshole parent wondering why your kids never eat sauerkraut or kimchee.

Also keeping in mind sweets and junk food and fast food will confuse a kid's pallate and they'll start to find anything without tons of sodium, sugar or artificial flavoring bland and uninteresting. Hard to compete with the sugar burgers from McDonald's.

Between coddle-culture and fake-food-diets it seems most kids are retarded spazzes about food these days, sadly. Don't want them to be that way? Then don't poison their body with that shit food, nor mind with worse culture.

Feed a kid real food, decently prepared, like poor people used to do, and ironically your kid will grow up with a refined, curious pallate and broad tastes, or at least tolerance and an ability to better cope, more capable to function in what little pockets of worthwhile society that may still exist when they're entering the job market or starting to go on dinner dates.

Of course even good eaters will have their bugaboos. I refused to eat corn beef hash and Chex cereal as a kid and still hate them to this day. But I had credibility and rapport with my mom so she just let me not eat the rare things I genuinely didn't like because fuss or disruption over being picky just wasn't a part of dinner.

Let's be honest, 99% of the time the real problem is the wife/mom is obsessing and coddling and giving a ton of attention to eating. The same way they do with water bottles as if every kid and dog dehydrated to death when we were kids because mom wasn't there with water bottles every waking hour.

My girlfriend does the same thing with our dog. We make him real food. Ground beef and chicken and beef roasts with veggies and barley or rice. Fucker eats like a king. But every few months he starts getting picky because my girlfriend obsesses over his eating, pumps him full of high quality treats, and lives how happy he gets with (appropriate) bits from the table.

And I have to correct it by picking up his full food bowl a few times before he is magically not picky anymore. And she worries about that missed meal like he's gonna starve. And we have a talk, things improve, And a few months later the dog is made picky again and I'm having to correct my girlfriend's behavior.

My guess is most of the times picky kids are caused by the same female dynamics that can be fixed with a little bit of common sense "enough of this" approach from the father. Which is why strong fathers are so important and fatherless homes are so dysfunctional for both kids and pets.
The line of thought is that your parent worked hard to buy and then prepare the food. It is your job as the kid to eat it and not be a picky little shitbag about it. This will become a thing again as food becomes scarce during the Biden depression.
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<Gold Donor>
We never forced our kids to eat anything. We offered new foods to them to taste and if they didnt like it they would not eat. Simple as that. Having 2 kids now 18 and 20 I know how their tastes change over the years. Shit they eat now with us they simply would not touch back when they were 5-6. Fuck my oldest would not touch a McDonalds cheeseburger until he was like 16 or some shit. He ate his first ham turkey and cheese sandwich when he was about the same age. Now? They eat anything we throw at them. Well except fish, the oldest one still does not like fish except for sardines and tuna. Go figure right? He will not try a piece of cod but will gobble up a can of nasty ass hot sauce sardines. lol
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<Silver Donator>
Looks awesome, but seems like a cold weather dish, not for summer.
Yeah, chicken gumbo I typically make it in the fall / winter. It's just a lot hardier. Seafood gumbo I'll sometimes make in warmer months, they're normally a lighter roux because of shrimp and crab being more delicate proteins .
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<Prior Amod>
So in another thread I lost power to my deep freezer while in vacay, found the weird ass gfci, sanitized and washed the cooler from all the meat juices and lucked out that kroger had brisket at 1.99 lb

Limited to 5 briskets, gonna make a kroger account for my pretend dog
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Potato del Grande
Did a weird thing. Frozen steaks onto the grill to sear, then seasoned, then cooked sous vide. Was backwards of everything I've tried in the past, but worked well enough I might do it intentionally in the future instead of just as a last minute situation.

Been just doing salt and pepper on steaks, and sometimes cumin. Gonna start experimenting with more steak seasoning if anyone has suggestions.

Girlfriend made a traditional vinegarret style pasta salad, but with tortellini. It was the kind of thing that will forever change my pasta salad expectations. Have also subbed tortellini for the noodles/pasta in chicken soup and Alfredo, so maybe we're just weird. But what's not to like about tortellini.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
not exactly cooking, and while I would 100% "WTF" should I find a Rice bear in my lunch, the SO would still get significant relationship points for caring.

(and yes, I know most of the bento presentation stuff is targeted towards little kids; if you tell me you wouldn't smile if you cracked open your igloo cooler and instead of "leftovers" , baloney on white, or even just a can of Hormel; you got a pile of pandas; I'm calling you a dirty Liar.

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<Prior Amod>
not exactly cooking, and while I would 100% "WTF" should I find a Rice bear in my lunch, the SO would still get significant relationship points for caring.

(and yes, I know most of the bento presentation stuff is targeted towards little kids; if you tell me you wouldn't smile if you cracked open your igloo cooler and instead of "leftovers" , baloney on white, or even just a can of Hormel; you got a pile of pandas; I'm calling you a dirty Liar.


having made a few cute bento lunchs, you'd rage quit trying to wrap those goddamn nori arms around the bear


<Prior Amod>
So in another thread I lost power to my deep freezer while in vacay, found the weird ass gfci, sanitized and washed the cooler from all the meat juices and lucked out that kroger had brisket at 1.99 lb
View attachment 421296

Limited to 5 briskets, gonna make a kroger account for my pretend dog
deep freezer restock update

day 2 was a failure, or rather all the briskets were bought up at my local kroger and i drove out to another 10mins away and that was gone too

meat dude said tomorrow should be restock

meanwhile my trash can is starting to stink since i have the equivalent of a dead body in it even tho i try to put the trash can in the shade and pick up is thurs
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