Greece - A New Hope


Molten Core Raider
So serious question from someone with basic economic knowledge and only a bit of understanding on Greece's situation: How should they fix it? I'm having a hard time seeing any sort of reform or change without some tough transitional years to go through.
Varoufakis suggestion seems reasonable to me, seeing as it is the IMF/EUs misjudged policies that have destroyed the country :

We owe our European partners ?280bn. Fine: we will issue new bonds worth this amount, with exactly the same repayment schedule that we had agreed - but linked to nominal, not real, GDP growth. The IMF and the ECB claim that our nominal GDP will grow by 7% per year for the next 20 years. If this is the case, we will pay back the money they lent us. But if nominal GDP grows by between 5% and 7%, we will pay back a third of the money we committed to repay. And if [it grows] by less than 5%, we won't pay anything back that year. In 2038, these bonds will expire. We will have repaid what we could. What we couldn't repay, we wouldn't. It is about making debt repayments conditional on progress in the real economy.
That doesn't mean I think the EU will find this acceptable because other countries in debt would then push for the same.


Silver Squire
Not paying anything back unless they hit 5% GDPgrowth? Seems like a high bar to set on long term debt repayment. Might as well just nullify the debt and kill the union because the other high debt nations will do the exact same thing and no one is going to get paid.

I don't feel bad for Greece. They created this mess. There should be some concessions to help get their economy moving but what he is asking for is ridiculous.

They are lucky they are on the euro and not bringing dump trucks of drachma to pay for a banana.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Pretty soon they aren't going to beaskingfor anything.
And the rest of the world wont do business with them. You can tell your lenders to fuck off all you want but you gotta be an idiot to think once you do anyone else is going to lend you money or do business with you.


Tranny Chaser
Iceland told everyone to go fuck themselves and suffered through the largest banking collapse (relative to the size of its economy) that any country has ever experienced in history. They dismantled the bad banks, they had investigations, and they put people in jail. What they did not do is go and put their citizens on the hook. Their economy has recovered with stable growth and low unemployment. This idea that you go and tackle the problem of too much debt with more debt and enslave your citizens to do so is the absurdity. Defaulting is not.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Iceland told everyone to go fuck themselves and suffered through the largest banking collapse (relative to the size of its economy) that any country has ever experienced in history. They dismantled the bad banks, they had investigations, and they put people in jail. What they did not do is go and put their citizens on the hook. Their economy has recovered with stable growth and low unemployment. This idea that you go and tackle the problem of too much debt with more debt and enslave your citizens to do so is the absurdity. Defaulting is not.
Yeah Greece and Iceland is like apples and pancakes.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Things were so much simpler in the middle ages, when you could just kill everyone the city owed money to once its government got too far in debt.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This idea that you can't walk away from debt is horseshit fed to you by the financier class.
Yes you can walk away from your debts all you want. Just dont expect people to do business with you in the future. Not a hard concept.


Tranny Chaser
Yes, no one is going to want to deal with Greece. That's what's going to happen. No one is going to want to sell them things or buy their things. No one will ever, ever lend them money again. What they should do is continue to watch their economy and living conditions crumble while they work to pay down down debt they cannot afford that they took out to cover debt they couldn't afford when the global financial system took a shit on itself and their bonds got downgraded to junk.

Oh, the people of Greece don't like having unelected non-citizens show up and shove cocks into their mouths and assholes? And Russia is offering them financial aid and to remove export restrictions? It's almost like if you treat an entire country of people like trash they won't do what you want them to do. Let me know when Greece starts vetoing new sanctions on Russia. Then we can all sit around and vilify Greece for not eating shit.


Silver Squire
Greece will become a third world shit hole pretty much over night once they get kicked off the Euro. No it won't be forever but it will be many years or even a decade of hardship they can't even fathom.

Right now they are insulated because they are on the Euro. Their best case scenario is to continue to negotiate some concessions and keep things the way they are.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yes, no one is going to want to deal with Greece. That's what's going to happen. No one is going to want to sell them things or buy their things. No one will ever, ever lend them money again. What they should do is continue to watch their economy and living conditions crumble while they work to pay down down debt they cannot afford that they took out to cover debt they couldn't afford when the global financial system took a shit on itself and their bonds got downgraded to junk.

Oh, the people of Greece don't like having unelected non-citizens show up and shove cocks into their mouths and assholes? And Russia is offering them financial aid and to remove export restrictions? It's almost like if you treat an entire country of people like trash they won't do what you want them to do. Let me know when Greece starts vetoing new sanctions on Russia. Then we can all sit around and vilify Greece for not eating shit.
Uh Greece's financial situation has zero to due with the recent recession. It worsened it, but there was a problem long before 2008/2009.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
that new southstream pipeline they want to build in turkey would go through greece right?

Russia extends olive branch to Greeks
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told CNBC that Russia would consider giving financial help to debt-ridden Greece?just days after the new Greek government questioned further European Union sanctions against Russia.


Tranny Chaser
Uh Greece's financial situation has zero to due with the recent recession. It worsened it, but there was a problem long before 2008/2009.
Can you show your math on your claim their financial situation had zero to do with the recession but also worsened it? I got out my abacus and no matter how much clickity clacking I do I can't make "zero" and "worse" equal out.

Yes, Greece was running large deficits prior to the recession. It was also the recession that sparked fears of a sovereign debt crisis that lead to their bonds getting downgrade to junk in 2009.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Greece will become a third world shit hole pretty much over night once they get kicked off the Euro. No it won't be forever but it will be many years or even a decade of hardship they can't even fathom.

Right now they are insulated because they are on the Euro. Their best case scenario is to continue to negotiate some concessions and keep things the way they are.
Based on the little time I spent in Athens, it already looks like a 3rd world shithole.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
How long until England starts "rescuing" artifacts from Greece again.


We spent ridiculous amounts of money on things we couldn't afford that sent out country into recession. Solution? Spend more money.


Molten Core Raider
Nobel prize winning economists are saying the state Greece is in is largely the fault of the EU and the IMF.

I'm not sure if a lot of folks are understanding just how important this is. It is literally the people standing up against the elite. It's a potential turning point in history. The ramifications of this are enormous not just for Greece but for the whole world. Ripples will spread out that will help to define the future of ordinary folk vrs the elite.

If Tsipras stands firm and gets anywhere it will blow politics apart across Europe. Masses of people are already turning away from traditional parties and that will only escalate.