Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Flight said:
Theres loads more to be had out of fantasy settings. The problem is that each new iteration sticks to so many of the fundamentals of EQ1, without applying lateral thinking.

i) six player party;
ii) 50 levels (or thereabouts);
ii) party needs a tank and a healer, the rest is, well who cares - some cc and mana regen would be nice;
iv) mid to high level monsters have so many hit points that no fantasy hero ever would be able to kill them. . . .
QFT. Next gen is the one that figures out how to move away from this.


Soygen said:
/nod I have hopes for 38 as well, but I"m far too "experienced" a gamer to get overly excited about a MMO these days. Wait and see seems the safest stance.
To be honest, I have turned into a "show me guy." I have zero confidence in Studio 38 until I actually see something worthwhile.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Duppin said:
Way to crush my poor Mariners.

Way to create snow so my poor Indians couldn"t dominate your poor Mariners~


kcxiv said:
go Curt. Has a shut out going on in the 4th. Its on Fox too if anyone wnats to watch.
That pitch that just sunk at the plate and hit as a mid-field pop-fly was gorgeous.

Also, keeping tabs on the runners on first must be hurting at least a bit. Extra stress on the arm playing babysitter can"t be fun.

EDIT: Molina needs to just go away.

EDIT2: And he goes away! What a coinkidink.


The TV announcers just gave his a nice plug.

7 innings and still has a shut out going. He had way to many pitches in that inning though. Wonder if he stays in for the CG.


kcxiv said:
The TV announcers just gave his a nice plug.

7 innings and still has a shut out going. He had way to many pitches in that inning though. Wonder if he stays in for the CG.
Bottom of the 8th and my guess would be yes. Not a save opportunity for anyone so why not let him have a shot at the CG.

Edit: Again, I"m wrong. I now predict that in 2 seasons the once coveted complete game stat will cease to exist.


Is this thread about Curt"s future MMO or his current pitching season? I like baseball well enough(I prefer to be in the ballpark rather than watch it on TV), but I don"t need a fucking play by play when I come to read this thread.


2 Minutes Hate
Ender4212 said:
Is this thread about Curt"s future MMO or his current pitching season? I like baseball well enough(I prefer to be in the ballpark rather than watch it on TV), but I don"t need a fucking play by play when I come to read this thread.
Which is why I havn"t read this thread in a while.


Ender4212 said:
Is this thread about Curt"s future MMO or his current pitching season? I like baseball well enough(I prefer to be in the ballpark rather than watch it on TV), but I don"t need a fucking play by play when I come to read this thread.
Well, the thread has stagnated a bit. With the official baseball season starting up (while not as time-consuming for Curt as others, it still takes time out of his day), 38 Studios being in hush-hush mode, and Moorgard/Blackguard still rather sheepish in these parts it was bound to happen. I apologize for assisting in the derailment.

If you have a question/comment to get things back on-track, feel free to throw it out there. I"m still tapped after my last 20 questions.


Enter 38 Studios first official contest for a chance to become part of 38 Studios history--and earn some cool stuff to boot!

38 Studios? beloved little green mascot, Munch, was born to personify the company?s values and attitudes. He"s upbeat, tenacious, focused, competitive, mischievous, driven to excellence, and ever-hungry for World Domination Through Gaming.

In 75 words or less, give us your best Munch monsterography -- his background, favorite food, color, song and any other fun facts you can imagine. To get you started, he?s 3?8?, 138 pounds, and Chaotic Good in nature. The rest is up to you, but keep it clean--we like Munch!

Deadline: April 24, 2007
Word count: 75
Send entries to: Contest1 [at]
Prizes: Author credit; 38 Studios t-shirt, cap, and sundry apparel autographed by 38 Studios? own Curt Schilling
Judges: Curt Schilling, R. A. Salvatore, and other 38 Studios luminaries


That guy
His favorite food is obviously Yankees. If the winner does not have that, then there is something seriously wrong with this world.
Cadrid said:
With the official baseball season starting up (while not as time-consuming for Curt as others, it still takes time out of his day), 38 Studios being in hush-hush mode, and Moorgard/Blackguard still rather sheepish in these parts it was bound to happen.
We ain"t the sheepish types; there just isn"t any benefit for us to drone on about something you won"t be seeing for years.

Talking about unreleased MMOs is like daydreaming about going on a date with someone you haven"t met yet.

Rather than spending years trying to convince you how next gen our design theories are, we"d rather make something cool and let you talk about it amongst yourselves.


Ender4212 said:
Is this thread about Curt"s future MMO or his current pitching season? I like baseball well enough(I prefer to be in the ballpark rather than watch it on TV), but I don"t need a fucking play by play when I come to read this thread.
Well, Curt has talked about his baseball way before i even took a peak into this thread. If you dont like it, you can just simply ignore it. We have other shit in other threads where they go WAY the fuck off topic, yet you wanna bitch becuase i said he was pitching and he was pitching a good game? FYP


Moorgard Mobhunter said:
We ain"t the sheepish types; there just isn"t any benefit for us to drone on about something you won"t be seeing for years.
Thereisn"t?! Better start telling some of the other developers that; I don"t think they got the memo.


Moorgard Mobhunter;709555 said:
Talking about unreleased MMOs is like daydreaming about going on a date with someone you haven"t met yet.
And he"s speaking from experience!!!!

In due time we"ll be able to engage you guys a bit on some things running around in our heads. Our site will get more interactive in the near future and at that point will be relevant to what we are doing and you are interested in.


Well many of us talked about an unreleased MMO called Vanguard, and trust me that was a date a lot of us didn"t wind up going on heheh.

Seriously, if you sift through these threads you really can get a sense of what the market likes and dislikes. Worse thing to do is ignore that pulse, stay stubborn with ideas, and then watch your product flop as a result.