Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Ngruk;709568 said:
Moorgard Mobhunter;709555 said:
Talking about unreleased MMOs is like daydreaming about going on a date with someone you haven"t met yet.
And he"s speaking from experience!!!!

In due time we"ll be able to engage you guys a bit on some things running around in our heads. Our site will get more interactive in the near future and at that point will be relevant to what we are doing and you are interested in.
I guess my biggest question is if everything is "so far down the road" then why even bring up the whole thing yet on this or any other board?

It really boggles my mind that you on one hand talk about a new gaming company and a groundbreaking game but on the other hand talk like it is years off and that you won"t release any info for ages.

Just seems like a monumental waste of your time that could be better used running said company unlike some MMO leaders seem to have done.


karuden said:
Just seems like a monumental waste of your time that could be better used running said company unlike some MMO leaders seem to have done.
Well, I"m sure Curt isn"t doing any actual coding, or concept art or writing design docs. It"s not like he is wasting all his precious dev time talking here. Not like he has much to do day-to-day anyway, that"s what managers and staff are for. So he posts once a week on the FoH boards and has a little blog.. travesty!


I was under the impression that Curt is the CEO of 38 Studios, meaning he owns it and works with the financing/construction, but Brett (the president) is the one actually doing a lot of the managing of departments, keeping people on-task and on-schedule, while the various leads (McFarlane, Salvatore, etc.) handle the brick-by-brick construction and conceptualization of the title. Curt can, as CEO, give his input, ideas, and so forth, but the company isn"t going to be hampered by his absence or divided time.

EDIT: Wow, that"s one helluva run-on.


Molten Core Raider
Maybe they"re just fans of the genre in general and enjoy talking with other fans about it.


Well I guess only time will tell us how the "hands off" approach works.

Of course the CEO of the Fortune 100 company I work for never gets involved in the running of the company. He is totally hands off and lets all the minions make all the decisions. FAT F"n CHANCE.

A CEO had better be involved or can you say oh I don"t know how about for example..... FAILURE
karuden said:
Well I guess only time will tell us how the "hands off" approach works.

Of course the CEO of the Fortune 100 company I work for never gets involved in the running of the company. He is totally hands off and lets all the minions make all the decisions. FAT F"n CHANCE.

A CEO had better be involved or can you say oh I don"t know how about for example..... FAILURE
What company, cuz I bet your CEO doubles as the COO.

Here"s what the difference in job titles means.

Chief executive officer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chief operating officer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If you"re under the impression that a CEO does nothing relating to the day-to-day operations of a company, perhaps you shouldn"t be quoting Wikipedia links at anyone.

Especially considering that not all companies are the same size, and considering that management styles differ vastly among people with identical job titles.


Ngruk said:
In 75 words or less, give us your best Munch monsterography -- his background, favorite food, color, song and any other fun facts you can imagine. To get you started, he?s 3?8?, 138 pounds, and Chaotic Good in nature. The rest is up to you, but keep it clean--we like Munch!
You should let Minoh run wild and develop him more visually. The guy is an amazing artist, and you"re very lucky to have him on your team.


Vatoreus said:
What company, cuz I bet your CEO doubles as the COO.

Here"s what the difference in job titles means.

Chief executive officer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chief operating officer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First off by quoting Wikipedia (can"t get farther from an actual reference source) you are showing just what you don"t know and your lack of actual working knowledge of the real world.

Now as to your comment, no our CEO is NOT our COO but he is also our COB.

As Duppin said you should not be quoting things to people if you believe that CEO"s don"t get involved in day to day operations.

They don"t all hang out on golf courses like execs in fantasy TV shows do or drive around in a Ferarrai on a track like a certain hype master did while his company and product burned out from under him.


karuden said:
They don"t all hang out on golf courses like execs in fantasy TV shows do or drive around in a Ferarrai on a track like a certain hype master did while his company and product burned out from under him.
That"s all I do...

I wish I wasn"t lying...
karuden said:
First off by quoting Wikipedia (can"t get farther from an actual reference source) you are showing just what you don"t know and your lack of actual working knowledge of the real world.

Now as to your comment, no our CEO is NOT our COO but he is also our COB.

As Duppin said you should not be quoting things to people if you believe that CEO"s don"t get involved in day to day operations.

They don"t all hang out on golf courses like execs in fantasy TV shows do or drive around in a Ferarrai on a track like a certain hype master did while his company and product burned out from under him.
i dunno, teachers at my university don"t really seem to have a problem taking citations from Wikepedia. Most CEOs don"t get involved in low level company matters, they get involved by getting involved by the officers under them, but as you said, depending on the size of the company, the involvement will differ. Big companies, the little guy won"t see too much direct involvement from the big guy upstairs.

Gnome Eater_foh

Vatoreus said:
i dunno, teachers at my university don"t really seem to have a problem taking citations from Wikepedia.
University have professors, not teachers. If your professors accept a quotation from wikipedia on any serious paper they are dumb and you should ask for a refund for your tuition.


Vatoreus said:
i dunno, teachers at my university don"t really seem to have a problem taking citations from Wikepedia.
Are you kidding? Is this a university or a community college? I don"t have any friends with professors that will take citations from Wikipedia.


If only the 38 Studios CEO knew of this discussion he might be able to set the record straight. Then we (including myself) could stop making assumptions based upon little or no knowledge. Ah, to dream...


I"m pretty sure that Curt is a big boy and is more than capable of deciding when he can spare 5 minutes a week to peruse a thread on the internet. I"m not sure what freaking business it is of anybody else, but trying to run off one of the few industry people that is fun to read posts from is pretty retarded. Kindly stop doing it.


Vatoreus said:
i dunno, teachers at my university don"t really seem to have a problem taking citations from Wikepedia. Most CEOs don"t get involved in low level company matters, they get involved by getting involved by the officers under them, but as you said, depending on the size of the company, the involvement will differ. Big companies, the little guy won"t see too much direct involvement from the big guy upstairs.
I hope you aren"t paying any money to this "university".


Some professor"s in my courses at University of Toronto aren"t entirely opposed to using Wikipedia as a reference, but I doubt if they would ever allow you to quote it. That being said the courses that the profs allow it in are new media and communications courses where we are dealing with things that are happening in the media right now, so Wikipedia is often the most up-to-date source to use. In my history courses the Prof would shoot you if you put a wikipedia page in your bibliography.


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I"m Rich Bitch said:
Usually there are nice looking chicks in the Marketing department.
Or nice looking men, atleast thats what Requiem tells me!
