Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Bo Jackson said:
Hate to be a dick and bring this up, but do you anticipate your free agency having any effect for better or worse on the way things are going with GMG over the next year or so? Do you anticipate less time/more stress, or vice versa at all, or just business as usual? I assume as things carry on and you get more and more people on board, the burden on you personally will diminish at least a little during this time.

Also, have you had a bad game or a short slump, and have the ravenous sports media/bill simmons/whoever is on your back today say anything to you about "focusing more on baseball" or say anything about your hobbies getting in the way of baseball at all? Or do you think that could be an issue this season potentially? Being a big sports fan, I find it interesting because the gap between professional sports and mmo gaming seems like uncharted territory, and I wonder if people who are not savvy to the virtual worlds find it weird at all.

Sorry to rant so much, I just find myself curious because of my interests in both sports and gaming. Good luck this season on the field and with GMG.
Oh it"s weird, for other people. The GMG name was, and I know this is going to be impossible to believe, not named after the left field wall at fenway. The name was made up by someone who knew next to nothing about baseball and isn"t even from this country.

This company will do just fine with me tending to my "day job". Hiring Brett was the day when alot of VERY successful people in this industry made a point to tell me "You just launched a game".

I don"t have to be in the building for this company to be great. I would love to think it"s make or break without me, who wouldn"t? But it isn"t. I recognize my place here, leading this company, and we are coming to grips with the new setup of me being away.

I don"t have to play in Boston in 2008 for things to continue going great here either. Where I play will have zero impact on the company or it"s name.

Stay tuned for more on this in the coming weeks though


Just stay away from the Mariners, our illustrious manager would most likely use you as a seventh inning mop up guy.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Do you know if Green Monster Games will go the Community Ran forum route or not for your first game?


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
I liked Ramirez better when he was with the Indians. Where the heck did he get that ego. That is the real question here sirs.


First and foremost. Please don"t ever leave Boston. Please.

But on the off-chance you leave and sign with the Devil, George Steinbrener. Your picture will have go on my cubicle wall with Johnny Damon and his ilk, in the hall of shame section.

Dis said:
Clemens and Schilling = Astros World Series win

Good idea? yes I believe so.
Clemens and Schilling = Boston World Series win. And thats still a possibility. Would only serve to compliment the best rotation in MLB. Schilling, Clemens, Beckett, Wakefield, Matsuzaka and of course the little pimp, Papelbon.

Clemens has tied Cy young with awards in a Boston uniform and he still talks about that.

btw Clemens has been removed from the cube wall.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ngruk said:
Oh it"s weird, for other people. The GMG name was, and I know this is going to be impossible to believe, not named after the left field wall at fenway. The name was made up by someone who knew next to nothing about baseball and isn"t even from this country.
Green Monster Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you telling me Wikipedia is wrong? Wikipedia is my religion, sir, tread carefully.

P.S. I"m fairly certain the Astros are doomed never to win a world series. Hell, we had NOLAN RYAN and still didn"t win. We"d find some way to muck it up, just like football.


Confirmed Male
Flanders said:
First and foremost. Please don"t ever leave Boston. Please.

But on the off-chance you leave and sign with the Devil, George Steinbrener. Your picture will have go on my cubicle wall with Johnny Damon and his ilk, in the hall of shame section.

Clemens and Schilling = Boston World Series win. And thats still a possibility. Would only serve to compliment the best rotation in MLB. Schilling, Clemens, Beckett, Wakefield, Matsuzaka and of course the little pimp, Papelbon.

Clemens has tied Cy young with awards in a Boston uniform and he still talks about that.

btw Clemens has been removed from the cube wall.

derail train:

Oswalt, Clemens, Schilling, Williams, Jennings = a sick pitching rotation (not to mention Backe if he comes back healthy)

IMO best rotation that will never happen in baseball

Aethn Anvel_foh

Curt, you need to read the Vanguard threads since Beta 5 / release. Sigil made some glaring and obvious mistakes. Read them, the comments from all of us pro and con, read then 5 times if you need too, but make sure you dont make the same mistakes.

Sigil dropped the ball, its your turn now. Hate to toss the pressure on you but the heat is on now, no one else is on the horizon now that VG shipped and was a small disaster, the eyes will be shifting on what you bring to the table.

All I gotta say is good luck.


No pressure. Pressure is self invoked. If I wanted to skate by, make a game and a few bucks while building a company that people in it believed was going to be revolutionary, that would be pressure.

I had a great opportunity to sit and talk with Brad McQuaid a few months back, right before Vanguard launch.

He was exactly what I expected, dead tired and incredibly passionate about players and his people and his game.

The "mistakes" he made, alot of them, are not of his own doing, but he accepts full responsibility and I admire that.

Regardless of your opinion he"s one of the 2-3 main reasons MMO"s are what they are today as far as the market and the industry, in a good way.

The amount of time and effort he"s put into his company, his people, his games, is pretty staggering.

This entire industry, not just the MMO game space, is a huge classroom right now with lessons aplenty on a daily basis.

Will we make mistakes? Absolutely. But what we won"t do is make mistakes of ignorance or omission, we"ll make mistakes the same way any great company would. Trying to push the envelope and do things in a way people want to, but are too afraid to try.

Spring continues to roll along, things are progressing and this team is looking rather good at the moment. But then there are about 20-25 teams saying the same thing and most of them aren"t in the AL East or Central.
/shill on

I heard you on Dennis and Callahan the other day...Sox didn"t give you an offer on the spot (silly IMO, but hey...I"m no GM).

Will this in any way effect you actually putting a game out? Or where your headquarters is located?

Cause if I see you fucking this up...I want to come knocking on your door!

Like the above poster said...PLEASE don"t make the same mistakes VG did. Yeah Yeah...Not his fault, but his company.


Confirmed Male
Ngruk said:
Spring continues to roll along, things are progressing and this team is looking rather good at the moment. But then there are about 20-25 teams saying the same thing and most of them aren"t in the AL East or Central.
Just thought I would add this, I go to quite a few stros game, I will almost garuantee you that when you pitch you will be doing so to a sell out, and when the Juice Box is sold out, I have to say it is the loudest stadium in baseball hands down. We bust ear drums. Ask Clemens, or Backe (Backe pitched what in my opinion was the loudest sporting event I have ever attended, and I have attended quite a few).

As far as the MMO, when you start feeding us some info, I will take a closer peak at it.


Ngruk said:
I had a great opportunity to sit and talk with Brad McQuaid a few months back, right before Vanguard launch.

He was exactly what I expected, dead tired and incredibly passionate about players and his people and his game.

The "mistakes" he made, alot of them, are not of his own doing, but he accepts full responsibility and I admire that.

Regardless of your opinion he"s one of the 2-3 main reasons MMO"s are what they are today as far as the market and the industry, in a good way.

The amount of time and effort he"s put into his company, his people, his games, is pretty staggering.
Aside from a few bad apples, I think most people were on Brad"s side during Vanguard"s development. For those select few folks whose metaphorical dog Brad ran over, it didn"t matter what he did or wanted to do, they were embittered to the end. However, most folks on this forum, as far as I can tell, feel bad for Mr. McQuaid; once again it seems as if the SoE suits have pushed one of his projects out the door too soon and he"s the one taking all the heat for it.

Perhaps the most unfortunate thing about all of this is how Brad left SoE to pursue his own idea of MMO utopia and yet, in the end, he is at their mercy once again. I don"t mean to sound like an anti-SoE conspiracy theorist/shill/insurgent/whatever, but it was conceded by Vanguard developers that Vanguard wasn"t ready for release, yet had to be shoved out the door regardless.

To stay on topic, both in terms of the thread and my post, does GMG have a publisher backing them already, will you be looking for a publisher, or will you self-publish?


Ngruk said:
Spring continues to roll along, things are progressing and this team is looking rather good at the moment. But then there are about 20-25 teams saying the same thing and most of them aren"t in the AL East or Central.
Everyone is an undefeated champ in spring training/training camp, right? As a rockies fan, june is about where the season ends for me, i"ve usually had any hope of playoff nonsense beaten out of me by then due to their constantly inconsistent pitching. :[

As far as the gaming development, don"t promise the moon when you know you can"t deliver it. Vanguard fell short of expectations for many, especially with the 800LB gorilla of WoW still dominating the MMO market. However you and everyone else knows that no matter what you say you will or try to do, some jackass will point out something different from a post you made three years previously. There are still message threads bouncing around on USENET of people absolutely thrashing Brad McQuaid over the Everquest five promised v. three delivered continents issue. It is just going to happen no matter what your intent is, someone, somewhere, is going to scrutinize every detail of every post you have made...


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Cadrid said:
Aside from a few bad apples, I think most people were on Brad"s side during Vanguard"s development.
Sure, over a year ago before the rumor mill kicked into gear. But then the rumors came out of closed beta, Sigil tapdanced around addressing concerns and later segued to their "We"ll fix it by release" line. Once they couldn"t keep a lid on the problems anymore,THENmany of the less-optimistic players (or naive, depending on your pov) had had enough and chose to be anti-VG rather than to trundle up to the propaganda slop-trough yet again, and trumpet the virtues of VG in the hope thatsome daythe game would live up to it"s billing when often it didn"t at the time. And for every hater that didn"t want to give it a chance after a while, there was a vanbois willing to wait until the second coming of Christ for the game to pan out so they could say "See? We told you the game would be ready!".

Personally the state of the game wouldn"t have bothered me nearly as much, if at all, had they been upfront with issues and concerns rather than trying to be slick and sneak in under the wire for release/openbeta without anyone being the wiser. As it stood, I ended up feeling like you couldn"t believe anything they said, as they had been doing nothing but spoonfeeding spin to the gaming community for some time.

For those select few folks whose metaphorical dog Brad ran over, it didn"t matter what he did or wanted to do, they were embittered to the end. However, most folks on this forum, as far as I can tell, feel bad for Mr. McQuaid; once again it seems as if the SoE suits have pushed one of his projects out the door too soon and he"s the one taking all the heat for it.
Of course, I"m sure many do feel sorry for Brad, I know I do - but many who do aren"t about to excuse him from any blame in this whatsoever. I won"t cast him as some sort of super-villian, but he"s still a guilty party regardless of whether or not SOE should bear the brunt of the blame or not. Besides, SOE was just doing what it felt it needed to do - before people run around blaming SOE for all of Vanguards problems, I would point out that they only got involved after things got to the point that it was even a consideration. People can complain about SOE setting a timeline, or about restricting funding all they want, but the fact remains that it was the decisions madeBEFORESOE got involved that are to blame. Had things been handled differently early on, I imagine that the whole SOE thing could have been avoided.