Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Biggest mistake I can see in regards to Vanguard is over-reaching, and trying to create too large of a world with too small of a team in too short of time. Whether you want to blame Sony/MS for pushing Vanguard out too soon, or McQuaid for biting off too much, well, I"m far too removed to speak accurately there.

As for how to avoid that, I"d imagine there"s some triage that could be done in advance. Such that the game can be considered reasonably complete without feature X fully implemented. I suppose WoW would be an example of this done properly. The raid game, and even the support and structure of 40-man raid groups at the start of WoW was far from adequate. My own class, paladin, had to deal with both buffing being ridiculous, and in some cases certain spells completely inable to work on raid members because they weren"t part of my 5-man group. I know atleast Divine Intervention (back when you had to be good to use it) did not work properly in raid groups, and I"m unsure about BoSalvation.

Even with problems like those, and I"m sure there were others, WoW was largely complete on release, and I gather it was pushed out by Vivendi, in probably a similar manner to Vanguard. I cannot really vouch for Vanguard, because my computer is far from the capability to run it. I may be projecting more problems onto Vanguard than are really there.

So that"s something I hope GMG can do, that Vanguard didn"t seem to do right, or do enough of. Plan to be late, and to have to cut things. And plan your design so that if you have to cut some features and content, then you can do it in such a way as to still have a playable, reasonably complete game.

Aethn Anvel_foh

Ngruk said:
Regardless of your opinion he"s one of the 2-3 main reasons MMO"s are what they are today as far as the market and the industry, in a good way.

I have no ill will towards Brad and Sigil at all, I was actually hoping for a good showing from them out the gate. I fully understand Brads role in MMO history and appreciate the things he has done to keep me entertained for nearly a decade and thakn him for that wholeheartedly.

I was pulling for VG, I am just as disappointed as everyone else is and actually do hope they can turn this around and pull off an "Any Given Sunday" miracle and make VG what he hoped it to be sooner rather then later.


Good luck with GMG and the upcoming season, Curt. Go have a fantastic season and finally get that CY. I look forward to seeing Soriano, Lee, and Ramirez tee off of you in October, though (nothing personal )


<Bronze Donator>
I"m sympathetic to brad"s situation but you must admit that Brad is 100% responsible for it. He overshot it, overdeveloped and tried to do too much. When MS saw the state the game was in and how much more money it would take to get it ready they pulled out, and brad had to spend the rest of sigils development budget buying back the rights to it, leaving the game 1/4 finished with no funding. If it wasn"t for SOE the game never would have seen the light of day. You can"t really blame them for not wanting to push VG into the #1 spot for most money spent developing an MMO ever, which is what it would have taken for VG to have been released "when it was ready" considering it wasn"t ever going to be the financial success that WoW is.

The lesson to learn from VG is don"t shoot for the moon unless you have the resources to reach it.


Vekruul Shuth said:
/shill on

I heard you on Dennis and Callahan the other day...Sox didn"t give you an offer on the spot (silly IMO, but hey...I"m no GM).

Will this in any way effect you actually putting a game out? Or where your headquarters is located?

Cause if I see you fucking this up...I want to come knocking on your door!

Like the above poster said...PLEASE don"t make the same mistakes VG did. Yeah Yeah...Not his fault, but his company.
No and No to the two questions.


Cadrid said:
To stay on topic, both in terms of the thread and my post, does GMG have a publisher backing them already, will you be looking for a publisher, or will you self-publish?
While our focus is on developing this IP and building the company today, and over the next few years, the ultimate goal is to become a force in the world of publishing.
We have every intention of becoming an "entertainment" company. Our focus, and our strength, will be games, but there are alot of other things we can and will do when the time is right.


Frax said:
Everyone is an undefeated champ in spring training/training camp, right? As a rockies fan, june is about where the season ends for me, i"ve usually had any hope of playoff nonsense beaten out of me by then due to their constantly inconsistent pitching. :[

As far as the gaming development, don"t promise the moon when you know you can"t deliver it. Vanguard fell short of expectations for many, especially with the 800LB gorilla of WoW still dominating the MMO market. However you and everyone else knows that no matter what you say you will or try to do, some jackass will point out something different from a post you made three years previously. There are still message threads bouncing around on USENET of people absolutely thrashing Brad McQuaid over the Everquest five promised v. three delivered continents issue. It is just going to happen no matter what your intent is, someone, somewhere, is going to scrutinize every detail of every post you have made...
That"s why you aren"t seeing now, nor will you likely see in the future, detailed IP and game specific posts. It does no one any good.
The only thing that can happen if you hype something in a forum like this is bad. You either meet your hype, which rarely if ever happens, or you don"t even put out the promised feature, or everyone has months think 20 different ways about your promise and find something in it at launch that is "missing".
It"s a lose lose.


Confirmed Male
Ngruk said:
That"s why you aren"t seeing now, nor will you likely see in the future, detailed IP and game specific posts. It does no one any good.
The only thing that can happen if you hype something in a forum like this is bad. You either meet your hype, which rarely if ever happens, or you don"t even put out the promised feature, or everyone has months think 20 different ways about your promise and find something in it at launch that is "missing".
It"s a lose lose.
Have you taken a look at what Bioware is up to, do you see them "changing the game" in much of the way that Blizzard "added polish to the game" so to speak? IMO Bioware (as far off as it maybe) is what has got me all giddy inside, they are definitely a top knotch dev when it comes to RPGs. I want to see what they do with an MMO.


Dis said:
Have you taken a look at what Bioware is up to, do you see them "changing the game" in much of the way that Blizzard "added polish to the game" so to speak? IMO Bioware (as far off as it maybe) is what has got me all giddy inside, they are definitely a top knotch dev when it comes to RPGs. I want to see what they do with an MMO.
How can you not like Bioware? Awesome company run by what I hear are great people. They"ve got an awesome track record of great games. Been a fan and a customer for a long time.
As far as "taking a look" I am not sure what you mean.
We follow what they are doing, like everyone else, and pay attention as well since they are so damn good, but when I switched hats from gamer to founder I think I lost the ability to head up there, meet the guys and check out what they are doing


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They"re based out of Austin right? I wonder what it takes to get a tour through their place.


Confirmed Male
James said:
They"re based out of Austin right? I wonder what it takes to get a tour through their place.
Send em pics of your spider and hog injuries. That should be enough.


Trakanon Raider
They"re based out of Austin right? I wonder what it takes to get a tour through their place.
Who, Bioware? Only the MMOG studio is. The vast majority of Bioware"s employees (200+) are up in Edmonton, where the company started.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah but the MMO one is the one I"d want to tour. Do you have to know people who know people to get a tour or what? Will GMG have a tour majiggy so local gamers can check em out?


I"m pretty sure you have to know someone orbesomeone to get a tour. Well, as long as you aren"t from a rival company making a competing product.


Confirmed Male
James said:
Yeah but the MMO one is the one I"d want to tour. Do you have to know people who know people to get a tour or what? Will GMG have a tour majiggy so local gamers can check em out?
TBH, I have been on a tour of the beta testers area for THQ. Friend of mine (online) works(ed) there, when I was down on business he gave me the grand tour. While initially I was jealous, after the quick tour and the description of how much money he made I was quickly thankful for the job I have. Long story short, I saw a bunch of cubicles with posters of scantily clad women that were reminiscence of my military days, along with a couple of unreleased (at the time) WWE wrestling games. Wasnt really much to see, I would assume the same would go for the dev area.

Also, the programming wing of my old company was under strict rules of minimal noise. It was to a degree that they had phones with lights to notify they got a call rather than a ring or tone. I would assume it would be the same for any programming dept of said software genre. I dont think you would get to see much, could be wrong though.


<Bronze Donator>
They"re based out of Austin right? I wonder what it takes to get a tour through their place.
The MMO wing is. Its the same people who brought you SWG though, the bioware name is (mostly) in name only. I have a friend who works in Edmonton at the real bioware, i"m going to see if I can fanagle my way into a tour the next time I visit her.


Trakanon Raider
Is this girl moderately attractive? I may need her name and number so that I may seduce her into giving me a sneak peak at Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I just refuse to slay any dragons to get at those princesses, so to speak.


Holy crap, what a time for this thread to goto Bioware.
John Ricatello and Greg Richardson, both from the VC that owns controlling interest in Bioware, are taking the lead positions at EA and Bioware.
Wow, huge news.


Ngruk said:
The GMG name was, and I know this is going to be impossible to believe, not named after the left field wall at fenway. The name was made up by someone who knew next to nothing about baseball and isn"t even from this country.
Did this "confusion" prompt the creation of your company"snew name?