GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 announced available May 27th


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think the real question is if AMD is going to get its act together and deliver drivers that are not clusterfucks. If they can deliver good drivers I would gladly switch from Nvidia due to the price, but my experience with AMD has been problematic so far unfortunatly.
This is my problem with AMD. Their hardware is generally fine but every time I am forced to work with their drivers it makes me want to throw stuff. I have never had any good consistent luck with drivers not being a major problems.


At work so can't look into it right now but there any kind of expected release date on that? Been half asset thinking about an upgrade to my old card. Mostly posting so I remember to look later myself.
29th June.

The $199 price is for the 4gb version of the 480 (knew there had to be a catch), the 8gb one will be $229-239.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My most unstable build I've ever done was an AMD processor with an ATi graphics card. Holy fuck shit would crash or lock up constantly. To be fair though I think the biggest issue was the ATi.


FPS noob
I've been burned by bad AMD drivers, as well as shitty SLI (Nvidia) trying to be special and running 2 video cards.

But it sounds like 2 of these cards would clearly beat out the top nVidia card if I'm reading this right? I guess I'll keep an eye out for reliable reviews/stats. Nvidia's founders tax and Gsync $$$ actually kept me from just straight up buying their newest card, go figure...
going SLI is just a bad move from now on out, except for extremely specialized (non gaming) cases. DX12 basically blows up SLI, whereas before video drivers could tweak games to support SLI now with DX12 games have to be coded to support it. DX12 also supports multi GPU (non SLI) but again games have to be coded for it, and with most games developed in parallel now for ps4/xbone/PC they simply won't get any SLI support at all. Granted, I don't see a ton of games being DX12 only but with Microsoft's weird moves in the xbox segment we could see Windows 10 only games (UWP) become more prevalent and they are DX12.

much better off just upgrading more often. rather than spend $400 on two AMD cards which will maybe be slightly faster than a 1080 in some specific cases, buy a 1070 now for $380 and in 8-15 months upgrade to something new (1080ti, 1100, etc) for $400 and sell off the 1070 for $200.

If the 480 for $240 is as good as a 980ti then thats an extremely good value proposition though, we'll have to see benchmarks. Also I'd expect Nvidia to quickly follow up soon with a 1050 or whatever that is similarly priced.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Am I the only person that was not burned by AMD/ATI? The last 3 gens I went Nvidia (GTX 680 -> 770 -> 980), but before that I had 2 gens of ATI/AMD (HD 4870 -> HD 6970) cards and they were fine. I have probably owned 4-5 gens of AMD/ATI gfx cards overall and I don't recall drivers ever being terrible.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Am I the only person that was not burned by AMD/ATI? The last 3 gens I went Nvidia (GTX 670 -> 770 -> 980), but before that I had 2 gens of ATI/AMD cards and they were fine. I have probably owned 4-5 gens of AMD/ATI gfx cards overall and I don't recall drivers ever being terrible.
My last 3 cards were amd and they were great. I do not understand what the issue is


Vyemm Raider
i'll be nabbing the 8gig, probably to replace my 390x (just because), moving the 390x to my wife's computer(newer case- better airflow-slightly older card-plus brownie points with the wife) moving her card to my son's computer (no fricking clue what he has in there-gotta be at least 5 years old)

my last 4 or 5 cards have been amd- nary an issue driver wise , but i'm not pushing the envelope game wise- kids do though- still no issues.


Golden Squire
Both nvidia and AMD have driver issues. However for whatever reason AMD can't shake the disaster that was the Radon 8x00 drivers from over a decade ago.

That said, in the last few years at least AMDs drivers haven't melted videocards, unlike nvidia's (oops the fan doesn't work anymore). I say that as someone who just preordered a GTX 1080 from evga.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just bought a 970. Has a 30 day return policy. Wife is like no fucking way you returning it to spend $80 more on a 1070. A couple days outside the return window the wife is like why didn't you return it, I told you to do it. Oh no fucking way you did!!! Ahhhhh


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just bought a 970. Has a 30 day return policy. Wife is like no fucking way you returning it to spend $80 more on a 1070. A couple days outside the return window the wife is like why didn't you return it, I told you to do it. Oh no fucking way you did!!! Ahhhhh
Moral of the story: Do not let wives make the final say on video card purchases.


FPS noob
just tell your wife you need an upgraded GPU to do the taxes this year, and start talking about capital gains tax loopholes on stocks held longer than a year until she wanders off

then keep google sheets on a tab and whenever she wanders into your room tab to it and nod at how much better the computer is mining bitcoins now


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
just tell your wife you need an upgraded GPU to do the taxes this year, and start talking about capital gains tax loopholes on stocks held longer than a year until she wanders off

then keep google sheets on a tab and whenever she wanders into your room tab to it and nod at how much better the computer is mining bitcoins now
LOL! Perfect! <3 the RR bros!

I'm still at 1080 gaming, and I don't plan on upgrading anytime soon so the 970 will be fine, but it would have been nice to future proof myself a little more.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Am I the only person that was not burned by AMD/ATI? The last 3 gens I went Nvidia (GTX 680 -> 770 -> 980), but before that I had 2 gens of ATI/AMD (HD 4870 -> HD 6970) cards and they were fine. I have probably owned 4-5 gens of AMD/ATI gfx cards overall and I don't recall drivers ever being terrible.
Never had any problems in 15+ years. Last 4-5 gfx cards (basically since AMD bought them, and before that I had whatever's best; I'm not in either camp but enemy of my enemy...) and always their cpu.
Next upgrade is end of this year to Zen+Polaris.


Useless lazy bastard.
Am I the only person that was not burned by AMD/ATI? The last 3 gens I went Nvidia (GTX 680 -> 770 -> 980), but before that I had 2 gens of ATI/AMD (HD 4870 -> HD 6970) cards and they were fine. I have probably owned 4-5 gens of AMD/ATI gfx cards overall and I don't recall drivers ever being terrible.
Dunno, I have had issues with the ones I have had. Might be the games I play, might be the rest of the setup /shrug.

Back in the stone age I switched from Nvidia to AMD/ATI and it worked well, then suddently it did not and I switched back. I dont have any special loyality to either brand, I just play games and use what works. If Nvidia should shit itself with drivers for the 1070/80 or the games I play start having issues I would be back in the AMD/ATI camp next time I upgrade.


A Mod Real Quick
I flip-flop between whatever brand is making a better product at a better price at the current time, right now for me that was Nvidia.

I do question why anyone would get an AMD CPU though, they've been terrible for so long compared to Intel


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I am still running my I5-2500k 4.5 ghz OC and it kicks major butt. I'll probably upgrade to a 1070GTX from my 770. This 4-5 year old CPU runs everything perfectly and is still bottlenecked by the video card. I have no idea why people are upgrading CPU/Mobo constantly when it seems to me (Unless I am missing something here) that for games CPU Compute for the last 4-5 years has very little impact on anything these days unless it is a shoddy port utilizing more CPU than GPU cycles. Add to the fact that most PC games are least common denominated anyhow, unless you are running higher resolutions in 1440p or above, it seems pointless to upgrade on a continual basis. I think the hardware/marketing teams are loving life right now with what they have people believing. That or maybe I am just lucky somehow that my current rig runs most everything out there in ultra settings at 1200p perfectly.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I flip-flop between whatever brand is making a better product at a better price at the current time, right now for me that was Nvidia.

I do question why anyone would get an AMD CPU though, they've been terrible for so long compared to Intel
I've been burned too badly by the AMD+ATi "lower price point better performance" line years ago to go back. I'm going to stay NVidia + Intel until they burn me. That setup just seems rock solid. Like I said I'm 99% sure it was ATi that fucked up because once I swapped out my ATi card for an NVidia card in that setup my crashes reduced drastically.