Guild Wars 2


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People just now figuring out these company's gonna get thier money one way or the other?


Molten Core Raider
The average GW2 player spends more money on the game than they would for any other sub based mmo out there and Anet is expanding the gemstore on a almost weekly basis. Just because you don't have a sub fee for your game doesn't mean you can jack up the prices for expansions (while including less than you did for your previous game) and expect people to love you for it.
Are you claiming that the average GW2 player spends $15+/mo on gems? Can you substantiate that with anything? My understanding is these models are funded primarily by the top spending 5 percent, and the huge majority spend nothing.

I hear: "Damnit, people keep trying to sell me shit I want... but I've grown accustomed to having that shit for free and now I'm upset. I'm super upset over $20. Rabble rabble.")


Avatar of War Slayer
reddit guy made a really good point.

With the ability to reforge ascended items with new stats, Fractals will likely be the best way to get ascended gear. way better then crafting.

Fractal drop rate.
[KING] Fractal Research

Prior to this, the crates were relatively common... but you often got terrible stats. magi's etc.

inister int here as well, for professions that make use of cond damage. Engi particularly. and even moreso as cond damage as just massively buffed.


Avatar of War Slayer
Sounds like you feel like you're entitled to something.
well, Anet isn't entitled to our business either.

they are trying to sell us a product, we aren't selling them anything. Its up to them to sell it to us.

I was kindof expecting the expac to come with gems, I'll admit. to be used to purchase what you will. char slot maybe.

That said, I gold>gem yesterday. price was back down to 1g39s for 800. its been 1g50s ish for a while.


What's your server and character name? You know, just so we can wave to you when you start playing the expansion on day one.


Avatar of War Slayer
We'll see what hits first. Heart of Thorns or The Awakening.

one of the "advantages" of GW2 was I was supposed to be able to sit and play it as I had time. being able to take breaks of months off as I pleased. But then living story apparently required you to log in during the events, the xmas emphereal star, same deal.
well thats pretty shitty. I did already have to buy some gems to pay for some of that stuff.

I like the game, and maybe I will. but Anet sure does like to bungle things. if you think I can't drop a game at the drop of a hat. lol. nah. I can go to path of exile, lol, hots in the blink of an eye. even neverwinter, trove, landmark...

probably would already have quit again if I got a poe beta key. ha.


For the living stories all you had to do is just login once every two weeks to get them all. As for the star being a xmas gift...xmas will come again. And it is not game changing in even the remotest sense. I suppose you have a right to bitch about not getting free blowjobs and all also.


Avatar of War Slayer
For the living stories all you had to do is just login once every two weeks to get them all. As for the star being a xmas gift...xmas will come again. And it is not game changing in even the remotest sense. I suppose you have a right to bitch about not getting free blowjobs and all also.
this sounds like someone that doesn't have 2500 fragments and 112 stars in their bank.

And yes sure. that would have been good info to know, before taking a break, and thus no knowing that until after the fact. Its not like that was info they shared when they sold the game in the first place, and marketed it as buy once, play forever.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Are you claiming that the average GW2 player spends $15+/mo on gems? Can you substantiate that with anything?
1Q5 earnings for GW2 are 18 million $, for an unknown (but roughly estimated 1 million) regular players. That means that the GW2 players spends an average of around 6$ a month. Not quite sub numbers, but still.


Molten Core Raider
1Q5 earnings for GW2 are 18 million $, for an unknown (but roughly estimated 1 million) regular players. That means that the GW2 players spends an average of around 6$ a month. Not quite sub numbers, but still.
It's misleading to say this. Mostly pointless tangent but...

Assuming that GW2 follows the trends established by other F2P games that released more complete metrics: a very select few of GW2 players spend $50+/mo and most spend nothing, average equating to $6. I'm not familiar with GW2; this is assuming there aren't account level services they could be spending their money on (name/race/class changes, etc etc).


Molten Core Raider
Name and character appearance changes are available, hairkits in particular are probably one of their best selling items. I mean, they have new items in the shop about every two weeks and unless it's something really shitty you see plenty of people running around with them.
And that is fine, they're a business and I'm not mad about them wanting to make money. It's just that ever since Anet has hired an ex Nexon employee, the shop (and monetisation in general) is blowing up. Progression in the game works by dressing up your character, yet the bulk of items with new looks comes from the gemstore these days. I believe they have added a grand total of one (?) new armor set since release that is acquirable from gameplay.

And on the one million active players, that seems like a very generous number.


Avatar of War Slayer
no. a guy made a post about it on reddit awhile back.

But glorious, ascended, carapace/biolum for example. there were more, but I can't remember them all.

Also blacklion stuff can be put up on the TP.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Name and character appearance changes are available, hairkits in particular are probably one of their best selling items. I mean, they have new items in the shop about every two weeks and unless it's something really shitty you see plenty of people running around with them.
And that is fine, they're a business and I'm not mad about them wanting to make money. It's just that ever since Anet has hired an ex Nexon employee, the shop (and monetisation in general) is blowing up. Progression in the game works by dressing up your character, yet the bulk of items with new looks comes from the gemstore these days. I believe they have added a grand total of one (?) new armor set since release that is acquirable from gameplay.

And on the one million active players, that seems like a very generous number.
There are definitely a lot of people who buy those cosmetic items. But there are just as many who refuse to buy gems for any reason. And there are still plenty of people who think that buying gold, even if it's from ANET, is cheating.

So the whale thing is true for the most part. I think the 5 percent whale supporting the rest number is off, more people use the gem store than that. But the basic truth in all mmos with shops like this, is that a minority of players spend by far the most cash at the game's stores. Which is fine by me. If Julie Fashion Princess wants to buy the latest skirt of pixels for 20 dollars, then I'm all for it. Helps the game, and doesn't effect the power curve.


A nice asshole.
I almost bought the unlimited tools but waiting for a three in one pack on sale or something. Other than that nothing looks good to me and I have played at least once a month since launch.


Avatar of War Slayer
unlimited tools have been around for a long time. no sales, or bundles. I wouldn't expect that to ever happen.
not even a "trade your old ugly one, for a cooler one" or anything.

They are big time savers, but not actually cost effective in terms of copper/use. you'd need to harvest like a million times to make one cost effective. Although could argue time/bagspace savings in there too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The main reason for those things is ease of inventory management. And occasionally (rarely) you see them for 20(25?) percent off I think. Hard to catch sales on that stuff, but it does happen. I've been tempted to get them also, just never pulled the trigger.


Avatar of War Slayer
need to pass both around. its annoying. or dont. I just keep my infinite tools on my "main".

engineer is "main" plays all aspects.

Theif is dungeons/spvp mostly. dont need to harvest much. second "main". but lesser.
War alt is doing drytop now, but thats about it.
Mesmer is wvw almost exclusively. no, need to harvest.

Ranger alt isn't played at all.

Copper-fed is also big time ease of use as noted. but again, would take ALOT to be cost effective.