Guild Wars 2


Silver Squire
Yeah it was epic, Tuco is the man bringing everyone in like that. Hope everyone comes back for Archage or whatever the next one is.


FoH nuclear response team
Hell I might re-apply if they actually fix the culling and make WvW have meaning.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Hey, is anyone on Henge? I'm looking for a casual guild. I have a newborn and frankly I suck as a player. I just want to have fun and maybe have a group of people to snark at. So if anyone knows a casual, swearing-encouraged, rerolled-style guild on Henge and could let me know, I'd be appreciative.


FoH nuclear response team
I don't remember which server I'm on after all the hopping around but I'll send you a pm this week and let you know if I'm on that server.


So, I started up on Jade Quarry, following the thread title... playing a Gnome Mesmer.

One problem I have is that my screen blacks out at times. Sometimes, it recovers - other times I have to close the game from the task manager.

I googled and found that it could be an issue with Nvidia cards and/or my router. Changed both settings to what they request and no luck.

Crashed about every 15mins, but it varies - sometimes I'm not even in for a minute before it goes down.

Any thoughts?



FoH nuclear response team
drivers up to date? Have you used a driver cleaner when installing new ones? What card is it? Sounds like the card is bad, overheating or a driver issue to me.


Silver Squire
So, I started up on Jade Quarry, following the thread title... playing a Gnome Mesmer.

One problem I have is that my screen blacks out at times. Sometimes, it recovers - other times I have to close the game from the task manager.

I googled and found that it could be an issue with Nvidia cards and/or my router. Changed both settings to what they request and no luck.

Crashed about every 15mins, but it varies - sometimes I'm not even in for a minute before it goes down.

Any thoughts?
Definitely something with the graphic card (or memory) and not the router as far as I can see. The only advice I can think of is to update drivers, try to change settings in the game and maybe run something like the windows experience index to see if there are any problems with that (not the best test but it does go thru alot of the basic stuff so any hang-ups there might mean you have a hardware problem)



Doh, can't believe I failed to include the card: NVidia GTX 285, newest drivers. Didn't use a driver cleaner, but I'll give that a shot.

When I'm not gaming, it runs[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */- without difficulties/error, so I don't think it's overheating.

No issues with the windows experience index. The graphic card gets a 6.9 - it is fairly old, of course

Any suggestions for settings in the game that I could change? I've tried full screen and windowed full screen.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hey, is anyone on Henge? I'm looking for a casual guild. I have a newborn and frankly I suck as a player. I just want to have fun and maybe have a group of people to snark at. So if anyone knows a casual, swearing-encouraged, rerolled-style guild on Henge and could let me know, I'd be appreciative.
Check with the official and guild wars2 guru forums for guilds recruiting. If you can't find anything then try the guesting feature and try a few servers. Just don't mention you are guesting, huge immigrant backlash going on.


FoH nuclear response team
Just don't mention you are guesting, huge immigrant backlash going on.
What's up with the remaining community anyway? I jumped back in after they added fractals and asked a few questions in general chat and got torn apart.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Check with the official and guild wars2 guru forums for guilds recruiting. If you can't find anything then try the guesting feature and try a few servers. Just don't mention you are guesting, huge immigrant backlash going on.
What's the immigrant backlash about?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What's the immigrant backlash about?
Chests from the pve events are really good now. So zones go into overlow alot. People are guesting to other servers to do the chests when the timer is due, taking away american jobs.. I mean forcing the natives to overflows. Though they are nerfing it next patch to one good chest per day per event per account instead of character.


Molten Core Raider
They limited guesting already. People are just paranoid (and usually late to the event) and complain about the overflow, when really it's the servers native population who's flocking to these events like crazy; they're one of the few rewarding things in the game afterall.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They limited guesting already. People are just paranoid (and usually late to the event) and complain about the overflow, when really it's the servers native population who's flocking to these events like crazy; they're one of the few rewarding things in the game afterall.

Well considering I do it and always see people from different servers on my server i'm going to have to disagree with you. Why wait 3 hours for jormag when you can hop to a server where it's due.


Molten Core Raider
Oh i'm not saying people don't use the guesting for events, but with 2 guestings max per day it's not as bad as it was in the beginning. I recognise a lot of names by now when i'm doing the dragons, so i know there are a lot of people from my own server attending. I'd wager a high pop server can easily put one of the dragon maps in overflow during peak times and then you have people bitching that it's the guestings fault they can't get in.

The whole concept is stupid anyway, the most viable thing (other than the awful pre-cursor lottery) in the game is random trash loot of a certain quality and then they go ahead and tie it to one kind of activity. It feels like they fired every employee with half a brain after the release and replaced them with amoeba.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There have been flat out wrong complaints about decisions they have made from gamers, but you are spot on about the rewards. MF is a horrible concept that needs to die. The way you get pre-cursors is a fucking joke. They need to reward WvW a hell of a lot more. The best loot should come from WvW and dungeons and events. Not from maxing MF gear and grinding CS tunnel and plinx. They do so many things right, but fail at the carrot.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Decided to play some GW2 recently. Had stopped playing before the Lost Island update. I thought that Lost Isle content would still be around to play through, is it? Is there any new content ingame to "do", like a Story-line quest chain? This Flame & Frost update doesn't seem to have anything to do at the moment. I am wandering around in Wayfarer Hills looking for dead refugee's, but there doesn't seem to be anything else to do. The other updates I've seen were all holiday type / one-time events.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly, there's not much to see. I was pumped aswell for the new 80's zone, which would be Southsun Cove. There was an event going on when the content was released and lots of people participated. The event bit has since then been disabled, so you only have the zone itself which is a ghost-town. You won't find (obviously) any hearts and a sparse amount of events you can't do by yourself because the karka are easily one of the hardest enemies in the game. There's no map completion either, so there's not much to it.

The living story content so far is about what you would expect if Anet added a new heart to Wayfarer and Diessa. Pick up some stuff and kill mobs coming out of portals. Supposedly the next two updates will have a bit more meat to them, will have to wait and see i guess.

If you haven't done it though, you can look into the fractals, they're quite alright and decently entertaining until you get very high in the difficulty levels.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Chests from the pve events are really good now. So zones go into overlow alot. People are guesting to other servers to do the chests when the timer is due, taking away american jobs.. I mean forcing the natives to overflows. Though they are nerfing it next patch to one good chest per day per event per account instead of character.
They upgraded the dragon loot? How so if I may ask. I always felt I was lucky if I got 2 rares out of it before, so as to be able to shard them.