Guild Wars 2


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is anyone still playing this? I have an MMO-itch and I figure the totally free option is not bad place to try and scratch.

I bought this at launch and played for about 1 month. What is the current state of the game?
Contrary to popular belief, if you don't want the typical item progression, this is the best game around. If you crave progression at level cap, look elsewhere.
I truly love this game, can't help it, but I play it sparingly and hardly care about ascended armor/weapon, which are quite grindy to obtain. I enjoy map exploration, public events and dungeons. Even some pvp, which for me is normally not even taken into consideration, but it is quite good in this game and it's not item centric, everyone is on equal footing, so it's all about skill and teamwork.
World vs World can also be interesting, as long as you don't zerg.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If you like completing meaningless achievements for minor rewards, this game is for you.

Also the game for you if you like dropping a bunch of fucking meteors on big zergs of faggots with generic ranks above their hands.


<Gold Donor>
Contrary to popular belief, if you don't want the typical item progression, this is the best game around. If you crave progression at level cap, look elsewhere.
I truly love this game, can't help it, but I play it sparingly and hardly care about ascended armor/weapon, which are quite grindy to obtain. I enjoy map exploration, public events and dungeons. Even some pvp, which for me is normally not even taken into consideration, but it is quite good in this game and it's not item centric, everyone is on equal footing, so it's all about skill and teamwork.
World vs World can also be interesting, as long as you don't zerg.
Yeah the level cap treadmill has gotten a bit stale for me. What server are you on?


FoH nuclear response team
I also re installed this a few days ago and started playing again. I'm on Blackgate if anyone wants to group up. I'm mainly trying to do all the dungeons and stuff I never even attempted to do.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Level cap progression is Prettiest Princess Dress-up.

Not that there's anythingwrongwith that.
There is some very minor progression in RvRvR. By minor I mean you'll spend days getting +0.0005% damage to Guards or something. But hey it's a bar to fill.


Trakanon Raider
GW2 is not your typical mmo. The game is broken into different parts which is not always for everyone.

PVE side there is achievement hunting, like over board on that shit, with more to come with every living story update every 2 weeks. The new season of living stories are about to start and they promise to be harder and rewards harder to get as you will have to actually play through to the end of the living story to get rewarded, unlike before you just had to complete the meta achievement.Introducing the Story Journal |

Dungeons are the same since the start, they've tweaked some paths I guess, I don't know I never do dungeons as I hate them in this game, but nothing really new except for I think 1 path which was added last year. Fractals are also the same ole same ole but supposedly good rewards. They've turned the traits system into complete shit, you start getting traits at 30 to 80 now instead of 11 to 60, at every other level or some shit. Harder to level but thankfully they've added ways to earn tomes of knowledge which gives you a level. Item progression wise, you'll get to exotic level at level 80 pretty easy, and then stonewalled until you grind enough gold to get the mats to get your armor or weapons professions to 500 in order to craft ascended items, anywhere from 200-600 gold, but at least ascended items are now account and not soul bound anymore.

SPVP they've thrown away the old reward system and put into place new reward tracks, which admittedly got me into playing spvp again for a little bit, you can get regular dungeon rewards out of it. New death match map where everyone fights in the center of the map but it's not in the regular map rotations you have to go into player created rooms to get it. Not sure what else is new.

WvW they've added the edge of the mist map which is the overflow map for when there's queues in WvW, you can access it without queues, it's basically turned into a karma train map because the rewards are better than regular wvw and you don't have the pressure to defend anything. Season tournaments are now being run, they've done two in different structures, but both times they sucked because of shitty matchups and once again population imbalances which anet was directly responsible for. WvW can become stale easily if you don't have a guild to run with, same maps, same shitty unlimited stealthing thief roamer kicking your ass in your zerg build, same ppting which probably 75% of the players no longer give a shit about they just want to smash their heads into each other these days.

For a game that was built on cosmetics being the big thing, they sure make a lot of shitty looking weapons and armors, the only weapons that ever look decent are the great swords and shields and that's because of their sizing, 95% of the stuff in the game needs to be bigger and given better effects. Looking at the new pvp weapons today was depressing, not even going to bother buying them, save my tickets and see what they offer next time.


<Gold Donor>
Deleted all my guys for the free transfer, my highest was a 28 engi so no big deal.

Re-roled on BlackGate, struggling on which Prof to play. I like Engi but I feel like i will want a Guard when end game comes. I always play that tanky sustain Paly type of of class so the idea of a engi is kinda new and exciting. I also wonder if I should just go straight caster. Bottom line is I want to be able to solo all the PVE content, any advice?


FoH nuclear response team
I'm unsure about the solo aspect, just look for vids on youtube about it. Seems like a lot of classes can solo those dungeons. PM me if you want to play on Blackgate.


NeoGaf Donator
The second they actually release an actual expansion I'm going back into this hardcore. Up until that point it's a game with nothing to do at the cap except "Scarlet is attacking X!" for 2 weeks at a time.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The second they actually release an actual expansion I'm going back into this hardcore. Up until that point it's a game with nothing to do at the cap except "Scarlet is attacking X!" for 2 weeks at a time.
Scarlet is dead. New story hasn't started yet. Not sure if there will ever be a boxed expac.


Trakanon Raider
Scarlet is dead. New story hasn't started yet. Not sure if there will ever be a boxed expac.
Which might be terrible for them in the long run. At some point they will have to release new weapons, new classes, new races, new zones or the game will get really stale, unless they plan to release them bit by bit on the gem store upgrades section.
The game is coming up to the two year mark and most other games would release a new class or race with a full expansion at that point.

P.S if you meant they won't ever sell physical boxed expansions, not that they won't make an expansion at all, then yeah I don't see that either, they're better off selling it digitally.


<Gold Donor>
Decided to go Ranger on Black Gate. Which crafting profs should I choose?

My account name is Oblio.8509


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Scarlet is dead. New story hasn't started yet. Not sure if there will ever be a boxed expac.
Their new system appears to be their equivalent of an x-pack.

Basically, the new Living Story episodes can be finished at any time, including after their initial 2-week slot. Meaning you can do the entire Season 2 in a marathon session next spring, if you want. So Season 2 is like an expansion, but released in 2-weeks chunks.

And you can purchase it if you missed it when it was released (you can unlock any episode by connecting during that ep., or paying gems after the 2 weeks). My guess is that we will finally see new zones coming out, since these zones can be used for more than two weeks. I doubt we're headed to Cantha or Elona yet, but the Northern Shiverpeaks look definitively possible.

(as for x-pack race, it's almost certain we're going to see the Tengu at some point, since they have their own territory we're not allowed to see... there's probably only one low-level zone, Dominion of Winds, with currently closed connections to Caledon Forest, Kessex Hills, Lion Arch and whatever name their capital city will have)


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Decided to go Ranger on Black Gate. Which crafting profs should I choose?
Almost certainly Leatherworker and Huntsman. If you want to spend some and unlock a third profession rather than use an alt to craft, then Jeweler would complement it (since Huntsman consume more wood than metal, and jeweler is exclusively metal). But, as usual, professions are more of a money loss rather than straight earning. People invest a lot in weapon making because that provide them with a steady supply of stuff to throw in the Forge to hope for a Legendary precursor, so I wouldn't be surprised if selling every single crafting material you get, and using the money you acquire to buy the Legendary straight from the TP wouldn't be better. (yep, Legendaries are tradeable. Expect to fork 2500 to 3000 gold)


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The only thing I want them to add in this game is more weapons/weapon skills per class.