Guild Wars 2


Golden Baronet of the Realm
What would you say


In this game? Does it still have that weird spam projectiles while downed stuff
I guess if you never play first person shooters, its weird? But I always thought it was a nice touch that you get downed and lose top aggro for a second chance. Especially with how glass cannon some builds are. I havent played in months, but I have no idea why they would get rid of that.

As for what to do? Lots of mastery/skill point grinds that involve.. honestly, a lot of fun/cool stuff. Events, Quests, Jump Puzzles, Mount Puzzles, zone unlocks etc. Cosmetics to grind out while you're doing those, etc. The most common answer would be of course, "the story", which is like saying the States version of FFXIV. Some people really enjoy the pvp in the WvW aspect, but Im "meh" over pvp in MMO's in general but maybe thats something you'll enjoy. The raid and dungeon equivalents in this game are pretty cool, but theyre hard as fk and make you "feel" like the meta is required.
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There's no real gear grind, at least not one that's an endless +stat treadmill. If you still have a WoW gear mentality then you may not like Guild Wars.


Trakanon Raider
You don't gear grind for more ilvls every content patch, you mostly material grind for ascended or legendaries which allows you to switch your stats easily among the 40+ stat combinations for your builds. Very long term goal that requires either raiding or playing wvw or pvp a lot, and gathering a lot of materials to craft, or buy the gen 1 legendary weapons off the trading post.

You can get ascended gear which have the same amount of stats as legendaries, but requires materials to switch the stats out, some of the stat combinations are expensive to change to, these you can get from drops in various areas of the game, or buy them from vendors, or craft them. The reason why you would want to switch stats is because many of the classes have multiple roles available for them to use, dps and support among them, and you may want to use multiple sets of gear to make them more effective, and depending on the area of the game you may want to play more defensively than the other.

For example a dragonhunter could use power spec in pve and use berserker gear which is power, crit, and crit dmg, in wvw they could use the same spec but use marauder gear instead which gives the berserker combination plus vitality for more hitpoints for more survival in pvp. Or you might want to use the same dragonhunter spec to do condition damage instead with their burns, so you plug in dire or trailblazer gear which has condition dmg and extend condition duration, or go to their core or firebrand spec to do healing so you switch to minstrels for more healing and buff duration instead. All that on just one class, and there's many other hybrid ways to build all those, especially with runes(95+ different types) which are what gives your gear the 6 piece set bonuses.

Plenty of content to do, two expansions and their stories, four seasons worth of living stories to do, each episode having a new map to explore and complete, daily world bosses, zone wide meta events, dungeons, fractals(advanced dungeons basically they get harder as you get higher tiers), 10man raids, 10man strike missions(pre raid content), dragon response missions, wvw, spvp with season and tournaments, festivals, ton of masteries to earn.

As for down state, yeah still have the weird projectiles lol, each class has a theme to their down state skills, like yesterday I went down to a ranger pewpewing me from behind at long range while I was in zerg fight in wvw, they came up to try and stomp me, but I hit them with fear and since that's what my build was made for, it did damage and had them running away for another couple seconds, enough for me to hit them with my weird projectiles and ground aoe, they also went down, then someone passed by and ressed me up and I went over to get the stomp on the ranger XD Over the years they made changes to it in wvw, a dying person can only instant res one enemy on their death not multiples like before, and if you're dead dead you can only be ressed by someone out of combat.
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<Silver Donator>
You don't gear grind for more ilvls every content patch, you mostly material grind for ascended or legendaries which allows you to switch your stats easily among the 40+ stat combinations for your builds. Very long term goal that requires either raiding or playing wvw or pvp a lot, and gathering a lot of materials to craft, or buy the gen 1 legendary weapons off the trading post.

You can get ascended gear which have the same amount of stats as legendaries, but requires materials to switch the stats out, some of the stat combinations are expensive to change to, these you can get from drops in various areas of the game, or buy them from vendors, or craft them. The reason why you would want to switch stats is because many of the classes have multiple roles available for them to use, dps and support among them, and you may want to use multiple sets of gear to make them more effective, and depending on the area of the game you may want to play more defensively than the other.

For example a dragonhunter could use power spec in pve and use berserker gear which is power, crit, and crit dmg, in wvw they could use the same spec but use marauder gear instead which gives the berserker combination plus vitality for more hitpoints for more survival in pvp. Or you might want to use the same dragonhunter spec to do condition damage instead with their burns, so you plug in dire or trailblazer gear which has condition dmg and extend condition duration, or go to their core or firebrand spec to do healing so you switch to minstrels for more healing and buff duration instead. All that on just one class, and there's many other hybrid ways to build all those, especially with runes(95+ different types) which are what gives your gear the 6 piece set bonuses.

Plenty of content to do, two expansions and their stories, four seasons worth of living stories to do, each episode having a new map to explore and complete, daily world bosses, zone wide meta events, dungeons, fractals(advanced dungeons basically they get harder as you get higher tiers), 10man raids, 10man strike missions(pre raid content), dragon response missions, wvw, spvp with season and tournaments, festivals, ton of masteries to earn.

As for down state, yeah still have the weird projectiles lol, each class has a theme to their down state skills, like yesterday I went down to a ranger pewpewing me from behind at long range while I was in zerg fight in wvw, they came up to try and stomp me, but I hit them with fear and since that's what my build was made for, it did damage and had them running away for another couple seconds, enough for me to hit them with my weird projectiles and ground aoe, they also went down, then someone passed by and ressed me up and I went over to get the stomp on the ranger XD Over the years they made changes to it in wvw, a dying person can only instant res one enemy on their death not multiples like before, and if you're dead dead you can only be ressed by someone out of combat.
great post, shitload of content available, tons of achieves and farms/grinds to keep you entertained forever


Trakanon Raider
Every time I've gone back to play GW2, I do all the random shit in a week or two. Slowly but surely I slide back into rotating world bosses for a chance at a legendary precursor and then lose all motivation to keep playing.


Trakanon Raider
Every time I've gone back to play GW2, I do all the random shit in a week or two. Slowly but surely I slide back into rotating world bosses for a chance at a legendary precursor and then lose all motivation to keep playing.

Legendary precursors are super rare drops. I went like the first 5 years in the game and got none, then I guess I hit a certain magic find threshold and got like 6 of them in two years, all in wvw. If you're making generation 1 legendaries then I would suggest buying the pre off the trading post, they're cheaper these days, or you can craft them through a series of achievement collection /crafting steps, generation 2 are through the crafting as well. I would not focus farm anything expecting them to drop, not even playing the mystic forge by dumping four rares to gamble, there are some who are extremely lucky in this regard, but most aren't.


Trakanon Raider
They have no idea what an Elementalist is, how it plays, and they are willfully ignorant over the communities concerns regarding the class. No one at ANet seriously plays the class and all of their “balancing“ around the class in the past has been around retarded unrealistic crap such as immobile golem DPS benchmarks with all buffs and casual experiences in PvE pressing 1. When the layoffs first happened one of the ANet devs who nerfed Staff Ele posted a goodbye message on Reddit with 3 others saying one of his most memorable moments was when he realized how OP Staff Ele was during a stint in WvW when he got on Stonemist castle walls and was able to use a full channel meteor shower on the zerg below, and how after he felt like he needed to nerf the ability…and did. This was the nerf that limited the amount of targets and how often meteor shower can hit and is considered one of the final nails in the coffin for staff ele viability.

In the last two balance patch passes, Power Tempest was nerfed and condi Ele particularly condi weaver were slightly buffed. The reason given at the time in patch notes and on the forums was that power was better than condi in too many situations and this evened the playing field. Literally the next balance patch pass after that they reverted the condi ele changes and left the power tempest nerfs. In both patches they claimed Elementalist is in a good place.

It’s good to see both Reddit and twitter replies shitting on ANet, memeing, and laughing at this spec once again being MELEE FOCUSED. I’ll reserve my final judgement on the spec until I get it in my hands and give it a spin, but like I said to Tuco Tuco nearly 25 days ago “Hammer Ele doesn’t inspire me with much confidence“, and everything I’ve seen thus far just looks like more of the same.


Trakanon Raider
I always felt anet balanced to dev bias rather than trying to keep every spec in check. I mean scrapper at this point can do everything but portal, and guess what, one of the lead devs plays a support scrapper in their gvg guild. Cal played an ele as his main, no idea what's he's playing these days but he use to be warrior on wvw streams, he's also the one responsible for the mirage one dodge nerf because he refused to fix their mechanic (something he smugly joked about on the virtuoso stream). I could see this ele spec with wells being really good as scrappers, depending on their traits.

But none of these specs make me want to buy the expansion yet, none of them look like they will replace any of the support meta specs, just all dps. Three more to go, the two that get shunned in zergs, and one that's that's practically in every one, want to see if they make the ranger and thief ones too good, and if they make the eng one shitty so scrappers stay in the metas.


Trakanon Raider
The three new specs preview stream... vindicators getting a 2k range skill, and bladesworn able to one shot for 350k damage... hmmm think I'll be quitting this game.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
They have no idea what an Elementalist is, how it plays, and they are willfully ignorant over the communities concerns regarding the class. No one at ANet seriously plays the class and all of their “balancing“ around the class in the past has been around retarded unrealistic crap such as immobile golem DPS benchmarks with all buffs and casual experiences in PvE pressing 1. When the layoffs first happened one of the ANet devs who nerfed Staff Ele posted a goodbye message on Reddit with 3 others saying one of his most memorable moments was when he realized how OP Staff Ele was during a stint in WvW when he got on Stonemist castle walls and was able to use a full channel meteor shower on the zerg below, and how after he felt like he needed to nerf the ability…and did. This was the nerf that limited the amount of targets and how often meteor shower can hit and is considered one of the final nails in the coffin for staff ele viability.

In the last two balance patch passes, Power Tempest was nerfed and condi Ele particularly condi weaver were slightly buffed. The reason given at the time in patch notes and on the forums was that power was better than condi in too many situations and this evened the playing field. Literally the next balance patch pass after that they reverted the condi ele changes and left the power tempest nerfs. In both patches they claimed Elementalist is in a good place.

It’s good to see both Reddit and twitter replies shitting on ANet, memeing, and laughing at this spec once again being MELEE FOCUSED. I’ll reserve my final judgement on the spec until I get it in my hands and give it a spin, but like I said to Tuco Tuco nearly 25 days ago “Hammer Ele doesn’t inspire me with much confidence“, and everything I’ve seen thus far just looks like more of the same.
Ugh i was hoping the ele spec wouldn't be a disaster.


Trakanon Raider
Going to have to get in game and play with it. Gameplay looks fun. Survival from Melee Hammer seems to be by keeping stacks of Elemental Empowerment up (3% 1% stat increase per stack, max 10 stacks) and by keeping Auras up on your person with the Catalyst trait that decreases damage taken per Aura (2% reduction per stack, max 5 stacks). IF damage is high enough on release, the Catalyst with a heal/support Tempest in group would be a fantastic pairing and would go a very long way to making more Ele specs viable and wanted in end game content. If Catalyst doesn’t do massive damage, Hammer Ele is probably dead on arrival.

I have nothing to support my feelings here but I have a suspicion Hammer Ele isn’t going to be the play but Dagger/Dagger Catalyst or Staff Catalyst might. I’m really curious now to see what they get ability wise.
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Trakanon Raider
Won’t get the chance to play with Catalyst till sometime tonight but both Reddit and the official forums are practically unanimously trashing the first play impressions so far. Hammer is way too slow and clunky, CD’s are way too high, AND damage across the board for both Condi and Power are way too low (Around 30k DPS on Large hitbox with 15 max boons). The F5 skill is too hard to use because of its immobility, the Skill 3 orbs expire way too quick to even be used through attunement swap, and the survivability issues have not been addressed in the slightest. Cal needs to be fired.

Glad I didn’t spend my mystic clovers finishing up Juggernaut. Maybe it will be changed and adjusted prior to release but if ANet didn’t learn anything before I seriously doubt they’ll learn anything now.

Roul got to 43k benchmark with all buffs. All new utilities replaced with conjures lol.
He got to 53k dps on the new warrior spec.

jfc this is a dumpster fire.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Won’t get the chance to play with Catalyst till sometime tonight but both Reddit and the official forums are practically unanimously trashing the first play impressions so far. Hammer is way too slow and clunky, CD’s are way too high, AND damage across the board for both Condi and Power are way too low (Around 30k DPS on Large hitbox with 15 max boons). The F5 skill is too hard to use because of its immobility, the Skill 3 orbs expire way too quick to even be used through attunement swap, and the survivability issues have not been addressed in the slightest. Cal needs to be fired.

Glad I didn’t spend my mystic clovers finishing up Juggernaut. Maybe it will be changed and adjusted prior to release but if ANet didn’t learn anything before I seriously doubt they’ll learn anything now.

Roul got to 43k benchmark with all buffs. All new utilities replaced with conjures lol.
He got to 53k dps on the new warrior spec.

jfc this is a dumpster fire.
Lol. Will probably just switch to whatever the fotm class is when end of dragons releases if i play it. Getting tired of condi weaver and the catalyst doesn't really appeal to me.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
They have no idea what an Elementalist is, how it plays, and they are willfully ignorant over the communities concerns regarding the class. No one at ANet seriously plays the class and all of their “balancing“ around the class in the past has been around retarded unrealistic crap such as immobile golem DPS benchmarks with all buffs and casual experiences in PvE pressing 1. When the layoffs first happened one of the ANet devs who nerfed Staff Ele posted a goodbye message on Reddit with 3 others saying one of his most memorable moments was when he realized how OP Staff Ele was during a stint in WvW when he got on Stonemist castle walls and was able to use a full channel meteor shower on the zerg below, and how after he felt like he needed to nerf the ability…and did. This was the nerf that limited the amount of targets and how often meteor shower can hit and is considered one of the final nails in the coffin for staff ele viability.

In the last two balance patch passes, Power Tempest was nerfed and condi Ele particularly condi weaver were slightly buffed. The reason given at the time in patch notes and on the forums was that power was better than condi in too many situations and this evened the playing field. Literally the next balance patch pass after that they reverted the condi ele changes and left the power tempest nerfs. In both patches they claimed Elementalist is in a good place.

It’s good to see both Reddit and twitter replies shitting on ANet, memeing, and laughing at this spec once again being MELEE FOCUSED. I’ll reserve my final judgement on the spec until I get it in my hands and give it a spin, but like I said to Tuco Tuco nearly 25 days ago “Hammer Ele doesn’t inspire me with much confidence“, and everything I’ve seen thus far just looks like more of the same.
This sounds exactly the kind of Bullshit Anet has done over the years that makes me want to fucking scream. How have they had so many second rate blue haired SJW asshat devs and still be open as a game studio? This kind of subpar asshattery makes me want to scream. No wonder video games are less and less fun with this kind of <insert current worthless age cohort> designing games and working long hours.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
GW2's third expansion End of Dragons will be released on Feb 28th.

It's set in Cantha - Guild Wars Factions expansion in the original game.

New elites (pistols for some classes), new siege mount (two rider mount), new legendary weapons, fishing, etc.
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