Guild Wars 2


Rasterizing . . .
The end game rewards should be the thrill of the kill or even supplementing with WvW ranks/abilities. I would gladly pay a monthly fee if they introduced regular WvW content updates with different maps, siege, objectives, or whatever. The population is certainly dwindling but it's not dead yet nor is it a ghost town. With that being said, what else is there to even play that offers up anything even remotely close to what WvW does?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The end game rewards should be the thrill of the kill or even supplementing with WvW ranks/abilities. I would gladly pay a monthly fee if they introduced regular WvW content updates with different maps, siege, objectives, or whatever. The population is certainly dwindling but it's not dead yet nor is it a ghost town. With that being said, what else is there to even play that offers up anything even remotely close to what WvW does?
Planetside 2?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I havent heard about WvW queues in quite a while. Assuming WvW is underpopulated and PVE is underpopulated, just merge servers. Considering that they have the overflow servers, better to err on the side of full servers rather then empty. They could take the opportunity to merge a NA and Euro server each to at least try and create more balanced WvW coverage. This game especially benefits from high population in all zones, should see that and take steps towards a solution. Delaying solutions for population issues is one of the reasons TOR crashed so hard (besides the whole "clone of WoW'07" thing ofc).

Bottom line is I'm having fun playing a couple of hours every week and that's just fine, but the game is also full of potential for much more then it is now.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Here comes Toxx with the obligatory troglodyte gw2 fanboying


El Presidente
Defending this terrible game is pretty bad, but asking for a refund after not liking it is also pretty much a douche move as well.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I should submit for a refund but I'm lazy. The game gave the majority of my small gaming group migraine headaches within 20 minutes of play. To rule the game out we took a break for a month and tested it again. Like clockwork the migraines started for 4/7 of us again.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
This dude white-knighted TOR and GW2?

Jesus Christ, he has to be on someones payroll. I refuse to believe someone can possibly be that retarded.


Say what you want, tor was fantastic for the first month.

Not including your hatred for this game (no idea why you are so bent on hating so many games) this thread is sad. I can understand not liking a game, but spending your entire time online fighting over what game sucks more is even more pathetic. Oh, and Duppin, you were banned from the swtor thread because no one liked what you had to say, as in, no one agreed with you. Why in the hell would you think it would be any different here? Just save us the annoyance and yourself the embarrassment and just leave. Swag is just a nobody so I'm not even going to respond to him. Go back to lurking, that's what you are best at.


Rasterizing . . .
Loved the game and got my money's worth easily, especially joining with PRX. That being said, I think the population is definitely dwindling and the devs are going to need to pull off some pretty remarkable things in Jan/Feb if they intend to keep folks interested. I think it's pretty petty though if you played the game for better than 30 days and are looking for a refund.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Quit TOR after 3 days after playing the retarded stun lock and fagball pvp.

Played GW2 for 2 days after playing the retarded "AoE the invisible crowd" pvp.

Notice a pattern here? The pvp in these games is god awful. Even WoW does it better which is something I hate to admit.


Huttball was amazing.

3 days? Really? You're not even trying anymore. I can completely understand not enjoying gw2 because of the culling issue, but still, there is more than 2 days worth of content to enjoy, unless you don't like rpgs, wtf are you doing here?

Notice a pattern? Yeah, you're ridiculous. Who purchased swtor for the pvp?