Gun control


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
What's the propaganda the liberals use to sell the gun control that's fallacious on premise?

The premise that more guns = more death is a false premise, that I can disprove with 50+ examples.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Again, that's about the NRA selling propaganda to stupid people. Any slight restriction gets turned into DEM LIBRULS IZ COMIN' FOR YER GUNS and boom, more gun sales!
How is that propaganda?

And what result did you expect when you pass anti-gun legislation?


The premise that more guns = more death is a false premise, that I can disprove with 50+ examples.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.
Claims to have 50+ examples.

Comes up with two links referring to the same study, that he has already linked in this thread.

Also, from your own goddamn link, the first one: "In fact, they go out of their way to stress that their study neither proves that gun control causes higher murder rates nor that increased gun ownership necessarily leads to lower murder rates."


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I've got more it would just take all day to compile but please, if all you can hang your hat on is a mild disclamer without reading the essay then you got nothing.

top = homicide rate , bottom = guns per capita.


Look at Brazil LOOK AT IT.
Look at Russia LOOK AT IT.
Look at the Congo, they don't even have guns, yet they have close to the highest murder rate on the planet.
Look at the plethora of countries that have decidely LESS guns per capita and exceptionally HIGHER Homicide rates.

Murder is a social/cultural/economic threat, not a threat based on the lack of murdering implements.

Personally I think you must think the average person is pathetic, if you WANT to kill someone you WILL find a way to do it.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Why do you hate black people, woman and the elderly duppin?


One of the first things the NAACP opposed was gun control, why? because it was used to help keep the black population disarmed so they would be easier to manage.
""Referring to the disarming of blacks during the post-Reconstruction era, Thomas wrote: "It was the 'duty' of white citizen 'patrols to search negro houses and other suspected places for firearms.' If they found any firearms, the patrols were to take the offending slave or free black 'to the nearest justice of the peace' whereupon he would be 'severely punished.' " Never again, Thomas says.""

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Why do you hate black people, woman and the elderly duppin?

One of the first things the NAACP opposed was gun control, why? because it was used to help keep the black population disarmed so they would be easier to manage.
Referring to the disarming of blacks during the post-Reconstruction era, Thomas wrote: "It was the 'duty' of white citizen 'patrols to search negro houses and other suspected places for firearms.' If they found any firearms, the patrols were to take the offending slave or free black 'to the nearest justice of the peace' whereupon he would be 'severely punished.' " Never again, Thomas says.
Same thing that Soviets did with their population


Duppin, stop being so afraid.
Actually, gun owners are the most cowardly pussies on the planet, in general. They're so afraid of some nebulous (usually black) boogeyman that the only thing that makes them feel safe is stroking their assault rifle as if it were their penis back in the days when it still worked.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
My god you've been propagandized your whole life haven't you.

I can't own a rifle and shoot at a range because of this obviously retarded psychobabble? bonkers.


Whatever, Lumie Lite. The people on the other side in this thread pretty much confirm for me further that my position is the correct one.


Unelected Mod
Amazing how you can call someone Lumie-lite when you have been proved wrong on virtually everything you have said in this thread. Just lol at saying that our fondness for guns is the biggest problem in our country. That shit is straight Lumie-level ignorance.
Actually, gun owners are the most cowardly pussies on the planet.
i bet i could beat you to death with one hand. id do it shirtless too.

i own guns.

just kidding, but seriously 1 page ago you answered a question of mine and said something akin to "home defense is reasonable"

now, we're all pussies


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
So the millions of woman who own guns, they all wish they had bigger penises?


just kidding, but seriously 1 page ago you answered a question of mine and said something akin to "home defense is reasonable"
Let me clarify, then. The people who drive the NRA and its legislative agenda, the ones who own far more guns and ammo than they need to in order to fulfill a legitimate self defense need and shriek constantly about the gubmint coming for their guns and freedom, are pussies.

If you own, say, two rifles, a shotgun, and a couple of handguns, for a variety of things including home defense, hunting (although I'm not a huge fan of hunting, that's more of a personal thing than something I want to see reflected legislatively) and flat-out shooting for fun? I have no problem with you. I still think you're probably a pussy, but less so.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Actually, gun owners are the most cowardly pussies on the planet, in general. They're so afraid of some nebulous (usually black) boogeyman that the only thing that makes them feel safe is stroking their assault rifle as if it were their penis back in the days when it still worked.
I'm a gun owning Obama supporter, brah.