Gun control

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Seriously, you should just set a macro for "shut the fuck up" and "are you fucking stupid". They seem to be your go to rebuttal of enlightenment since you've been prevented from using outright offensive racist terminology. Do yourself a favor and go drink your Pabst Blue Ribbon, watch your football game, and clean your gun. Leave advanced reasoning to the adults.

Shut the fuck up and stay out of this thread.

Beef Supreme_sl

I've been able to follow this thread only sporadically so I checked back over the last 10 pages to make sure this hadn't been posted recently. A friend pointed me to this site in reference to the new "Assault Weapons Ban" proposed by that severely retarded colossal cunt known as Dianne Feinstein.

Good information laid out in a concise, easy to read format. Takes about 3 minutes to get through.
Really nice read. Left out a major point for the uninformed though: AR-15 does not stand for Assault Rifle. It stands for Armalite.

Big Derg_sl

This actually isn't as easy as you claim. For example, I know you specifically have held up Utah in one of your examples. Well guess what, Utah doesn't allow public access to concealed carry records, so if I'm a parent in Utah that doesn't want to send my child to a school that has a teacher with a gun in the classroom, there is no way for me to do this.
Ask the school it's policy.
I'm sure a system could be set up for parents afraid of guns. If anything it would provide evidence of which system has more shootings after a few years.

I'm not touting Utah as the golden path forward, I'm ok with regulating guns. I just don't think outright bans or forbidding weapons in places accomplishes much.
Right, maybe that's how it should be but that isn't the reality right now. A quick search tells me that over 20 states make concealed carry records confidential to the public. So if some of those states allow concealed carry in schools, a parent doesn't have the information available to decide where they want their child if they don't want them in a school environment that allows teachers to carry guns.
Ask the school it's policy.
That's pointless, because we already know what the school's policy in Utah is. Utah specifically prevents schools from preventing people with concealed carry to carry the gun in school. So if the school has a policy that prevents concealed carry in the school, then that school is breaking the law. The only way to find out for sure is to ask the specific teachers, and even then they are under no obligation to divulge that information.

Big Derg_sl

That's pointless, because we already know what the school's policy in Utah is. Utah specifically prevents schools from preventing people with concealed carry to carry the gun in school. So if the school has a policy that prevents concealed carry in the school, then that school is breaking the law. The only way to find out for sure is to ask the specific teachers, and even then they are under no obligation to divulge that information.
In the case of Utah you are correct. That's the one exception from what I can tell based on how the law is written. The other schools you may be referring to outside of Utah, you could ask what their policy is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Seriously, you should just set a macro for "shut the fuck up" and "are you fucking stupid". They seem to be your go to rebuttal of enlightenment since you've been prevented from using outright offensive racist terminology. Do yourself a favor and go drink your Pabst Blue Ribbon, watch your football game, and clean your gun. Leave advanced reasoning to the adults.
Nothing you have posted in this thread, or probably your entire life, has ever been mistaken for enlightenment you spastic retard. I don't drink PBR, I don't own a gun, and today was the first football game I've watched in 4-5 years. Keep flailing around in the dark though, it certainly makes you look smart.


Unelected Mod
Went to a publicrangeyesterday, first time I went to a public range since Newtown. Over an hour wait to shoot and then limited to only an hour of shooting.

Just for shits, I looked at what people were shooting when I finished. Out of the 20 booths, 14 were semi-auto carbines that would be classified as "assault weapons" by the AWB (8 were AR-15s). 2 booths were kid/parent combos shooting 22LR, with one of them using 30 round magazines. So 15 out of 20 were shooting things that would be illegal under an AWB. Even some of the other few boots probably would be effected.

If the democrats try and pass a AWB, it is going to kill them politically. Asthis linkmentions, the semi-auto carbine (with the AR-15 being the most popular) is essentially the "modern musket", the default rifle that people use or want to buy. These rifles are no longer fringe things like they were in 1994.
Went to a publicrangeyesterday, first time I went to a public range since Newtown. Over an hour wait to shoot and then limited to only an hour of shooting.

Just for shits, I looked at what people were shooting when I finished. Out of the 20 booths, 14 were semi-auto carbines that would be classified as "assault weapons" by the AWB (8 were AR-15s). 2 booths were kid/parent combos shooting 22LR, with one of them using 30 round magazines. So 15 out of 20 were shooting things that would be illegal under an AWB. Even some of the other few boots probably would be effected.

If the democrats try and pass a AWB, it is going to kill them politically. Asthis linkmentions, the semi-auto carbine (with the AR-15 being the most popular) is essentially the "modern musket", the default rifle that people use or want to buy. These rifles are no longer fringe things like they were in 1994.
I'm not a big fan of the AWB because i think banning guns based on cosmetic features is idiotic, but I don't think it'd be political suicide as you claim. I can't find the source right now, but I do remember reading a report somewhere that states that the AWB is actually quite popular among the public, partly because of the high profile of the recent shootings.


That guy
I'm not a big fan of the AWB because i think banning guns based on cosmetic features is idiotic, but I don't think it'd be political suicide as you claim. I can't find the source right now, but I do remember reading a report somewhere that states that the AWB is actually quite popular among the public, partly because of the high profile of the recent shootings.
"The public" meaning the 'random' crowd they decided to poll when and where?


Unelected Mod
I can't find the source right now, but I do remember reading a report somewhere that states that the AWB is actually quite popular among the public, partly because of the high profile of the recent shootings.
I think the issue is that a possible AWB turns alot of gun owners into single-issue voters. 2 years from now no one outside of gun owners is even going to remember Newtown. Meanwhile everyone with or wanting an AR or a high cap mag will have a very different view about the politicians who voted for this.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'm not a big fan of the AWB because i think banning guns based on cosmetic features is idiotic, but I don't think it'd be political suicide as you claim. I can't find the source right now, but I do remember reading a report somewhere that states that the AWB is actually quite popular among the public, partly because of the high profile of the recent shootings.
You do realize what happened to the democrats right after the 94 AWB was passed, right? And that was before the advent of the internet or the massive surge in popularity of the AR-15 style rifles.
You do realize what happened to the democrats right after the 94 AWB was passed, right? And that was before the advent of the internet or the massive surge in popularity of the AR-15 style rifles.
And what, you're going to attribute the republican revolution entirely to the AWB ? As if a stagnant economy, overwhelming distrust in government, Clinton tax hikes, proposal to let gays serve openly in the military, and Hilary's failed healthcare reform had nothing to do with it ? Add to the fact that midterms usually beat the shit out of the party in power, and your claim lose even more merit.

Just look at Obamacare, for example. It was insanely unpopular, with approval rating of only around mid 30 percent. If anything was political suicide, this was it. Yet Obama still clobbered Romney by 130 electoral votes. Calling another push for an AWB (which i don't think has much chance of passing) "political suicide" is just wishful thinking.


The proposed AWB makes no sense to me. It is just giving political ammo to the pro gun circle jerkers. You cannot just ban 'assault rifles' and expect anything to change. If they do that, statistics will soon show that nothing has changed and the cavemen will then say that it proves they were right all along.

When it comes to gun control, do it properly or not at all. And doing it properly means banning all types of pistol (outside of ranges). If there is not enough public support for gun control (which it seems there is not), then do not do it yet. It will change eventually though, no matter how hard some of you try to fight against it. American culture and principles are changing.


Buzzfeed Editor
Were you making a point?
I think maybe his point was that it is absolutely silly to compare the level of security that the most powerful man on Earth receives with what your kids get. You're implying privilege when that is not the case.


Unelected Mod
It will change eventually though, no matter how hard some of you try to fight against it. American culture and principles are changing.
I am not sure that the culture is going against guns. Before this most recent shooting, if anything the signs were going the other way. Concealed carry laws have been spreading and the current last few Supreme Court rulings have been in favor of gun rights. The most hardline state on concealed carry (IL) is now being forced to come up with a program for it.

Even now, amidst all this, we see some states going the opposite way from gun-control, to allowing CC in schools.