Gun control


Unelected Mod
The Japanese education system is good enough to not churn out people who believe in Hollywood
However, apparently it wasn't good enough to stop churning out people who are dumb enough to think the US is a country of guns, violence and racists.

So yeah, I'll go with Hollywood probably having alot more of an effect on the public perception of the US than our gun laws. People can much more easily dismiss inaccurate movie depictions of their own society while attributing movie depictions to other groups.


I'm more inclined to go with Hollywood as well. Most people IN the US don't actually know our own gun laws


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
No, I'm going to blame typical human ignorance and feel fine about doing so. (This is akin to some hicks I know not wanting to go to Japan because every guy over there is a serial rapist)
It's only ignorance if they are wrong. Compared to Japan, the US /is/ a country of violence and guns. They probably have you beat on racism though. I sat through 20 minutes the other day of my grocer telling me how untrustworthy the Chinese are.


Unelected Mod
Ahh, schadenfreude, from the politics thread

Azeth_sl said:
Looks like background checks for firearm sales will now be federal law. It's strange to think this wasn't already a law.. I'm all for owning firearms, but no history check?
Yikes dude, its not even remotely close to a federal law right now. They haven't even started debate on it and your very own article says they will have 2 weeks to debate it.
are you joking? It will.. be.. federal law... was it really worth posting a semantic argument?

also it's a bipartisan deal, not much to debate.

Obama_sl said:
President Obama blamed the defeat of a compromise deal on stricter gun laws on "the gun lobby and its allies."
Nice of Obama to thank the NRA, thanks brosefs!


Vyemm Raider
I'm confused, my friends on facebook say that today stopped Obama from taking their guns away. Was that in the bill somewhere?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I have no interest in going to the US, for many reasons, but the amount of guns there is up there on the list. The article specifically mentions Japan, and he's right, many young Japanese consider the US to be a country of guns, violence and racists. You can thank 8 years of Bush and fox news for that.

Intellectually, I know that the amount of guns is not a threat, but why take the risk?
Do you piss your pants over the thought of going outside? A drunk driver can hit you or a billion other horrible things can happen to you.
It's only ignorance if they are wrong. Compared to Japan, the US /is/ a country of violence and guns. They probably have you beat on racism though. I sat through 20 minutes the other day of my grocer telling me how untrustworthy the Chinese are.
Im tired of you god damn ignorant idiots.

1) Yes the US has a much higher murder rate compared to other western nations, but unless you happen to be black or involved in the drug trade your chances of being murdered are exactly the same as every other western country.

2) The US has a LOWER violent crime rate compared other western nations.


Trakanon Raider
Phoenix_sl said:
1) Yes the US has a much higher murder rate compared to other western nations, but unless you happen to be black or involved in the drug trade your chances of being murdered are exactly the same as every other western country.
Care to offer a citation for this claim? Keep in mind that you have to eliminate those involved in high risk lifestyles in the other countries as well. The vast majority of homicide victims in any country are going to be shady characters, whether by lifestyle or, heh, skin tone. The Somalis love to kill each other in Edmonton.

Phoenix_sl said:
2) The US has a LOWER violent crime rate compared other western nations.
No, it doesn't, or at least that hasn't been conclusively shown by anyone here. For about the fiftieth time, there aren't directly comparable stats for this as every country has different ways of classifying what is or isn't violent crime.


Unelected Mod
I'm confused, my friends on facebook say that today stopped Obama from taking their guns away. Was that in the bill somewhere?
Could you link what your friends are saying on facebook? I seriously doubt they were saying "Thank god we stopped Obama's gun confiscation bill".


Vyemm Raider
Could you link what your friends are saying on facebook? I seriously doubt they were saying "Thank god we stopped Obama's gun confiscation bill".
"+1 faith in america restored, good luck taking my guns next time Obama"

Said by a 36 year old man, married with a 10 year old daughter. He spends every minute he's home playing Call of Duty while screaming bloody murder at the TV.


Unelected Mod
"+1 faith in america restored, good luck taking my guns next time Obama"

Said by a 36 year old man, married with a 10 year old daughter. He spends every minute he's home playing Call of Duty while screaming bloody murder at the TV.
Well, that is pretty silly if he actually thinks this bill would have taken his guns away.

Then again I was against the bill based solely on I want as little paperwork out there saying whether or not I have firearms or what I have. We are already seeing isolated instances in NY and Cali of people getting their guns confiscated because they were proscribed Xanax and shit like that.


The bill as I understand it, did not seem all that bad. A lot of people on my facebook are raging about it saying that the Senate is a joke, and the 40 that voted against it (or whatever it was) should be dragged into the if the bill was even going to be discussed in the House.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I dont need someone's permission to exercise my 2nd amendment rights.

2010s: apply for a background check to exercise 2nd amendment rights
2020s: apply for a background check to exercise 1st amendment rights

Get fucked.


Gun prices seem to be going down. Saw a ak pistol that sold for ~$600 before last December go up to $1k it's back to ~$700. Not where we were, but not as bad as it has been.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Foreigners are just idiots when it comes to how this country is viewed. My psychology teacher told us how back in the 70s when she was in Germany a random person in a supermarket start bitching at her about Nixon.
which clearly is so much worse than being bitched at by an American about Hitler today.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Psychiatrists aren't lawyers. Hell, there are a handful of things that should you tell your therapist, he's required to report.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Do you piss your pants over the thought of going outside? A drunk driver can hit you or a billion other horrible things can happen to you.

Im tired of you god damn ignorant idiots.

1) Yes the US has a much higher murder rate compared to other western nations, but unless you happen to be black or involved in the drug trade your chances of being murdered are exactly the same as every other western country.

2) The US has a LOWER violent crime rate compared other western nations.
Japan is not a western country.


Vyemm Raider
I don't think the bill would have accomplished much of anything positive - only a time machine could have prevented Sandy Hook - but people cheering and chanting USA USA because they don't have to fill out a form before they can buy a gun on the internet seems a bit absurd.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think the bill would have accomplished much of anything positive - only a time machine could have prevented Sandy Hook - but people cheering and chanting USA USA because they don't have to fill out a form before they can buy a gun on the internet seems a bit absurd.
That was the main problem with the bill, it wouldn't have stopped the tragedies that got this process started in the first place. Most Americans feel like background checks are fine when asked, but they also feel it is a very unimportant issue. The economy is still fucked.