Gun control


Vyemm Raider
Look up homicides by gun per capita, note location of countries, leap to conclusion = Want to reduce gun violence? End the war on drugs. pewwwwwwww that's the sound of homicide rates dropping off a cliff.

We've turned South America and our own ghettos into the second worst hells on earth. We're not quite Africa levels yet, although South American gangs are now using similar tactics (arming brainwashed children)


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
.223 rounds are 5.56mm. The 9mm round is shorter and wider than a 5.56, although obviously the rifle round has a much larger powder charge. I have absolutely no idea why you feel the need to mention that the DC sniper team also used a bushmaster, because it has absolutely no fucking bearing on anything. The 5.56mm rifle round is not some sort of monster round, it's just about the smallest rifle round in common usage.
Well it seems strange, to me, to take what I would view as a large round hunting rifle to a school to shoot 5 year olds, though at the time I made the comment I wasn't aware he had done most of the shooting at the school with pistols.

I brought up the John Muhammed event merely because I remembered the same type of rifle being used in that scenario, and in that case it was used exclusively from long range to snipe people, so again, it seems strange to me that such a rifle geared towards hunting might have been involved in this type of close up attack, except turns out I was merely speaking from a false assumption anyway, because it was the pistols used in the school shooting, not the hunting rifle.



Mr. Poopybutthole
I brought up the John Muhammed event merely because I remembered the same type of rifle being used in that scenario, and in that case it was used exclusively from long range to snipe people, so again,
By long range, do you mean every single shooting happened from under 100 yards? The dude didn't even have a scope on the rifle, he had a red dot sight.





Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
By long range, do you mean every single shooting happened from under 100 yards? The dude didn't even have a scope on the rifle, he had a red dot sight.

Fair enough. Its been like a decade, sorry if I am misremembering things, I thought they were shooting people from probably about two or three times that distance.



Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
But there is a certain extra level of effort that needs to be taken to make bombs that gives a person time to cool down and think through what they are doing and change their mind that picking up a gun doesn't, is the point trying to be made. Not all of these scenarios are people "set on mass murder" some are rather temporary episodes of "The Crazies" or extreme passion that lack of access or more difficult access to a firearm could defuse.

Anyways, I actually just popped in to ask what the definition of a "high capacity clip" is? What is the legal size limit on clips currently?
I know nothing about guns, although I think I once owned a super soaker. But I believe the legal limit on clip size in the US is 30 rounds.
There is no federal limit that I am aware of, each state has its own definition and limit. The most restrictive is California where every magazine over 10 rounds is considered a high capacity magazine.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I think all of this is a direct result of the breakdown of parenting. Everyone gets a participation trophy, everyone is a special snowflake and every parent is their kids best friend. Then something happens to these kids and they flip out and do shit like this because they can't handle it when life turns out to be hard.

This crap didn't happen as much 20 years ago, and it def wasnt kids when it did.

Anyway, I'm just a dumb dude from the Midwest. What do I know.


The only capacity limit in the US is (if I remember correctly) with shotguns and thats only when hunting certain types of birds. Game warden catches you without that plug in your tube, you have to pay some fine or something. Not a bird hunter, didn't care to memorize that.

High capacity magazines are in general not something you want because they are famous for being unreliable. Even if you take standard mags, like pmag 30's, and say ok no more then ten...for someone rapid firing an AR that is maybe a few seconds difference.

Personal responsibility for both gun owners, and parents, needs to be addressed. If they introduce another AWB, all that is going to happen is my $15 pmag's are going to be worth $50 overnight. It's not going to remove them from the public. Making these things illegal will work just as well as making drugs illegal has.

Work on personal (parental and gun owner) responsibility, get more warning flags out there to catch these psychos. Those things will do more to curb ALL forms of violence then keeping the non-criminal gun enthusiasts from owning things. Well...actually it won't keep us from owning them, it just makes it more expensive. Stop discriminating against the less well off!




<Gold Donor>
Look up homicides by gun per capita, note location of countries, leap to conclusion = Want to reduce gun violence? End the war on drugs. pewwwwwwww that's the sound of homicide rates dropping off a cliff.

We've turned South America and our own ghettos into the second worst hells on earth. We're not quite Africa levels yet, although South American gangs are now using similar tactics (arming brainwashed children)


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Guns are legal in Chicago.
Ownership and the actual right to carry a gun (so it's available when needed) are two totally
different things.

what good is a gun if it takes you 20 minutes to assemble the thing, and assuming wrongly the only place you need it is your property(which you don't actually own btw, check the deed you are listed as tennent)


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Just earlier this week a court ordered that IL had 180 days to come up with a conceal carry law. IL is the only state that doesn't have a conceal carry law for citizens. Even tho it's state law that has to be changed I did read that the alderman in Chicago voted to spend the money and fight it. I believe the city of Chicago has already had to pay out $400,000 for losing a case against Alan Gura, who was the attorney in the DC versus Heller case which was a landmark case where among other things the supreme court ruled the right to keep and bear arms applies to citizens.

This was from the last case they chose to spend the money and fight.





Mr. Poopybutthole
Just earlier this week a court ordered that IL had 180 days to come up with a conceal carry law. IL is the only state that doesn't have a conceal carry law for citizens. Even tho it's state law that has to be changed I did read that the alderman in Chicago voted to spend the money and fight it. I believe the city of Chicago has already had to pay out $400,000 for losing a case against Alan Gura.

This was from the last case they chose to spend the money and fight.

The 180 days is also to give Madigan a chance to decide whether or not to take this to the Supreme Court. Which would be a waste in my opinion, they should probably save their ammo (lol) for the fight over the wording of the carry law.




Lord Nagafen Raider
Isn't Illinois/Chicago one of the areas with some of the tightest gun control laws in the nation???,912168.story
Yes, but you should keep in mind that is all criminal on criminal crime for the most part. Additionally, Chicago has tight gun control, but the surrounding cities within it's metropolitan area do not. Gang members just have people drive to the suburbs to buy handguns legally at gun shops.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I don't want to get in someones face and argue gun control laws because I have done it in the past - partially profesionally and have no desire to do it again.

But I thought I would add a little background if anyone is interested so everyone can be on the same page. I really don't get upset at people who want gun control, I get upset when I watch the media who talk out of their ass about firearms and existing laws.

The item that holds the cartridges and is removable on a firearm such as a modern semi automatic handgun or a rifle like the AR-15 is a magazine, it's not a clip. A "clip" is actually something else entirely, it's a metal device that holds cartridges at the rear and then you put use it to load the firearm but the clip stays out of the gun. Small thing, but lets get on the same page.

The past AWB (assault weapon ban) banned certain properties of semi automatic firearms, it passed in 1994 (was a contributing factor to the democrats losing the house) and expired in 2004. It banned a variety of items depending on the model of the firearm. Some states such as CA still have a state AWB. Because most of the items banned were appearance based you can work around most of them. Some of the restrictions were also magazine capacity. After the ban expired there is no federal limit, 30 and 20 round are standard sizes for the AR-15 (with 20 being from the vietnam era and pretty handy for shooting off a bench because it's short enough the rifle doesn't sit on it) , you can use 100 round beta mags if you want. Several states however limit them to a max capacity.

The AR in AR-15 refers to the company who invented and first made them. Armalite. AR= Armalite Rifle, not assault rifle 15.

Standard AR-15 with pistol grip, 30 round magazine, flash hider (which is used to hide the flash from the person shooting it, not the person being shot at which is another one movies and media get wrong a lot)

California AWB compliant AR-15, no pistol grip, no telescoping stock etc...

Assault weapons - controlled by the 1934 National Firearms Act. To legally obtain a fully automatic/selective fire (burst, full auto) weapon in the US a person must have a sign off of a controlling law enforecement agent in their area such as a DA, sheriff, police chief etc...then apply to the ATF and pay the $200 tax stamp. If you travel across state lines with that weapon the ATF must be notified in advance along with other restrictions. Other items that require similar treatment under the act include supressors (they are not silencers), short barreled rifles/shotguns which have a barrel length less than 16" and destructive devices. You don't go out and just buy a suppresor or whatever else. Typical paperwork and background check typically takes 6 months give or take.

After the assasinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy the 1969 Firearms Control Act was passed with the biggest change being you could no longer purchase firearms via mail order. You can still order a firearm thru the mail/internet but it now has to be delivered to a FFL (holder of a federal firearms license IE a dealer) to do the 4474 transfer paperwork. The only firearms you can currently order via mail and have delivered to your home are antiques and muzzleloaders/precussion type firearms. The only other that I am aware of is if you buy a firearm from the CMP (Civilian Marskmanship Program) which was setup as a quasi government entity to promote marksmanship among citizens and dispose of surplus military rifles if you qualify (a long list of stuff such as having been in the military, proof of a training program etc...) you can order a military suruplus M1 or a variety of other guns from them and have it shipped to your home via FedEx.

I'm sure there are lots of other stuff I am leaving out but these are the major ones I see a lot on the news that they totally miss. Also even tho you are not requried to fill out a 4473 and do a background check on a private sale (citizen to citizen of a firearm) it is still illegal to knowingly sell (and for that matter buy for someone) a firearm to someone who can not legally own/purchase a firearm.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The only firearms you can currently order via mail and have delivered to your home are antiques and muzzleloaders/precussion type firearms.
Definitely going to get me a brace of matchlocks and go shoot up a nursing home now that I know this.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
What scares me about these tragedies is the amount of people looking to arm themselves out of fear. They are new gun owners and have a high risk of over reaction without training in owning/handling a gun till now.

in other news

You come into my house to take things? take them. If you come between me and my family, I will kill you.


Molten Core Raider
"Outlaws" aren't going around shooting up schools. They are shooting each other and its generally over drug dealing and addiction. Cling tightly to your catch phrase though, I'm sure it keeps you cozy.
actually my shotgun keeps me cozy, guns dont go around shooting up schools either, people do.

and keep thinking any kinda gun reform is gonna stop this, people will get thier hands on guns if they so please, or just blow shit the fuck up, they will find new means of destruction.