Gun control


I honestly don't think gun control is on Obama's internal list of priorities and if it is it's most likely far below everything else. Now there are always going to be Democrats who want to either remove guns or limit them in some fashion.

Personally my wife and I own 2 handguns, 2 hunting rifles and 2 shotguns, which we made use of when we lived in Alaska. Neither of us are members of the NRA and we support the right to bear arms but I also believe people have a right to try and contest that. I'd have no problems with have stricter background checks, more gun training, etc.
I get this vibe as well. He touched on it a bit here and there during the election run up, but I think in his mind, he has bigger fish to fry, and honestly with how volatile things are right now, neither side has a lot of political clout to use, so they are going to apply it as carefully as possible.


Registered Hutt
The democratic party needs the independents and republican moderates to become even more disgusted with the republican party. They can't alienate these people by justifying their concerns over personal liberty by making gun control a big issue.

It looks like 2012 didn't make a dent in the right-wing crazy train, and I'm hoping they will ride that stupid into 2016 for another democratic win. I want the democrats to stay the fuck away from gun control.


Elisha Dushku
You don't read shit. You just imagine things and look for some opinion piece that aligns with your paranoia. Obama isn't interested in an expansion of anti-gun policy.
Sure he is. He's a card-carrying liberal - he just didn't think he could get it passed before and he needs a change in the USSC. Now he does. My guess is that he'll go for some sort of obscene tax first and hope Scalia drops dead.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The democratic party needs the independents and republican moderates to become even more disgusted with the republican party. They can't alienate these people by justifying their concerns over personal liberty by making gun control a big issue.

It looks like 2012 didn't make a dent in the right-wing crazy train, and I'm hoping they will ride that stupid into 2016 for another democratic win. I want the democrats to stay the fuck away from gun control.
Yeah not likely dude, 4 more years of the obama economy and the incoming disaster that is obamacare is going to basically assure republicans get to keep the house and win the presidency. BTW Do you honestly think your going to get 99% of the black vote if you run a white woman? And the hispanics are so fickle, all repubs have to do is throw Rubio on the ticket and you can put the hispanic vote at 50/50. In all reality the future looks pretty bright for the republican party. Not so much for the dems, luckily republicans kept the house, and can spend the next 4 years cockblocking obama.


Trakanon Raider
Sure he is. He's a card-carrying liberal - he just didn't think he could get it passed before and he needs a change in the USSC. Now he does. My guess is that he'll go for some sort of obscene tax first and hope Scalia drops dead.
If this were 1986, you might could paint all Democrats with the anti-gun brush. That's not possible anymore. The gun control debate has been settled, by and large. It's only still around as a way for the NRA to drum up money to support conservative candidates. I know plenty of folks who voted for Obama and lean left on a variety of issues, but I can't think of one who's pro gun control at this point. You guys won that argument a long time ago.

Zombie Thorne_sl

It is going to be an interesting week for sure. We are going to see both parties getting heavily involved in the issues. Gun control is one thing that is not a liberal/conservative issues. There are plenty of very progressive ppl that own plenty of guns, and there are heavily democratic areas that are very pro gun. Im already reading about the "conservatives clinging to thier guns and god". This is one issue that is going to get a ton of backlash from democrats as well.

Im sure we will see another AWB type bill come up very soon, and it very well may pass again, which is sad because it really does absolutely nothing to solve the real problem other than make legislators feel good that they got rid of the scary black guns. Ohh well, i have all the AR's i have ever really wanted, and a few stripped lowers laying around in case i want to build another.

Reading some of the gaming sites around the web just makes me sad for the younger generation. I hope they realize that once the useless AWB bills go into effect and it doesnt really stop anything, the next target is going to be the violent video games. After that its going to be violent movies, violent cartoons, nerf bats and super soakers. But not once in all of this will anyone do a damn thing about the actual people that do these things. Its not thier fault, its guns/games/movies... Le Sigh...


<Gold Donor>
Yup, people die at a soccer game, soccer is to blame. People die at a rap concert, rap is to blame. People die in a school shooting, they find the game Doom on their computer and they blame that.


I still think citizens should be allowed to use ShotGuns & Handguns at will but all auto & semi-auto or "assault weapon" weapons should be banned.
I mean killing 20 persons with a S&W356/Glock or Shotgun is a lot harder than with a AR-15...

Over 50-75-100 years with sufficient political will you could restrict guns to "hunting rifles, handguns, and shotguns" banning everything even closely related to a "military long barreled weapon".

Still as the NRA says, it's people that kill people, not guns.... Imagine a madman with a couple of these and a dozen spare clips...


Mr. Poopybutthole
I still think citizens should be allowed to use ShotGuns & Handguns at will but all auto & semi-auto or "assault weapon" weapons should be banned.
I mean killing 20 persons with a S&W356/Glock or Shotgun is a lot harder than with a AR-15...

Over 50-75-100 years with sufficient political will you could restrict guns to "hunting rifles, handguns, and shotguns" banning everything even closely related to a "military long barreled weapon".

Still as the NRA says, it's people that kill people, not guns.... Imagine a madman with a couple of these and a dozen spare clips...
50 people murdered in a year with rifles.

15000 people murdered in a year with handguns.

Obama did not mention gun control. He was close and I could tell he wanted to, but he didn't.

"I could tell he wanted to"

You're hilarious.

Yeah not likely dude, 4 more years of the obama economy and the incoming disaster that is obamacare is going to basically assure republicans get to keep the house and win the presidency. BTW Do you honestly think your going to get 99% of the black vote if you run a white woman?
Are republican policies going to stop being terrible for black people with a white woman running? No? Oh ok.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I still think citizens should be allowed to use ShotGuns & Handguns at will but all auto & semi-auto or "assault weapon" weapons should be banned.
I mean killing 20 persons with a S&W356/Glock or Shotgun is a lot harder than with a AR-15...

Over 50-75-100 years with sufficient political will you could restrict guns to "hunting rifles, handguns, and shotguns" banning everything even closely related to a "military long barreled weapon".

Still as the NRA says, it's people that kill people, not guns.... Imagine a madman with a couple of these and a dozen spare clips...
Well, considering you linked a pic to one of the most innacurate, unrealiable, cheaply made POS semi auto's around i would feel pretty damn safe.

You linked a Tec-9, it is a horrible semi auto manufactured in the 80's. Yes it looks scary, but it is worthless.

See the problem here? People with no idea what they are talking about wanting things banned.

Any type of AWB is not going to have a dramatic effect on these types of crimes, rifles in general account for something like 3% of all murders. In this situation, and many other mass shootings there would be ZERO diference in the outcome if he had a 10rnd semi auto pistol and 10 spare mags. People get so upset with these laws just because they limit our liberties and effectively stop nothing.

But like i said earlier, it gets rid of the scary looking guns so people feel safer.


He also could have decided not to do it if he didn't have easy access to a method to kill.

How fast do you think the school would have gone up in flames? It wasn't a fucking log cabin.

No guns here, boss.

Wikipedia_sl said:
The Bath School disaster is the name given to three bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, on May 18, 1927, which killed 38 elementary school children, two teachers, and four other adults; at least 58 people were injured. The perpetrator killed his wife first, and later committed suicide in his last explosion. Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades (7?14 years of age[1]) attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest mass murder in a school in United States history.

The bomber was the school board treasurer Andrew Kehoe, 55, who was angry after being defeated in the spring 1926 election for township clerk. He had a reputation for difficulty on the school board and in personal dealings. He was thought to have planned his "murderous revenge" after the public defeat. For much of the next year, a neighbor noticed Kehoe had stopped working on his farm and thought he might be planning suicide. During that period, Kehoe carried out steps in his plan to destroy the school and his farm by explosives.

Kehoe's wife was ill with tuberculosis and he had stopped making mortgage payments; he was under pressure for foreclosure. Some time between May 16 and the morning of May 18, 1927, Kehoe murdered his wife by hitting her on the head. On the morning of May 18 about 8:45, he exploded incendiary devices in his house and farm buildings, setting them on fire and destroying them.

Almost simultaneously, an explosion devastated the north wing of the school building, killing many schoolchildren. Kehoe had used a timed detonator to ignite dynamite and hundreds of pounds of incendiary pyrotol, which he had secretly planted inside the school over the course of many months. As rescuers gathered at the school, Kehoe drove up, stopped, and used a rifle to detonate dynamite inside his shrapnel-filled truck, killing himself, the school superintendent, and several others nearby, as well as injuring more bystanders. During rescue efforts at the school, searchers discovered an additional 500 pounds (230 kg) of unexploded dynamite and pyrotol planted throughout the basement of the south wing. Kehoe had apparently intended to blow up and destroy the whole school.

Investigators later said that if he had sold unused farm equipment and material at his farm, he could have gained enough money to pay his mortgage.


Was thinking last night, what about requiring all children to be regularly screened for mental health issues up until their 18th birthday or emancipation. Make it a requirement for school, like all the other litany of shots that you have to have had before you can go to grade school etc. Maybe a bi-annual checkup for mental problems, and if anyone is flagged then they're checked out by another psychologist, and can be flagged to be watched and offered health care provided mental aids. Treat it like any other routine physical / dental visit since mental health and well being should be as important as those anyways.

As for guns, well, there really is no other purpose for a handgun except to take a human life, so I'm ok with banning those. Keep your hunting rifles since there is a purpose to those beyond killing someone, but really, there is no other use for a handgun except to kill someone so I don't think we need those around. I come from a rural family born and raised to guns of every make and model, and I own my share and have no problem getting rid of them.


Anyone see Rep. Louie Gomert talk about how if only the staff at the school had access to M4s that none of this would have happened? Do people who own guns really believe that they will be Stallone when it comes to situations like this?


Was thinking last night, what about requiring all children to be regularly screened for mental health issues up until their 18th birthday or emancipation. Make it a requirement for school, like all the other litany of shots that you have to have had before you can go to grade school etc. Maybe a bi-annual checkup for mental problems, and if anyone is flagged then they're checked out by another psychologist, and can be flagged to be watched and offered health care provided mental aids. Treat it like any other routine physical / dental visit since mental health and well being should be as important as those anyways.

As for guns, well, there really is no other purpose for a handgun except to take a human life, so I'm ok with banning those. Keep your hunting rifles since there is a purpose to those beyond killing someone, but really, there is no other use for a handgun except to kill someone so I don't think we need those around. I come from a rural family born and raised to guns of every make and model, and I own my share and have no problem getting rid of them.
Yeah, you would never go hunting with a pistol.,2933,275524,00.html


<Gold Donor>
Thats the funny part though. You would be OK with sacrificing your right for some problem that has happened on the average of 20 times per yer with an average of 150 deaths per year. And yet no one gives a shit about the 15 thousand which die in regular homicides eash year. I find this laughable.

Even if this kid was not allowed to buy guns because of his mental state, he got them from his prepper mom. :/ So there goes that idea. Lets say I was declared mentally unfit for firearms, I know 5 places where I could go and swipe one from family members without them even knowing until its too late. And probably another 5 places where I could obtain an illegal one.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone see Rep. Louie Gomert talk about how if only the staff at the school had access to M4s that none of this would have happened? Do people who own guns really believe that they will be Stallone when it comes to situations like this?
Yes. American gun culture has become a delusional fetish. Even other countries with a "frontier" past and relatively high gun ownership rates like Canada and Australia look at the US and go "what in the fuck man?"