H1Z1 (Not actually an MMO) - Server: Antidote (info in first post)


> Than U
Reddit is now blowing up with "too much loot". People are saying it just respawns instantly in a lot of places. So, when everyone has fun and ammo, is no one special?
Step 1 Fix loot spawns
Step 2 Make it so dupers have no advantage
Step 3 Fix Dupes
Step 4 Adjust loot spawns
Step 5 Wipe

Good thing about alphas and testing.


Molten Core Raider
At least we arent all armed with them shitty ass bow's anymore. I mean you are, until you find twine which doesnt take that long. This is way way way better. Im sure it will get tuned down some, but this is much much better.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
At least we arent all armed with them shitty ass bow's anymore. I mean you are, until you find twine which doesnt take that long. This is way way way better. Im sure it will get tuned down some, but this is much much better.
People are whiny cunts which is one of the negatives of "early access". Retards forget this is a testing environment.


Log Wizard
Everyone's got guns, guns, guns, guns!!! Definitely different from previous incarnations, but still fun. Paranoia is your best friend.


> Than U
Everyone's got guns, guns, guns, guns!!! Definitely different from previous incarnations, but still fun. Paranoia is your best friend.
Best way to determine when too many guns and ammo entered the game. When people use them to blast wolves and zombies.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
So when dying the previous night, I just laughed and started shredding my new outfit, since I didn't have anything besides blackberries, a bow and arrows to lose after running around for hours.

Last night, I died with a backpack, AR-15, M1911, tons of other crap in an ambush. Laughed it off, ran out and replaced most of it within 30 minutes. And I love my gear - camo pants and t-shirt with a motorcycle helmet, wielding a machete.

Having a lot of fun with it, figure they'll find a decent balance.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I apparently bought this while drunk over the weekend.

So far it's better than Rust in nearly every way. Probably on par with DayZ currently but will likely easily outpace it given DayZ's glacial development speed. Interface/engine obviously lightyears ahead.

So far have spent nearly 100% of my time in a motorcycle helmet with melee weapons screaming "DO YOU LIKE HURTING PEOPLE?!" and chasing people around cities.

Haven't bothered logging in to Antidote since it has a queue almost always for me and I have no patience, but Deadwood seems fine so far.


Log Wizard
Shit ton of hackers on high population server. Not dupers, I'm talking respawning with their full gear, and teleporting to you (behind you specifically). Really fucking annoying. Feels good when you kill one, but they're back at you in under 30 seconds.


> Than U
Ya had a dude fly in land in front of me and say hands up and shoot me in the head. If I had any gear at all( fresh spawn ) I could have killed him probably. He flew off after. A bunch of L's and I's on Antidote. Soon as I respawned and ran 100 feet another ported to me and shot me then away. I know because I was in a field and had been panning around all directions. Oddly tonight was the first time I KNEW it was hackers, odd it happened twice in a row. I am wondering if it was due to the massive loot increases where they no longer feel special with all their duped shit and just don't give a damn anymore.

Ball is in SoE's court now to see how they handle it in the weeks/months ahead.


Molten Core Raider
Ya had a dude fly in land in front of me and say hands up and shoot me in the head. If I had any gear at all( fresh spawn ) I could have killed him probably. He flew off after. A bunch of L's and I's on Antidote. Soon as I respawned and ran 100 feet another ported to me and shot me then away. I know because I was in a field and had been panning around all directions. Oddly tonight was the first time I KNEW it was hackers, odd it happened twice in a row. I am wondering if it was due to the massive loot increases where they no longer feel special with all their duped shit and just don't give a damn anymore.

Ball is in SoE's court now to see how they handle it in the weeks/months ahead.
ON the H1Z1 Reddit, they say that SoE Hardware bans people that hack in Planetside 2. I know that would cut it down alot of it. I dont know how all that techy stuff works.

Hackers do fuck up the fun. Hopefully they get a handle on it soon. I just record my sessions now, if someone hacks i just send them the video and the time it happened and they can tell from that.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Same shit happend with Planetside 2. First few months had a horde of hackers, after enough hardware bans they stop. Alot of the hackers complaining on the forums of their hack software about all of their accounts getting banned too. So it will come eventually.


Silver Squire
At least the loot situation is so much better right now. Much easier to deal with losing all your stuff on death when it's at least feasible / easy to get a lot of it back quickly.
To provide a little insight into the "hacker" situation...I spent last weekend combing through the game's code and writing a bunch of tools to enhance my experience. Right now it's susceptible to quite a lot. I can teleport wherever I want (supposedly this was fixed per Smedley's tweets, but it still works), duplicate items, and get a list of things (players, zombies, cars) on the server along with their position, inventory, and status. One of the less cheat-like things I did was add a transparent radar in-game that displays my /loc info and also gives me a directional. It sucked hard having to type /loc all the time when finding friends. This weekend I'll be looking into a way to either get item locations or spawn them directly. I haven't been banned yet and likely won't be since I don't use teleporting on a regular basis, but I'd assume the "hardware bans" they're throwing out are profiling by MAC address on the ethernet card, or maybe BIOS serial or CPU ID, though the latter isn't really available anymore. Regardless, all easily circumvented. I don't distribute any of my tools, they're only for personal use, but it's pretty clear others have been doing the same from all the reports I've seen. Hopefully they fix all of this.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Would be neat to see them also ban the blatant hackers' Steam accounts too :p


Molten Core Raider
is there a big difference in getting the 40$ package I haven't kept up with this game at all idk what any of that stuff is used for.

nvm I just read that post above me, is it really that easy to hack this shit?


Log Wizard
I didn't see any hackers until I moved to high pop servers. Now you're guaranteed to see one if you go into a chaos area like Pleasant Valley. Think most of them use fucking barcode names (lIlIlIIIIllII etc) so you can't easily report them with out video/screen shot. If you run into one put your back to a wall and pull out a shotgun. Then start blasting the second they appear. Then move your ass and logout because they'll be back.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't see any hackers until I moved to high pop servers. Now you're guaranteed to see one if you go into a chaos area like Pleasant Valley. Think most of them use fucking barcode names (lIlIlIIIIllII etc) so you can't easily report them with out video/screen shot. If you run into one put your back to a wall and pull out a shotgun. Then start blasting the second they appear. Then move your ass and logout because they'll be back.
that's pretty awful one of the main reasons I stop dayz SA really wasn't fun gearing up the legit way just to be raped like that, and server hopping just to gear up so you kill other players who are trying to gear up legit wasn't really fun, out of all the time I put into it, I had a few gun fight experiences with friends against other geared groups that were fun as hell but more often then not it was the scenarios I listed above.