H1Z1 (Not actually an MMO) - Server: Antidote (info in first post)


Molten Core Raider
So now they are announcing the names of the players that get banned in a huge message on your screen lol i have seen 2 messages in the last 5 min.


Log Wizard
It's to prevent people from just camping in a bush or sitting in an idle car.

Edit: this was in response to the bombs in BR


> Than U
Hmm so is it broadcasting cheaters or campers?
Haven't played H1Z1 much in the past 2 weeks other than some quick logins.


Molten Core Raider
I was in the main game when i see the broadcasts for the cheaters, because he said permabanned. I should have taken screenshots. i dont know if it was broadcasted through the whole game or just the server.

While you can hid out in a bush, cutting BR to 96 instead of 200 makes how you play alot different, you kind of just creep at the end of the gas and move as the gas moves until you run into people, if you just go guns a blazing running all over the place you dont last to long unless you have a vehicle. I got 5th i killed a few guys, but at some point you gotta just keep in the bushes and along the trees.


Game has made a turn for the worse. The core game has been put on the backburner, while SoE(fuck DBG, you're still the same fucks with the same bad ideas) is too inept to see the reasons why BR is popular.

Most of the people playing BR aren't playing because they like BR better, it's because of the rampant cheaters and boring lack-luster features of the core.

Nobody wants to put in time amassing resources and building bases when it's guaranteed you'll have it all taken from you in seconds.

So, people play BR because you get geared fast and dying isn't a problem. The base building mechanics don't exist. I would wager most of them are only playing BR til the core game is fixed, while SoE in all their infinite ignorance, are putting an emphasis on BR and ignoring the reason why people are playing.

You can only BR so many times before you get bored.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
Still playing both pvp and BR, though it does get frustrating to log in and be missing items to noclip hacks. Thankful for 2000 bulk backpacks to log out with ammo and other high value targets.

Ran through PV driving a jeep solo the other day, hit something (probably a bottle) flipped and fortunately got it flipped back. Riding back towards my base when I realized another jeep was tailing me and shooting at me. I was already down to 50% from the flip so was just trying to evade him and get back to base. Could not see the jeep following me but he was constantly popping back in and firing at me, not sure if smoke was causing me not the be able to see him.

By the time I get back to the base jeep is down to 25%, I'm jumping out and this guy jumps out of his jeep with rifle - I'm lucky that he sucks at strafing, circle him, jump in his jeep and run his ass over.

It's the little things that keep me playing.


Molten Core Raider
man, i got 4th once, 6th 3 times and finished in the top 10 about 4 other times. When it gets to the end, it gets pretty difficult to win, because at times you have guys on either side of you. Im beg to think that getting the bow and arrow will help because there will not be alot of noise.

Goign to try that later tonight. shotgun/AR/BoW, see how that works lol


tour de salt
Big patch to the core today including a new sweet bow and no more building on concrete. And 3 roaming hoards per server.



Molten Core Raider
Wonder if all access works for the BR, if not, ill cancel n get BR and save a few bucks. lol


Toe Sucker
Good question, if its included with all access i can see that being a viable purchase... but paying $6.99 for one game type, that is still loaded with hackers is kind of ridiculous if you think about it.

Either way, paying 6.99 for a buggy, alpha monthly sub is borderline crazy. I probably won't touch this game until they make the core game even remotely appealing now lol


Molten Core Raider
Good question, if its included with all access i can see that being a viable purchase... but paying $6.99 for one game type, that is still loaded with hackers is kind of ridiculous if you think about it.
well it would be less loaded with hackers if they gotta fork over 20 plus another sub.

Though, as i was thinking about it. They should make it free for everyone,a nd those with no sub, dont get any prizes for winning, just a win. people with subs still get prizes. You get the best of both worlds and people would still pay for the sub since people love cosmetics.


> Than U
The only thing I like about it is as far as BR is concerned you will be paying them directly. Meaning most cheaters won't have unlimited CC's to risk being banned endlessly.
Probably means the core game will just be that much more cheated in though.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Can't see myself paying any kind of sub fee/entry fee for BR, no matter how much they might improve it. Too many other games you can play that for free in, why pay money for pure pvp in a subpar pvp engine? It's fun every once in a while to mess around in, especially considering the state the base game is in, but a main attraction it is not.


Molten Core Raider
Can't see myself paying any kind of sub fee/entry fee for BR, no matter how much they might improve it. Too many other games you can play that for free in, why pay money for pure pvp in a subpar pvp engine? It's fun every once in a while to mess around in, especially considering the state the base game is in, but a main attraction it is not.
its not for me, but it is for alot. Some people play just BR.

Like i said easy fucking solution is make it all free, but only subs get items. It fixes everything especially how people love playing dress up barbie with their characters.


> Than U
9 BR's tonight 8 of them 6-11th. 1 100th, damn guy popped out from behind a tree and gave me a heart attack then shot me to ensure I was dead.
Can't seem to close the deal. Maybe I am just getting to old for twitch pvp.