Health Care Thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I didn't move and they can't even tell me where they sent it. I still get Cobra enrollment letters and they keep pushing the enrollment date back ever new one they send. However if they aren't going to cover what I had done during the gap what's the point of paying $2800 for 2 months of basically nothing to go forward so I can pay $2800 for the next month if I can find insurance elsewhere now.
Definitely find an exchange plan - unless you're making $90k+ you'll no doubt get subsidized even if the initial rate is similar. (And it's probably much less of a base rate) COBRA doesn't apply to the ACA rules at all, so has no subsidy or any other assistance.

And if you didn't move and they goofed, you've probably got a suit against the health plan administrator then from my read.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm going to look into it tomorrow, that's on the agenda. I won't get a subsidy, I know that and that's fine with me.

Grrr ever get to the point of so long without sleep you can't shut it down to get to sleep.

I really would want to avoid a suit. I don't want the company to get involved since they initiated the deal with the cobra contractor and I'm not sure who screwed up. I've done contract work for them for 20+ years. My dad retired from there and still does contract work and they don't have a HR person, just a girl in the office that sends the info out to the payroll people and the insurance contractor etc.... I mean I'll bring it up and say my peace. But for $20k+ in expenses it would be cutting off my nose to spite my face. That company basically has accounted for 75% of my money over the last 20 years, and going back even further when I lived at home it accounted for 50% of my dads money and he was allowed to work at home, provided a company truck to drive into work on Friday to pick up a check and allowed to work on the side when not busy.

I mean I'll say my peace and I'm not happy, but I have to look at the big picture here. Not only could I screw myself out of a really large percentage of my income but also screw my dad out of his semi retirement as well. I started Jan 1. and got a bonus May 1st that would put me over the subsidy level alone after only 5 months. I gotta think big picture while trying to get my point across.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Isnt it great when 99% of all medical choices effecting you arent made by you? And people wonder why we have a fucked up healthcare system.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Choices have expanded slightly with theACA. But short of removing health care law and liability which would have some serious ramifications it's not getting much more under people's control assuming affordability is a concern. (if price is no object, your ideal has been met before and after ACA both)


Musty Nester
Isnt it great when 99% of all medical choices effecting you arent made by you? And people wonder why we have a fucked up healthcare system.
Part of that is also how specific the knowledge has become.

If I ever had to have dialysis and the doctor asked for my opinion on the matter... I'd kinda expect to be dead within the week. I mean I know what you're saying, but some choices are better left in the hands of others. That's the root of calling some occupations "professional" occupations. They are paid to profess their knowledge and opinion as much as anything else they do.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Part of that is also how specific the knowledge has become.

If I ever had to have dialysis and the doctor asked for my opinion on the matter... I'd kinda expect to be dead within the week. I mean I know what you're saying, but some choices are better left in the hands of others. That's the root of calling some occupations "professional" occupations. They are paid to profess their knowledge and opinion as much as anything else they do.
Its not about whether or not how often you decide youre gonna have your blood cleaned, its about being able to decide who does it or were they do it. Imagine if your car insurance was managed by your employer, how horrible would your service be?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Great neither the website or the represenative on the phone could positively ID me or my income. So they pretty much said "ummm I don't know what to do".

When I told them I didn't qualify for a subsidy let's move on that blew their mind, they literally didn't know what to do if they couldn't prove I didn't qualifty for a subsidy. What a novel concept, actually paying for your own shit. Even when I offered my tax return info she said she had no place to enter that other than what I made weekly now, and I don't have income right now this week.

What a cluster fuck. When you log on to apply for coverage it has a giant notice if you stop and come back to finish your application it won't restart and you may have to see someone in person if you close the window/restart or the computer restarts.

Your current wait time for a represenative is "incalculable" is exactly what it keeps saying.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Sorry dude, sounds like you've got a big shit sandwhich on your plate. Obamacare is fucked, no doubt about it, the extra layer of bureaucracy it's created is not helpful at all, but it sounds like it was less than ideal before Obamacare too, getting forced into a high risk pool with a bunch of geriatrics. If we are going to go after the .gov with torches and pitchforks, we should also go after these fucking private insurance companies as well.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Well I finally got someone, she be like trying to work hard and lucnh is coming up. When I asked for someone that knew how to speak proper english she hung on me.


Bronze Baron of the Realm

Sorry, there's a problem with our system

Please log out, then try again. If you continue to get this message, call the Marketplace Call Center 1-800-318-2596. TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325. You'll need the Application ID shown below.

Application ID: XXXXXXXX(removed)

2014-07-28 11:39:30


Just find a broker in your area that does it. Not sure about other states, but in CA you can do a search by radius from a zip code or address and find a broker. Doesn't cost you anything more than doing it on your own and they can run you through it in 10 minutes. You'll probably need to go in to their office though.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Isn't he in TX where the politicians have done everything in their power to ensure that Obummercare is a steaming pile of shit? He'll prolly have to drive to S. Dallas or some other similar 'urban blight' to find a brick and mortar that handles ACA stuff.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Isn't he in TX where the politicians have done everything in their power to ensure that Obummercare is a steaming pile of shit? He'll prolly have to drive to S. Dallas or some other similar 'urban blight' to find a brick and mortar that handles ACA stuff.

So far with 3 people at the ACA who are "specialist" the answer has ended "We don't know what to do next, have a nice day".

They literally can't go any further when they find out you don't qualify for a subsidy and can't prove income even with supplied information.


It's worth it to just set aside and hour and get it done right. A broker is gonna know what to do because they have a vested interest in understanding the system; getting paid. Other option is just to do a provider network search on Blue Shield or Anthem's sites, and just go directly through them rather than or whatever the site is in your state. In California the first or second page of the ACA app asks if you want help paying for healthcare. If you click "no" it doesn't even ask you for any income information, and it's as simple as entering in your name/address/SS/DOB, answering a couple qualifying questions, and picking your plan.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
It's worth it to just set aside and hour and get it done right. A broker is gonna know what to do because they have a vested interest in understanding the system; getting paid. Other option is just to do a provider network search on Blue Shield or Anthem's sites, and just go directly through them rather than or whatever the site is in your state. In California the first or second page of the ACA app asks if you want help paying for healthcare. If you click "no" it doesn't even ask you for any income information, and it's as simple as entering in your name/address/SS/DOB, answering a couple qualifying questions, and picking your plan.
I'm trying but I can't find one. The only thing I have found so far or had recomended from the healthcare site or off the phone is 6 hours away.

The last genius I talked to asked "why you be calling now enrollment be closed" even tho the previous genius said I would qualify for enrollment.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Gee I wonder why no one can help you.
One of the upstanding "citizens" I got literally could not speak english. I didn't even know what language it was, it wasn't spanish.

I don't know how you people deal with this shit. I never have to deal with these types of people. I deal with people that get shit done and that's the most part of their job, getting done.

I'm not going to sit here for fucking 30 minutes on the phone talking to someone I would let check out my candy bar at the fucking quickie mart.

I'm trying to get in touch with an honest to god insurance company now and see what I can do. I really don't want a subsidy and that's all they want to talk about on the phone. You can't get any info on how to actually complete the application without the word "subsidy" coming up 45 times and then when you push them they can't access my partially completed application because when it automatically logged me off after 10 minutes during my 20 minute wait to get thru to someone it locks them out apparently and I was told that's why it says you must complete your application in one sitting or you're fucked.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Starting to sound like he's already made up his mind that the ACA is a piece of shit and he's only going to pursue the avenues that confirm that it is indeed, a piece of shit. Multiple people ITT have suggested going straight to a broker or one of the big insurance companies but he continues to sit on the phone/website for the .gov talking to trained chimps.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Starting to sound like he's already made up his mind that the ACA is a piece of shit and he's only going to pursue the avenues that confirm that it is indeed, a piece of shit. Multiple people ITT have suggested going straight to a broker or one of the big insurance companies but he continues to sit on the phone/website for the .gov talking to trained chimps.
How can I determine if it's a piece of shit when they they just flat say "We don't know how to finish your application and we are now locked out of my application". Period. End of story.

I've been working on this for approximatley 3 hours and nobody has said "We can finish the application" or told me how to finish it online because I'm locked out and they are locked out. Apparently if you sit on one page for 10 minutes while waiting to talk to them on the phone it times out and then they can't do anything with it.

It's not like I don't like the answer I was given, I haven't gotten an answer yet. Period. They don't even have any recommendations on how to fix it or whatever.

When I asked to speak to a supervisor I was told they don't have supervisors. I thought they might could refer me to the person to unlock my application. When I ask what should I do now every one of them has said "I don't know" and then they just stop talking and after a minute you think they are looking something up and you say "Hello?" they say Oh yeah I don't know what to do.