Health Problems


Just a Nurse
Did they give you Doxycycline for the potential cellulitis? For that matter...did they actually culture it? Lol. I'm liking your O2 sats.


> Than U
No the initial shots were Dexamethasone, Rocephin and something else then all the pill stuff.
Friday the swelling in my leg had all but vanished and returned to normal. I worked pretty standard days thurs/friday laying tile and such so not just relaxed work.
All weekend I started having issues again and now my leg is swollen as is my arms somewhat now.
I can't remember what happened last night while I was sleeping but I remember getting up and running into Shelly's room in case I blacked out before I could call 911. I did this twice but never woke her up and I just remember doing it and not really the why I felt needed at the time.
I think I was having chest pain and other stuff, I just don't really know.

I noticed after shower last night another odd thing, my skin feels much more leathery and I have a TON of elevated pores on my face, not like pimples just small bumps. Also I can wash my face and in 5 minutes literally see and feel oil again on the pores. Always had oily skin, but never as extreme as it's been the past month.


Musty Nester
You've got to see someone about it. Go to the ER, to a clinic, have your normal GP make some inquiries and find you a specialist. They can always give you steroids to bring the swelling down but that's a short term treatment, not a solution.

Better to do it before you stroke out.

The bumps are probably where your skin is stretching. Basically you're getting goosebumps. The oil is probably where you're laboring to shed water. You feel it on your face, but I bet you it's your entire body. It sounds vascular. But again, I really do not know. What I do know is that you really do need to find someone who does. Cause what you're describing is serious.


> Than U
These will be large, this is comparison to one to the other, it is actually NOT as swollen as this morning and still like this. Also left ear is feeling odd again like last week.
The bumps are on my face where I haven't seen swelling so it isn't from stretching, it's like the pores are infected or something. Think pimples without a head or that large like a 1/4 pea. just goose bump like bumps.
Other than pain in both feet today I did ok. I put in cherry cabinets and mostly did table saw/miter saw work. Same planned tomorrow.

Spoilered these 2 images below due to screen size.
The 2nd one is the back of my GOOD leg which has now turned super dark purple.
The angle makes my legs at the knees look massive but as seen in the last picture years ago I always had massive leg muscles , it's just the angle. Look at the ankles.


> Than U
Do you think it's a spider bite? That or staph was my uneducated guess when I saw that picture.
Staph was a given due to recent and past issues with it ( mentioned earlier in thread ) and turns out when she said cellulitis is what that is.
Lupus she said initially but on 14th I am being tested for various things 1 is rheumatoid arthritis as I have all the classic signs and have a long time, which also causes auto immune.

Basically for about 5 years when I am on my feet all day and sit down for about 5 minutes and get up I am almost crippled for about 2 minutes when I walk again then it goes away and I'm fine.
I always blew it off as getting older and just past stuff like roofing. Turns out that is a thing and it's a bad thing but they got a test for it.

I did get some good news today however. I been doing some part time work for years for a restoration company between my own jobs and by part time I mean only when I didn't have my own jobs lined out. They only paid my $15 a hour and the owner asked why I only work about a week a month for them and I said the money. He bumped me to $25 a hour if I committed to working as full time as I can but allowing me my own hours/jobs if I gave notice/finished job I was currently on first.
That'll allow me to make decent money without all the advertising hassle and I can pick my own personal work much easier now so I don't have to take those crappy jobs just to keep afloat.
On the bad side it's going to push me into a higher than median income for my area by almost 200% and make it harder to get the insurance and stuff I am working to get on.


Musty Nester
That's good, you have a diagnosis. And that's actually... well, it's obviously not great news or anything... but it also coulda been worse news.


Just a Nurse
Totally doesn't sound like RA to me. Doesn't look like a spider bite either, because of the scaliness on the good leg. Post a picture of your face, plzs0rs. My husband's a dermatologist so I will forward the shit to him and PM you if you don't want the stuff discussed. You mentioned they put you on Lasix, yah? Are you still edematous?


> Than U
Probably even more so now than before. I'm starting to see puffiness in arms face and waist. Although nothing like what was in my right leg.
Not sure if it is due to much warmer weather near 90s this week or steroids gone out of system now and inflammation are water are gaining.
I'll see if I can get a picture later, you've seen my camera shots, it is crap and these little bumps are hard to see. They are skin colored, not inflamed bumps.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You didnt get higher dose steroids and then instantly dropped daily intake to 0 when they sent you home?
Cause symptomps your describing awfully make it sound like that. You are supposed to slowly reduce dosis of steroids to 0 in about a week timeframe.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
You didnt get higher dose steroids and then instantly dropped daily intake to 0 when they sent you home?
Cause symptomps your describing awfully make it sound like that. You are supposed to slowly reduce dosis of steroids to 0 in about a week timeframe.
I did 5 days of 1000mg infusion of steroids and no taper. What happens is your adrenal glands stop function for a period then resume. It was a pretty bad downer for a bit. For the first 2 weeks it was the best 2 weeks of my life. Then 2 weeks of couldn't move and laid in bed.


> Than U
Ya I had a shot then took several once a day steroids 4mg each. That is all I was given on that front and it was bad enough. Steroids fuck you up both how you feel and body.

No mention of low salt stuff Kuriin, that is just something I am doing myself after researching online.
My next appointment is the 14th, sure that is when I'll get the salt speech.

Noticed today my left leg now has the main artery swelled under the skin. I can follow it from the knee to the ankle like a ink pen is under my skin. Big hard tube.


Just a Nurse
Bro you need to start posting pictures. That could just be a severe varicosity. =P

I can't provide any information to my hubby since it's a little hard to understand you. Just need pictures, haha. =P


> Than U
I posted pictures above, but like I said it's hard to see the legs let alone fine details with this camera on this phone I got.
No changes today other than top of left foot has begun to swell to match it's right handed friend.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
And butthole. Don't forget the butthole. Give J49 a buzz. Wolf can help you get cleaned up before pics are taken.