Health Problems

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I need some ReRolled couch doctoring my bros. About 2 weeks ago I had what I think was a bout of food poisoning. I woke up around 2 am and started vomitting uncontrollably. Every 15 minutes I was at the toilet puking until nothing was left in my stomach and I was dry heaving. This lasted about 4 hours. 2 days later I developed canker sores all over my mouth and still have them. I've felt groggy and out of sorts ever since the vomit attack and have been very run down and tired. About 4 days ago I started to feel severe nausea every time I eat something. Doesn't matter what it is, I get nauseous about 20 minutes after eating.

I've been to the doctor twice. The first time they did a flu swab which came back negative and gave me lidocaine and said "nobody knows why canker sores appear, just take this to relieve the pain and rest". The second time was more of the same. I feel like they are completely ignoring the other symptoms and just chalking it up to after effects of food poisoning.

I'm going to a different doctor tomorrow afternoon but until then I would like RR to tell me how close I am to dying and how severe this disorder I have contracted is.
Do you have any stomach pain? That sounds like one of my diverticulitis attacks, except I get bad lower abdominal pains and no canker sores.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You need some more fiber brudda. (and water)
Water I definitely agree with-- I drink way too much diet soda and coffee. However fiber only seemed to make things worse for me. Citrucel was about the only fiber type I could take that didn't make things worse. After a year's worth of experimentation, I've found eliminating bread, dairy, and sugar to be the most beneficial. All those things "gum" me up.


Just a Nurse
Yeah, you definitely don't want shit getting stuck in the holes that diverticulosis causes. I recommend drinking psyllium fiber as it is the only safe long-term laxative that will also decrease cholesterol. You just have to drink plenty of water because fiber without water = bulks and will cause constipation.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah, you definitely don't want shit getting stuck in the holes that diverticulosis causes. I recommend drinking psyllium fiber as it is the only safe long-term laxative that will also decrease cholesterol. You just have to drink plenty of water because fiber without water = bulks and will cause constipation.
Yeah, it's pretty tough because there definitely is no magic bullet I've identified that staves off attacks. Even correlating attacks to specific food types is difficult, as it doesn't seem to be so much what you ate the night before, but what you ate earlier in the week. But yes, basically constipation is the worse catalyst, but so is anything that causes large caliper stools which unfortunately includes fiber. I can actually feel (its fucking creepy) those large fiber stools rubbing up against the "injury" (it feels like little electric shocks shooting through my pelvis). The key has been maintaining regularity while simultaneously keeping the turds "thin", and eliminating complex carbs has been most successful in that respect. Drinking water has definitely been a problem for me though, as I just don't like the taste of water unless I'm dying of thirst lol.


<Prior Amod>
I helped a friend on this "not liking water" issue. Something, something they can't drink diet soda no more, doctors orders, only water/juices. So i got her hooked on carbonated water. It sounds dumb, but just drinking it enough, it feels like you're just drinking bland soda. I mean wtf, it worked for her, i knew it would work cuz i had another friend who did this herself and just always got seltzer water... this girl used to be a Coke purist. How so? she'd order it w/o ice, she couldn't stand her Coke being diluted, then of course doctor said, you're dying! too much sugar, so she did the seltzer water.

I got her this SodaStream Fountain Jet Home Soda Maker Starter Kit, Black and Silver: Kitchen Dining

the soda stream, you've probably seen it, puts Co2 into water, then pour on syrup and you get ghetto coke or ghetto dr pepper.

It is super easy to use (i have one too) you just pop in the bottle, slap the button down, take it off then pour in syrup, only for you, don't pour in syrup, just drink it with co2. I'm saying this only b/c it because VERY expensive for my friend buying lots of seltzer bottles (cuz selzter doesn't go on sale really, i mean who drinks it for fun).

Just use filtered water(or you like the taste of municipal/well water) and you're good to go.

Also, each can is like 60L worth of water, each refill is 30bucks, however you can bring you're used up co2 canister to walmart,BBB,staples (and probably other stores just check the website) and trade it in for 15bucks filled. (there are other hacks where ppl get a scuba tank and shit, but whatever)

the bottles for this machine also have like a silicone thing in the cap, so your sodas keep their fizz in, once you recap of course. It's worked for 2 ppl i know, try it out.


Just a Nurse
Yeah, that soda shit is an amazing way to become diabetic. SodaStream is a great "e-cig" alternative to actual syrupy sodas. I actually don't understand the flak of water. Stuff tastes good, especially after a long hike. Haha.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah, that soda shit is an amazing way to become diabetic. SodaStream is a great "e-cig" alternative to actual syrupy sodas. I actually don't understand the flak of water. Stuff tastes good, especially after a long hike. Haha.
Probably may explain why I got a 5.8 Hemoglobin (A1c?) test result last week when I went to the doc. I'm still waiting on a follow up call to discuss it.. Keep in mind I only drink diet sodas (Diet Sprite to be specific) so I'm not actually taking in a lot of sugar. I'm also not overweight. Also had a value of 25 on my vitamin D test which indicated a deficiency, which is weird since I drink a lot of almond/Soy milk with my coffee (3 or so lattes per day), which is fortified with vitamin D.

And yes, I've done the Sodastream thing before, now I just buy bottles of club soda because I actually found it more tiring to make soda all the time. I just have to force myself to drink more club soda and less diet sprite.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, that soda shit is an amazing way to become diabetic. SodaStream is a great "e-cig" alternative to actual syrupy sodas. I actually don't understand the flak of water. Stuff tastes good, especially after a long hike. Haha.
Because many people in our society have become conditioned to the point that every single piece of food and drop of liquid they consume has to be absolutely loaded with flavor, whether that be salty, sugary, savory, spicy, whatever. It's fucked. It is physiologically impossible to "not like" plain old water. If people who claimed they didn't like water were forced to stop consuming any other liquid for a week or two, they'd get over it.


A Mod Real Quick
It doesn't matter if you drink diet soda man, that shit tricks your body into thinking you drank sugar and will cause insulin levels to spike.

5.8 is pretty high for a "normal" person, I think I was around 7.0 when I was diagnosed.


Bronze Squire
Mine was 10.1 when I got diagnosed, but two months later I had it down to 7.4

I'm hoping to get below 6.


Musty Nester
Because many people in our society have become conditioned to the point that every single piece of food and drop of liquid they consume has to be absolutely loaded with flavor, whether that be salty, sugary, savory, spicy, whatever. It's fucked. It is physiologically impossible to "not like" plain old water. If people who claimed they didn't like water were forced to stop consuming any other liquid for a week or two, they'd get over it.
Being addicted to two things in life, Tobacco and caffeine in soda form, I can attest that it is indeed just psychological. It wouldn't even take two weeks. It takes about 3-4 days. I purge my addictions occassionaly, mostly to torture myself, in some harebrained effort to pretend like I can control them.

What I personally don't understand is people that will drink really nasty diet soda. Not all diet sodas are nasty. There are quite a few I like. But like Diet Mt. Dew or diet pepsi. Those concoctions are horrible. I don't get it. I would much, much, much prefer to drink water. Or Clam Juice.


Trakanon Raider


Trump's Staff
Well, count me in on the "addicted to soda" camp. When I was a kid I had absolutely terrible allergies. My nose would run to the point where I would have to get up several times a night and chug Gatorade and/or other sugary stuff, because otherwise I'd be seriously dehydrated and suffering from electrolyte imbalances in the morning. I got allergy shots for 7 years and they mostly got rid of the allergy problem, but I still feel like shit if I don't get my sugar water.


Just a Nurse
So you could have an overactive pancreas that produces more insulin than needed, causing hypoglycemia quickly. That condition is called hyperinsulinemia hypoglycemia. I recommend getting your glucose checked in the morning after fasting.


<Bronze Donator>
It doesn't matter if you drink diet soda man, that shit tricks your body into thinking you drank sugar and will cause insulin levels to spike.

5.8 is pretty high for a "normal" person, I think I was around 7.0 when I was diagnosed.
I don't think diet soda with food makes a difference. And how much would a diet soda by itself vs lots of sugar and body weight?


A Mod Real Quick
I'm no doctor on te subject. Maybe diet soda with food is fine but for me it always raised by glucose


Just a Nurse
Gotta remember that any carbohydrate is considered a form of sugar. If it's got carbs in it, it will increase your blood glucose levels. How much is dependent on what you take in.


Trakanon Raider
To me it's never about what it is you are consuming. The biggest issue is moderation. Real Soda, diet soda, Coffee... anything in excess is bad. I love chipotle but I understand eating 3+ lbs of veggies and beef isn't a good thing.