

Mr. Poopybutthole
What is Savjz list? I have a reno warlock that is based around tapping like a madman, tons of healing, and a charge/power overwhelming/faceless finisher.

nm googled it. interesting.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I tried that Reno warlock deck. It's been pretty good so far, 7-1. Reno easily won me 3 games, possibly 4 although I think I would have won that one anyways. I had 2 guys concede the round after I played Reno.

Fun stuff to be sure, totally up my style of fun first
I'm about 6-4 with it at rank 10. Three were all terrible draws where I literally didn't have any card to play until turn 4 and the other was against a druid where he threw the force/roar combo on me before I was able to get enough health to withstand it (Reno wasn't drawn yet). Still, a fun deck to play. I even threw a scarab in there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Here's my reno warlock. Swapped out a scarab for a peddler after I saw Savjz list, but the rest is all me. Wilfred Fizzlebang should probably just be Sylvanas or something, but god damn he sure is fun. Even won a game after a hail mary Wilfred - tap - free twisting nether.

Warlock - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

And here's the control mage (No Reno) I'm working on. Torch gives you so much reach that you can control the board with both spot and mass removal and still have burn to spare as you set up degenerate combos with emp, saraad, and antonidas. Still tuning it but it's definitely ladder viable. I actually named it Wakercontrol because I get flamewakers from scarab so damn often. I literally just opened Rhonin a couple hours ago so I'm trying him out.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I want to put Twisting Nether in Savjz list, it was used against me last night and saved the day for my opponent.

I just lost to a warlock with 2x PO... not sure if it was a reno deck, but seemed like it. He had an egg and argus though, might have just been zoo.


Golden Squire
Reno is definitely breathing life into this game for me but we'll see how long it lasts. At least it doesn't fit too well in warrior FFS. Will be interesting when the decks optimize.

Scarab is a pretty great card that was pretty underrated I think. Always allows you to curve to something that will almost always be at least decent. I keep getting the sisters heh.


Golden Squire
haha the shit you can do with the hat is ridiculous. I just went to fatigue with a hunter who had 4 and I had 1 from cabal. Yes a hunter double fatigue match.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well lost 2 games by being too greedy with Reno...trying to wait one more turn for a high 20's heal only to get killed on my opponent's next turn.


Think I just matched up with Sutekh. He beat me and i tried to add him after but he didn't accept
I think it's the only time on battle.net that someone tried to add after a game and didn't want to flame.


So I cave in....
After playing 140 games this month as Control warrior with a 56% win rate, I decided to switch to secret pal.

27 games played as secret pal and I have a 71% win rate.... Went from rank 11 to 6 in a few hours. No merit in playing this deck though....


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
So I cave in....
After playing 140 games this month as Control warrior with a 56% win rate, I decided to switch to secret pal.

27 games played as secret pal and I have a 71% win rate.... Went from rank 11 to 6 in a few hours. No merit in playing this deck though....
That's my biggest issue with the deck, it's not that it's a strong deck that bothers me so much, but that it requires so little skill to play well. At least with Patron you needed to be skilled, secret paladin plays itself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its honestly not that much better than standard midrange paladin. They could nerf MC and paladin would still be strong as fuck. There's a design space problem, when midrange pally curves out it outvalues everyone. MC is OP for sure though, but just playing on the curve with a normal midrange paladin is only slightly less braindead.

Its just silly to act like its a dishonorable deck or something though. There's not much merit in beating someone down from 30+ in one turn with gay frothings either, its just harder to survive until you can set up the turn. MC plays itself a lot more sure, but an inexperienced player will still make mistakes with it. The bottom line is that with how HS is designed if you want to rank up easily you have to play what the flavor of the moment is, if not then you have to accept your 50's% winrates and know you are being more "pure" playing your control deck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The problem I'm running into with the warlock reno deck is the meta is so fast right now and the deck is top heavy enough that you really get some lousy draws to where the game is practically already over by the time you hit turn 6 and that's even assuming you drew Reno by then. I'm considering making it more 'zoo' like, more lower cost cards. I did try Fizzlebang and it actually won me a game, he's actually a pain in the ass to remove if they don't have any board control.


I think the deck might actually do better in the legend ranks as there seem to be, at least judging from streams, a lot fewer face hunters which is probably one of the worst overall match ups as you are likely to just get run over.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So Reno is on a back burner for now while I win streak like crazy with this zoo list I cobbled together. Dark Peddler gives me a power overwhelming so damned often. Would like to make room for a void terror but no clue what to cut.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm doing a zoo with reno. It makes more sense with the midrange demon zoo shell to me than with the half-handlock stuff like the savij thing. Tap tap tap, cycle through, at about ten health you can reno and keep rolling. And yeah Dark Peddler is solid as fuck for zoo. PO, Soulfire, Flame Imp, Voidwalker, I even blew up half of a Paladin's truesilver with that stupid pirate card that I got from the Peddler.