

Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
While getting my Golden Paladin portrait this week. I have learned that Mid-Range and Control Paladin are basically auto-lose to Entomb Priest. Tempo Mage also does shitty against it. Unfortunate because these are my preferred decks. But aggro of any kind shits all over it. So that's what I'll be playing until the Entomb faggots go away.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Sticking Jaraxxus up the nose of these Control Priests is ultra satisfying.
Yes it is. Lost to a priest for the first time in a while while playing Renolock. He literally had Justicar as his high end threat and used entomb for his others. Of course Jaraxxus was my last card and I did misplay in the end. I hope he sees 40 aggro decks in a row,lol. Playing the 2 thoughtseize, Velens as well. What a cancer.

Edit- very smart deck though. I had several cards that ended up being virtually useless against him but waited too long because of their value against high end threats.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Few things quite as satisfying as greeting a secret paladin who spammed emotes when you gave him a fresh tirion through redemption as you kill him anyway with your second anyfin the next turn.


<Bronze Donator>
This thread is making me want to play Hearthstone again. But doesn't sound like any of you play arena, which is my preferred mode.

Perhaps a more generic question: of recent, has table flipping become less frequent? Or are you just used to it and post about less often?


what Suineg set it to
Arena is fucked. Too many cards have diluted a lot of ad-hoc synergies EXCEPT if you get extremely lucky - those are the decks you win with or lose against most of the time.

Even one of those dev updates admitted they have a problem with the card pool issue.

PVE content is actually pretty good still if you haven't picked recent ones up. Still waiting on some sort of tournament infrastructure or new modes (maybe 2HG style) for fun - unless you want to grind ladder.

I do think they will eventually have to deal with their scale problems and add a better 'limited' format support than Arena but that's not right now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Arena is simply a value/curve game, like it's always been. Need to draft intelligently, can't be greedy. The cheese decks are much less frequent. You hardly see mages with 3+ flamestrikes now. IMO Arena is better since it rewards the drafting phase more often. If you can get a nice curve and you trade intelligently then you can make it far consistently.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
WTF is with Kelthuzad being in so many different decks today, saw him in paladin, warlock, shaman and warrior at least, and more than once, it's like everyone is using him now.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Oh seriously, this is the 3rd time today I lose connection during the wheel spinning and try to reconnect and I get the resuming and nothing happens and I lose the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like arena really exacerbates the Hearthstone design problem of "its almost impossible to come from behind" far more than in constructed. At least in constructed you can build contingencies into your deck or choose a more all-in style. Area just snowballs almost every game. I've rolled people with crappy drafts and had amazing looking drafts that just got eaten alive. I don't know if its just the format or you can really blame some of the card pool issues too. The rarity system is not a kind factor for arena IMO either.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hilarious play just now. Was playing a fairly conservative Elise priest deck, got matched against a super greedy priest. I end up resolving the monkey, but he's running so much high end shit that he manages to hold off the tide of legends, and after playing his THIRD fucking ysera awakens, he has me staring at lethal next turn with him at 2 life.

So I play Sir Finley, get druid hero power, play justicar, swing for lethal.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Chain post inc!!!


In retrospect I wish I had scienced out Jaraxxus to see if Mistcaller made blood fury a 4 power weapon and set his base health to 16.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm really enjoying Arch-Thief Rafaam in my Renolock, games are usually very long and I've been able to play him quite a lot, and he has won me many games with his artifact. I've used all 3 at different times depending on the board.

Lantern of Power: Give a minion 10/10
This has won me the most games, it's useful if you have board control with a few creatures and are almost guaranteed to be able to go face with one of them.

Mirror of Doom: Fill your board with 3/3 zombies
This has also won me a few games, it's very useful if you don't have board control or have just a few creatures. A few classes can easily clear them, but since it's played late in the game. If you know they played their board clear, this is really good.

Time Peice of Horror: Deal 10 damage randomly to all enemies.
Probably the most useless one, the random aspect makes it less reliable than the other two. I think I used only once in a ver specific situation where my opponent had only 2 life left and board control with taunts, and had Lethal on his next turn. All I needed was 2 damage to go face for the win which I got.

Overall, it's almost always useful...and very often end up being lethal the next turn with the Artifacts


Not as hardcore as you all, but haven't seen anyone mention Beast Druid. I threw together a midrange tempo deck over the weekend. Mounted Raptor is great for the early game. Tomb Spider and Jeweled Scarab help you curve out in the mid game. And Wild Walker and Savage Combatant, while not new for LoE, are great for the mid game. As expected though, Control Priest and Warrior took the deck down. But I was able to win against most other match ups: Aggro Hunter, Secret Midrange Pally, and Tempo Mage.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Seriously painful ending against a priest.

Thoughtsteal my Dark Peddler, gets Flash Heal from it, plays Aurechnai Soulpriest, and then Flash Heal my face for 5 for exact lethal and wins the game.

I had lethal if I survived.


Poet Warrior
So is there a new patch that makes it so that every single Shaman playing the game always has two Tunnel Troggs and a Feral Spirit in his opening hand? Fucking fuck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Seems like every warlock I play has turn 1 chow turn 2 peddler, while not the worst opening to face up against, its amazing so many of those are reno warlocks, they have one copy of both those cards in their deck and they always seem to have them in their opening hand.


Molten Core Raider
My shaman hands 9/10 games is lava shock, doomhammer, lava burst. If i am lucky i get a leper gnome that gets removed.